Tuner is listed, add channel is grayed out. I can't post a screen shot. But the only thing that looks out of place is the Type description looks like hex rather than something like ATSC which is listed for the 2250. I'm going to see if I can find and older driver, the latest drivers may be the issue?
That is good news then, the driver is working. Click on Colossus to turn it blue, then click Add Channel and yours should open up a new box like the picture. Next is the monotonous part..... I don't know how to grab all the channels from Direct TV Lineup and assign them to Colossus listed in tuners. You will have to play with that or google it, But I do know you can add them one by one.
For screenshot, hit PrintScreen on the keyboard, then open Paint/Paste/save as a jpg. You can also use Snipping Tool for a more precise shot. To post the screenshot, reply to post, go advanced/manage attachments/add/browse/upload/done I'm sure someone around here is up to the hex challenge.
I'm not sure your getting a really, really, really, important detail. I said really three times because it's very important. The Add Channel button is grayed out. I fully understand that you have to highlight the tuner to select it. It works for my other tuner, it does not work for the Colossus. Repeating for emphasis. With the colossus highlighted, Add Channel is GRAYED OUT. There is nothing to click, the option is not available. Click on it all day, it will not spawn the menu to add channels. You get nothing, nodda, zip. It is not working.
Oh, I totally misunderstood that. Thanks for the clarification. Mind if I use that one? .....Do I have to tell you 3 times.....
I get the "Configuration error" trying to add the Xbox 360 as an extender, with version 11 correct installed. I have also tried with the firewall closed. Is the router the problem, any action needed to open any ports there as well?
It did not help to open the ports given by Xbox 360 manual for Xbox Live i.e. : •Port 88 (UDP) •Port 3074 (UDP och TCP) •Port 53 (UDP och TCP) •Port 80 (TCP) Everything works nice until I make the configuration for the extender - I get the error and process stops after having given the XXXX-XXXX code.
I don't know if this idea will do anything, but have you tried to connect through the xbox app in W10?
I've got a similar issue. I installed and opened it immediately without problems. Nonetheless, after some time it ceased to open again. Whenever I uninstalled using unistaller.cmd it worked again for a short time and stopped. Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong. I've got Windows Version 10.0 Build 10240. Thanks in advance for your help.
It's hard to say what you're doing wrong until we know what you did. To begin with what version of WMC have you installed?
This is the version I installed: WindowsMediaCenter_6.3.9600.16384_x64_v11.7z. I only followed the install instruction, and as I said, it actually installed without problems. Except that it refuses to open after some hours. When I uninstall and install again, the same issue continues. It opens immediately after installation and refuses to open again after a while. I didn't do anything else.
That's exactly what I did but it works only for a short time and stops. I forgot to mention that I used MS toolkit 2.6 Beta to activate my Windows Version 10.0 Build 10240. Not sure whether it has anything to do with wmc working only for a short time.
You can also open Device Manager, right click the top entry in the list, add legacy hardware, select Windows Media Extender. If it works for you your extender will appear in Software Devices with an IP. In my case I am working with a Ceton Echo Extender Mine is not working yet, but it "feels" close
Would it be helpful to provide a copy of a working MCX account from Win7? I have tried everything I know, and a bunch of stuff I didn't know, trying to get a Ceton Echo to work with WMCv11. Working Win7 on the left side of screencap.