Your program for win 10 64 bit has taken over my cd and has changed permissions in my admin account. Im not freakin amused! How do i get them back. there doesnt seeem to be a way to uninstall the program to get them back
Well, this is beyond my skills...but I appreciate that someone really dived into the details and tried to figure out why the 360 create such problems. No quick fix around the corner as I see it, need to wait for you clever guys to solve it or I have to go and get a Xbox One instead, the 360 is still interesting for the second hand market.
meluvalli was working with an older version of WMC, I think WMC is ready to go. This v11 is perfect as far as I am concerned. The problem with extenders is Win10.
Since installing WMC into Windows 10 the green button on WinTV remote that used to start WMC no longer works. Minor, but it means I have to keep a mouse handy. Any suggestions please?
It's a problem I got also on Win 8.1 MCE. I had to push twice in order to start MCE from remote. The same happens now on Win 10 MCE v.11 x64. It's not a big deal, just keep pushing the button (in my experience at least it works).
I have to disagree with that assertion. All of the issues getting WMC working in Windows 10 have been Windows 10 issues. Extenders are a core feature of Windows Media Center, so no version that doesn't address Extender support can be considered "perfect." A lot of people on this thread cherry picked the features that were important to them (encrypted channels being a big one) and... neglected some of the others (Extenders mainly). Personally, I don't blame them for that, honestly, in the same position, I'd do the same thing, but Extenders are a huge stopping block for me (and I'm 100% OTA, so I couldn't care less about encrypted channels), so throwing around words like "perfect" is very troubling since it usually means people will stop trying. I'm not trying to be whiny or anything, I really do appreciate the months of work people have poured into this project and I've enjoyed reading through the posts every few hours and watching all the progress. I'm just disappointed that, after all this, I'm still not going to be able to use WMC in Windows 10. Kodi, Emby, and MediaPortal are no where near the simple, turn-key system that WMC is and once they're set up, they still aren't as straight forward and easy to use. Oh well, rant over, carry on, I'll gladly take what is given and do truly appreciate all that's been done. Thank you!
Looks like my "perfect" statement needs some clarification. During the extender setup process, the communication between the extender and WMC appears to be working "perfectly". I am just assuming this next part, but in my opinion, whatever WMC is requesting from the O/S is being refused. Since the title of this thread is "Patch WMC to run on Windows 10", I feel that mission has been accomplished. Perhaps we need a new thread titled "Patch Windows 10 to allow WMC to complete the Extender Setup Process".... Code: Version=1 EventType=APPCRASH EventTime=130954796693434346 ReportType=2 Consent=1 UploadTime=130954796707214836 ReportIdentifier=d828da3e-aaa4-11e5-bac4-180373a4f0b5 IntegratorReportIdentifier=c872388f-221e-43bd-95f1-f312a6c7a216 NsAppName=Mcx2Prov.exe Response.BucketId=30230de74e246d4ce6bad890778d0746 Response.BucketTable=4 Response.LegacyBucketId=120354182623 Response.type=4 Sig[0].Name=Application Name Sig[0].Value=Mcx2Prov.exe Sig[1].Name=Application Version Sig[1].Value=6.3.9600.16384 Sig[2].Name=Application Timestamp Sig[2].Value=5215e514 Sig[3].Name=Fault Module Name Sig[3].Value=FunDisc.dll Sig[4].Name=Fault Module Version Sig[4].Value=10.0.10586.0 Sig[5].Name=Fault Module Timestamp Sig[5].Value=5632d71d Sig[6].Name=Exception Code Sig[6].Value=c0000005 Sig[7].Name=Exception Offset Sig[7].Value=0000000000002be1 DynamicSig[1].Name=OS Version DynamicSig[1].Value=10.0.10586. DynamicSig[2].Name=Locale ID DynamicSig[2].Value=1033 DynamicSig[22].Name=Additional Information 1 DynamicSig[22].Value=89a2 DynamicSig[23].Name=Additional Information 2 DynamicSig[23].Value=89a2f61727971460908cf4ad1fa804b5 DynamicSig[24].Name=Additional Information 3 DynamicSig[24].Value=132c DynamicSig[25].Name=Additional Information 4 DynamicSig[25].Value=132c8cabaf22c8daea32b41c76327f30 UI[2]=C:\Windows\ehome\Mcx2Prov.exe LoadedModule[0]=C:\Windows\ehome\Mcx2Prov.exe LoadedModule[1]=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll LoadedModule[2]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.DLL LoadedModule[3]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNELBASE.dll LoadedModule[4]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll LoadedModule[5]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll LoadedModule[6]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\sechost.dll LoadedModule[7]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.dll LoadedModule[8]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll LoadedModule[9]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.dll LoadedModule[10]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll LoadedModule[11]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\combase.dll LoadedModule[12]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\bcryptPrimitives.dll