Did you give the network service to the administrators group? Maybe your problem is just matter of permissions. Try also to launch wmc as administrator
In my opinion if you talk about Emby and want to use that I assume you want to use all the benefits of it ? Way botter whit ISO ? I see so many people that want to use ISO, but way ? If you just unpack your ISO-files you also have the ability to integrate the movies whit Emby whit all the benefits like Cover, Backdrop, Disk, and so on……… something that is not possible whit ISO (in Emby that is) You know that a unpacked ISO is not any bigger than the ISO itself ? Way struggle with TMT if you can do so much better than that ?
Thanks for all the work! My install on Windows 10 is actually working better than my old windows 7 machine. The guide works better
I agree. I use Emby for everything. Except Live TV,Pictures, and music. I am living in the past with those uses.
Graznok,i am very interested in this, and also was years back when a group of people tried this, they had some success, but never released it, because of breaking DRM and afraid of legal stuff. I still have extenders here, if you really interested to bring a software extender to the Desktop, i will send you one of my extenders. If that door will open , that would be absolutely awesome. PM me. DanB #
So I had a couple of my systems update to the latest 10586 build and what do you know, it uninstalled WMC again during the update. All that work down the drain. Working at reinstalling it again, but now my two main viewing/recording systems are downloading the 10586 update. Short of delaying the update, which it eventually will do on its own, is there a way around jumping through all the reinstall hoops and fixes again?
I install (Deployment Tools) from Windows ADK for Windows 10 But still same error Error : Processing 1 of 1 - Adding package Microsoft-Windows-MediaCenter-Package~31bf3856ad364 e35~amd64~~6.3.9600.16384 [==========================100.0%==========================] An error occurred - Microsoft-Windows-MediaCenter-Package Error: 0x800f0922 Error: 0x800f0922 DISM failed. No operation was performed. For more information, review the log file. The DISM log file can be found at C:\WINDOWS\Logs\DISM\dism.log Installing package failed, reverting... Offline uninstallation is required before you can install the pack online again
Hi Just upgraded my 8.1 mc to latest 10, installed WindowsMediaCenter_6.3.9600.16384_x64_v9.7z, starting just fine, see all channels, ive use dvblink as tuner(s). but there are problem with live tv, when i select any channel - its selected, but not showing - just rotating circle cursorendless. mc ui responsible it that time, i.e i can return to main menu, also as i see from dvblink status page - its streaming channel to mediacenter. didnt read whole thread, may be its common problem, but cant find same but on last 30 pages Can someone help? didnt want return to 8.1, kodi is working - but i cant use it after wmc
i have the same exact problem... tuners fine... guide fine... video plays in plex fine... but no video in wmc app...before windows upgraded me everything worked great... using WindowsMediaCenter_6.3.9600.16384_x64_v9.7z and thank you for getting wmc up and running in windows 10
Same here on v9. The tuner is streaming though as can see the 12-14Mbps on the Ethernet interface on the PC. I'll re-test on v8 to verify on the most current Windows 10 build that WMC is working. That way we will have an idea of if this is a v8 vs v9 issue or a Windows 10 update issue.
So what do you mean exactly ? Is this on a Windows 10 machine with the ported MediaCenter from this threat already installed ? Is it possible to download this latest 10586 build somewhere separated from windows update first so we can test this ?
Are all who're have issues with v9 are only build 10586? maybe because i used CompPkgSup.dll from build 10240 i actually forgot that it's build specefic in that case i shall remove it
I just this morning upgraded to Windows 10 build 10586.11 (from Windows 8.1), and installed the latest v9 of WMC...also experiencing the same "blue circle of death" when I go to launch any channels. Everything else seems to be working good though. And I know my tuner (HDHomeRun Prime) is working since I can tune to channels using the HDHomeRun viewer just fine.
I think I'm having the same problem as the immediately previous posters, but I don't have the endless loading circles. If I click on "Live TV" nothing happens. If I click on a wtv file, nothing happens. If I click on a channel in the guide, nothing happens. I just installed Win 10 yesterday. The OS build is 10586.11 I installed WindowsMediaCenter_6.3.9600.16384 x64. The install and setup went very smoothly, but NOTHING plays.
You can get the files here: microsoft.com en-us software-download windows10 (The message board won't let me post a proper link, but that should get you there).