may have been me? I updated my post. when installing, instructions are still in Chinese,and no English selection. so I either messed it up as ive never done it before,or it didn't work or maybe need to install it then change it to English if possible. sorry for the confusion.
ya, I saw that also and figured id give it a try. he never posted back if he got it installed.maybe he fried his computer.ha.
So wzor langguge pack must to move to C:\Windows\WinSxS So 8297 files need to renamed from 10.0.10154.0 to 10.0.10151.0 example: wzor orginal: amd64_3ware.inf.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.10154.0_en-us_ca9aaee1a073b361 renamed: amd64_3ware.inf.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.10151.0_en-us_ca9aaee1a073b361 Is there some easy way?
Anybody noticed Gabe Aul been really silent. Probably laughing Watching us struggling with this build
THE RAIN, the reason I told you not to reserve copy of Win 10 with that KB, is if you download from here, install first, verify it, then do clean install, make backup copies and install all your programs, which I would not do until Final comes out in a couple of months, what would happen if you reserved a copy, it downloaded and on 29th of Jul installed itself, something to think about, if your going to get RTM here, I would not reserve copy, or your computer may start smoking.
Okay sorry was trying to figure something out...with the extracting and removing zn-ch folders...there are 3 more that need to be removed. Right now I have a win system that is half english and half chinese. The entire install is in English, but once in windows parts are English and parts are Chinese.
just finished installing it. only could cause i remembered where to click on as it was in Chinese. most of it is still Chinese, though some is English. trying to see if I can find the option to change language to English to see if it will change everything.
yeah i have install lang en-us but sh1t they don't change it in full english and i download the whole lang size 108MB..
yes that's right, but im not confident that I did it right as never tried anything like that before. so you may still want to try yourself just to be sure?
I have never tried to change localization and all that stuff...and of course the places I need to go are in chinese...but I did learn the symbol for United States in Chinese.