Thanks for the explanations. If my understandings of how the "codecs" are enabled, @Graznok has mentioned that the in Windows10, a %SystemRoot%\System32\CompPkgSup.dll file has a function AreDvdCodecsEnabled() which tells the codecs to work or not when called from msmpeg2vdec.dll. (and gave the patch details as well) But if we take the MediaPack from Windows 8.1 and put that on Windows 10, does the Windows 8.1 msmpeg2vdec.dll call the same AreDvdCodecsEnabled() function? I think not, as according to Microsoft when you google that function, its min OS support is Windows 10. The msmpeg2vdec.dll from Windows 8.1 has its own function to check if the Windows Media Center SKU/Installed etc to activate the codecs. So if we move that from Windows 8.1 MediaFeaturePack, that will try and check on 10 and fail? And we want to move this to replicate the same MediaFoundation/etc that Windows 8.1 has on Windows 10 so we can hope that PlayReady will then allow the content to play and not report System Files Modified. Yes?
The codecs working or not doesn't depends on WMC SKU policy, but on their own policy. That policy is set to 1 WMC and on on WHS (because its integration with MCE) but is set to 0 on W10 (I wrote that policy, but there are more than one, for codecs, decoders, audio, video and so on). Graznok has already patched the relevant files (w/o doing this you can't even see the Live TV menus on WMC). Now, I think, Graznok is checking for additional checks on other parts of the system to get rid of the DVDplayer requirement.
I'm a newbie and I'm very new to this forum. I have made a few posts but can't really get the help I need as this thread is primarily covering getting Windows Media Center working in Windows 10. I have accomplished that as I had previously stated but can't get Windows Media Center to wake for schedule recordings. I had learned that some of the problems I was having was due to my edition being Windows 10 home edition. Would it be wise to have a new thread for people like myself who can watch TV and have a working guide but can't get WMC to wake for schedule recordings or maybe someone could PM me and walk me through it. The work arounds that I know have been discussed for my problem can't be implemented as I understand them.
We replied a number of times to you, in turn, asking about your problem. In short you have to add the network service to the administrator group. It's still not clear if you did that or not.
That is my problem. I haven't found a way to accomplish that. So far the instructions that have been supplied do not work. I am more than willing to try anything and I appreciate your assistance as well as others who may have contributed.
I'm not fully following you. So let's say for instance, I want to install our standalone WMC onto Windows 8.1. If I do this, right now I know MPEG2 codecs don't work. I tried that... How do I get codecs to work on Windows 8.1?
I believe the command line that was suggested to me was "net localgroup "administrators" "Network Service" /add" Please let me know if that is correct.
I just tried it again and it the command was completed successfully. I will try to schedule a recording and see what happens. Thanks. I will let you know if it works.
For the record I did a simple string serach on the whole win directory. The files where AreDvdCodecsEnabled() is present are: CompPkgSup.dll DolbyDecMFT.dll iertutil.dll KernelBase.dll MSAC3ENC.DLL MSAudDecMFT.dll msmpeg2adec.dll MSMPEG2ENC.DLL msmpeg2vdec.dll I haven't tested to patch CompPkgSup.dll, yet because here I don't have a build 240 availble.
I have really been enjoying watching recorded TV once again. Thanks to everyone who has helped with this project. I have searched this thread and cannot find any help with a problem I'm having. WMC works perfectly when running on the 1st User Account used to setup Win10 (and used to install WMC), but if I open it in the 2nd User Account (which is also an admin account), GUI opens & I can select shows to record; basically do everything except one thing: Playback. I get a files needed to display video are not installed or are not working correctly. I guess this means WMC can't find the codecs, maybe? Anyone have a suggestion to fix this? Many thanks in advance!
Set up a schedule recording and it appears to have worked. Thanks to everyone for their input and patience also!
Windows 10 Media Center and getting XBOX 360 to connect as a extender Upgraded from Windows 8.1 Pro to Windows 10 and installed Media Center and everything is working great.... Thanks to all... I can not get my Xbox 360 to connect with my W10 MCE, I can go through all the steps on my PC and the last step were it tries to connect and eventually times out and states "failed to connect"... Any suggestions? Firewall issue? If this has been posted on a earlier post....sorry could find it... Help... Thanks