Hey guys... I am completely new here and have heard that this was the place to come if I wanted to get WMC to work on Windows 10. I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction... I do believe that I have found the right thread... thanks in advance...
I too am new to this thread, but I think this is the most active thread for getting WMC to work in Windows 10. I have been trying to get WMC to work using v10 (up until recently I didnt know that there was a newer version) and it worked, but I have never been able to get the initial ROVI guide data to download despite all the DNS tricks.. it always failed. Now I am trying to install the v12 dism version, and so far have yet to get it to install properly. At first, it installed but wouldn't launch, SFC /scannow and running the recovery task had no effect. Uninstalling and re-installing showed to have completed successfully, however the shortcut was not installed, nor was all of the executable in the ehome director(although some were there) I have scoured this thread, but what is the benefit of using the dism based version? I am just trying to get the OTA guide data to download.
Well Dave, yes you found the right place. If you look in my signature click on v10 or v11 and start reading, or if you want to jump in to the newest version click on v12. After you download the files, open up the install folder and read Readme.txt and Workaround.txt A couple preliminary things you might want to install first are: Digital Cable Advisor and Playready from Microsoft Lav Filters (X64 or X32, depending on what you are running) from GitHub Then move on to the WMC install directions contained in Readme.txt and Workaround.txt TestRights is run first (right click...run as admin), then in the 2nd window that testrights opens for you..... Navigate to your install folder and run install. For anyone else with a previous version installed, use the previous versions uninstaller prior to installing the newer version. If you have already made that error you will need to run both uninstallers prior to trying again.
Weird MCE behavior on system volume when playing a video I'm on v12, setup has been a charm, tv and epg are working as supposed. The only problem I've been noticing so far is that I can't control the system volume. The volume rocker is rocking form 50 to 0 as usual, but the sound volume is not responding to it. When @ 0, the volume mutes, when @ 1 to 50, the volume is at max. The issues occurs only when playing a video file. Maybe this helps : while trying to understand the issue, I've noticed that when MCE plays a video, no other application can output audio/video. From what I tested, Youtube, Spotify and Google Play Music all crashed as soon as MCE started playing a video file and were not able to deliver playback until MCE playback stops... It's like MCE is taking control of all the system. Is this a know problem on v12 ? I don't believe so, but I haven't found info about it yet. Julien
It's a Windows 10 thing, Playback Devices>Properties>Advanced> Allow exclusive Control, you can turn it off if you like
So, Guide Tool is more helpful if you have a satellite dish and live in Europe. Got it. But it doesn't help me get the schedule lineup in the Guide for WMC for OTA in the USA. <sigh>
Except the ONLY part I'm interested in is the Live TV part - which you admit has a steep learning curve - you've also kind of skipped right over my actual complaints (which is the core of why I'm really tired of people throwing Kodi in my face every time this comes up) - MythTV just isn't going to cut it if you're not in the US - or if you're using a cablebox that needs an IR blaster to change channels. I've *tried* Kodi. It simply won't do what I need. It is NOT a replacement for WMC if your primary use of WMC is LiveTV outside the US and with a cablebox that uses IR to change channels. It's really just that simple. The fact that Kodi is more complex and that MythTV is even MORE complex to setup is just an additional reason that it's not a good replacement. When the Kodi people can make an installer for Windows that's even half as simple as WMC and can do the things I've noted, then we can talk. BTW, dismissing someone's needs as being a 'stupid statement' without actually addressing them is probably about as stupid a response as one can give. Try a little thought and a little diplomacy if you really want to convert someone because that failed utterly.
It's not a Windows 10 thing, it's the same with 7 and 8 too. If you use bit streaming (HD audio), you'll notice that it no longer works in wmc after disabling Exclusive control. Kind of stinks in some aspects, If you use WMC for all your content and have blu-ray software installed, If you have it enabled, you wont get HD audio out of Blu-ray but, if you disable it, you will get HD audio out of Blu-ray but, it no longer works in WMC... Sigh....