LoadedModule[13]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\OLEAUT32.dll LoadedModule[14]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\CRYPT32.dll LoadedModule[15]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSASN1.dll LoadedModule[16]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\NETAPI32.dll LoadedModule[17]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\SETUPAPI.dll LoadedModule[18]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\CFGMGR32.dll LoadedModule[19]=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\USERENV.dll LoadedModule[20]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHLWAPI.dll LoadedModule[21]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\profapi.dll LoadedModule[22]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHELL32.dll LoadedModule[23]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\ LoadedModule[24]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel.appcore.dll LoadedModule[25]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\shcore.dll LoadedModule[26]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\powrprof.dll LoadedModule[27]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2_32.dll LoadedModule[28]=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WTSAPI32.dll LoadedModule[29]=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\HTTPAPI.dll LoadedModule[30]=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\sqmapi.dll LoadedModule[31]=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\REGAPI.dll LoadedModule[32]=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\deviceassociation.dll LoadedModule[33]=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\LLTDAPI.DLL LoadedModule[34]=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WMI.dll LoadedModule[35]=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\IPHLPAPI.DLL LoadedModule[36]=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\NETUTILS.DLL LoadedModule[37]=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\SAMCLI.DLL LoadedModule[38]=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\wmiclnt.DLL LoadedModule[39]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMM32.DLL LoadedModule[40]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\clbcatq.dll LoadedModule[41]=C:\WINDOWS\eHome\ehTrace.dll LoadedModule[42]=C:\Windows\eHome\ehProxy.dll LoadedModule[43]=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\SspiCli.dll LoadedModule[44]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll LoadedModule[45]=C:\Windows\System32\GPEdit.dll LoadedModule[46]=C:\Windows\System32\GPAPI.dll LoadedModule[47]=C:\Windows\System32\dsuiext.dll LoadedModule[48]=C:\Windows\System32\DSSEC.dll LoadedModule[49]=C:\Windows\System32\ACTIVEDS.dll LoadedModule[50]=C:\Windows\System32\framedynos.dll LoadedModule[51]=C:\Windows\System32\adsldpc.dll LoadedModule[52]=C:\Windows\System32\AUTHZ.dll LoadedModule[53]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\WLDAP32.dll LoadedModule[54]=C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\\COMCTL32.dll LoadedModule[55]=C:\Windows\System32\DSROLE.dll LoadedModule[56]=C:\Windows\System32\logoncli.dll LoadedModule[57]=C:\Windows\System32\MPR.dll LoadedModule[58]=C:\Windows\System32\NTDSAPI.dll LoadedModule[59]=C:\WINDOWS\System32\npmproxy.dll LoadedModule[60]=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CRYPTSP.dll LoadedModule[61]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\rsaenh.dll LoadedModule[62]=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\bcrypt.dll LoadedModule[63]=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DPAPI.dll LoadedModule[64]=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CRYPTBASE.dll LoadedModule[65]=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ncrypt.dll LoadedModule[66]=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\NTASN1.dll LoadedModule[67]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\FirewallAPI.dll LoadedModule[68]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\fwbase.dll LoadedModule[69]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\FWPolicyIOMgr.dll LoadedModule[70]=C:\Windows\System32\FunDisc.dll LoadedModule[71]=C:\Windows\System32\XmlLite.dll LoadedModule[72]=C:\Windows\System32\fdproxy.dll LoadedModule[73]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\propsys.dll LoadedModule[74]=C:\Windows\System32\ActXPrxy.dll LoadedModule[75]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\NSI.dll LoadedModule[76]=C:\Windows\System32\fdPnp.dll LoadedModule[77]=C:\Windows\System32\ATL.DLL LoadedModule[78]=C:\Windows\System32\DEVOBJ.dll LoadedModule[79]=C:\Windows\System32\taskschd.dll LoadedModule[80]=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DEVRTL.dll LoadedModule[81]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINTRUST.dll LoadedModule[82]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\dwmapi.dll State[0].Key=Transport.DoneStage1 State[0].Value=1 FriendlyEventName=Stopped working ConsentKey=APPCRASH AppName=MCX2 Provisioning library AppPath=C:\Windows\ehome\Mcx2Prov.exe NsPartner=windows NsGroup=windows8 ApplicationIdentity=732E81355E0871B426508C64B01F71A1 This is where mine fails..... How about yours?
extenders are crap and are pretty much dead, need to be looking into intel NUC's and mini itx builds with full windows and wmc installs.
As I said many times i've never owned an extender. But afaik the extenders didn't work either on w8/w8.1. Given the port is done taking the w8.1 files, to me seem pretty normal to consider perfect the port as is. The relevant W7 files were also patched ( i used them to get WMC working on WHS 2011) but no one tried to make an installer for win 10, given the effort is not small while the expected result affects just a minority of users. I not fully agree here. WMC has two main advantages over the competition. One is the ability to manage the cable cards (which is irrelevant for people outside the US, but a mandatory requirement for Americans) The other is that WMC is way more mouse friendly than any other program. Mediaportal, Kodi or Myth TV, are usable with the mouse, but they are mainly thought to be controlled by a remote. Almost everything else is done better elsewhere. The native network functionality, the native management of the logos, the native capability in getting the EIT data on scheduled basis, the management of multiple kind of remotes w/o the need of external programs, the custom zoom, codecs, color corrections and so on, are all features where they wins hands down over WMC. And frankly they are way more stable and easy to configure, backup and restore, speaking about the channel management/initial configuration. So saying that WMC is better or worse means basically nothing. What counts is what's important for each users. Thanks god, at least outside the US and at least on client side, Kodi and WMC can be used together depending on the actual needs, preferences and kind of program, thanks to DVBlink and/or ServerWMC.
For the moment, this extender sends WMC and the rest of the gang, wherever I happen to be. also.
Now we're talking SoftSled which, I agree, would be far superior to 360 Extenders! I'd have to build mini PCs anyway to use other media centers, so if I have to do it for WMC, that would be fine with me, it would clear up a lot of playback issues (though I'm not about to speak for others on that).
Just one little problem with NUC's (in my geographical location) DRM Content is not shareable between the NUC's.
Only with ceton's is this a problem, when the tuner is on the network you can watch recordings from other machines due to the tuners being the same across all systems. DISCLAIMER : this is second hand info for me as i am currently in the process of setting up one of these ATM. But a friend says this works.
I am just talking about small x86 compute devices running windows 10 and this custom install of windows media center, if you switch to network based tuners you won't care about extenders anymore. And any mobile access can be done through kodi / emby and server wmc.
You don't need a tuner to watch a previously recorded file. NUC's, as you have described them, can make a drm recording for themselves but not for each other. WMC Extenders are just a remote desktop session of the server. When the extender clicks the record button, the recording is not for itself, its for the server. The server can play the drm file to any of its 5 extenders. and BTW Ceton tuners can be Networked.
I know this however what i have heard is that because the network tuner is seen the same across both windows boxes the DRM doesn't have an issue playing from either system. Again i heard this from a friend who runs hdhomerun and NUC's and i haven't had my NUC setup yet so i have yet to confirm. I understand all of the other info you posted and believe me i reacted the exact same way when he told me this, however technically it is possible.
I found this initially too but now after having had to do an uninstall/reinstall, the button doesn't work at all.
I don't know why you guys are having remote trouble. I am using a 15 dollar cheapo Rosewill with batteries 4 years old. My WMCv11 opens on one press of the green button (TGB). Batteries, line of sight, light pollution, USB driver, programming?
Try eventghost with its stock MCE and MCE-Remote-W7 plugins. With EG you can do whatever you want, including remapping some idiotic default shorcuts like the space bar that in any other programs acts as a pause/resume while in WMC jumps to the last viewed channel killing any current timeshift buffer