Hello, first of all I want to express how glad I’m with the newest wmc build with w10x64 and 1001 thanks for all the people who supported this project! But at the moment there are two questions left for me I couldn’t answer myself, even not with an extensive forum search. Can I remove the (for me white) title bar so that I can get a borderless window (when I’m not in fullscreen-mode)? Can I prolong timeshift? With w8.1 I used the following settings (but it seems with w10x64 and the new wmc build that they don’t have any effect anymore): [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Media Center\Service\Video\Tuners\DVR] "StartRecordingStopsCur"=dword:00000001 "BackingStoreMaxNumBackingFiles"=dword:00000014 "BackingStoreEachFileDurationSeconds"=dword:00001c20 Many thanks in advance and greetings from Nick
/nochrome works like a charm - many thanks! also for the link to the switches ... If I found a solution for me with the pause prolongation I will post it here - by now I have no idea, why the registry settings seems not to have any effect ...
I don't suppose it's the fact that I'm running Win10 Enterprise that's borking things for me? 64 bit 10.0.10240. Tried all sorts of versions since September or so of last year. Get a range of failures from installer running into errors to ehshell.exe refusing to run but if I do get it to install and run trying to set it up for EPG in LA fails like it did when MS switched to Rovi in the first place (of course using win7). Log file contains class not registered errors after the HDHomerun tuners are found and the task scheduler mcupdate and recovery tasks similarly have class not registered errors. Don't really want to blow the Enterprise install away but I will try a Pro install if I don't hear from anyone else (although it does sound like someone in Germany ran into the same issue, didn't see much of a follow up on it). Impressive work though even if there are dozens of ways it can fail, hopefully by the time 2020 rolls around we have a completely viable win10 WMC install...
go to the website winsupersite.com/windows-7/windows-7-product-editions-comparison There you can see that the business/enterprise edition has Mediacenter. So I see no reason why it should not work
Sorry if this has been covered before ( I did search) but how does one get WMC to run in Live TV mode when pinned to the Start menu? Win7 supported this howtogeek.com/howto/10854/automatically-start-windows-7-media-center-in-live-tv-mode/ but I can't see how to change the properties of Win10 Start pinned shortcuts. So then I tried modifying the actual shortcut in the WMC folder (and that worked OK when run from there) but after I'd pinned that shortcut to the Start menu, WMC just started up normally. It's as if it ignores all switches.
Did you bother to read what I wrote? #1 I think that almost everyone here is interested mainly on live Tv or in LiveTV alone (me included) #2 MythTV is an exception, at least if you install it form scratch on a random linux distro. But there are dedicated distros ready to be used as TV backend and/or HTPC. Anyway everything else is pretty easy to setup. And practically any of the TV backend supported by Kodi requires a couple of click. Look. I'm in this thread since the day one, I was actually the first in the world to have the WMC running on W10 (and whs, and enterprise, and server 2012r2 and server 2016, for that matter), so be sure that I'm well ware of the WMC strenght and weakness. Anyway saying that Kodi or whatever alternate program are crap just because you tested a single TV backend over the 10/15 available is just stupid. Is like saying that a Ferrari is an ugly car because it can't reach a single home in the middle of nowhere. We are living on a world plenty of fanboys who thinks binary: I f they like WMC, Kodi (or media portal or whatever) must be crap by default (or viceversa). It's not true!!! Think analog! WMC has great points, but Kodi has great points as well, and I'm proud to use both of them seamlessly on the same setup. That's not a fact, that is a wrong assumption, then whatever well featured SW has a number of option which is comparable with the amount of provided features. Say Is pretty obvious that a great browser like Vivaldi or Opera 12 has 10x the settings of a browser for flocks like chrome or safari. WMC lacks any native network capabilities, doesn't have any native choice about remotes, no native logo management, no tvseries management, no multiple epg sources, no iptv (the list is endless) and taking that in account WMC is the complicate SW to setup, not Kodi, not Mediaportal, not Dvblink or whatever.