It's what happend to me, I had a old White one that went RROD 5 times.... I went on creigslist and found one for $35 with a bad dvd drive.... DVD works sometimes but, works PERFECT for an extender, never an issue...
Yeah, it's not going to surprise me if EPG trouble pops up in the next two weeks but she's looking pretty good right now. Did see a couple of small things though, immediately after getting it working on the first box and tuning into a live broadcast the sound sounded like it's sampling rate was off by a factor of 2 too low, but still in sync, very weird. Restating wmc fixed that. And then later on the laptop I was watching a recording stored on another machine (through libraries, no extender) and after watching about two hours of it clicked stop as I was done and before I could get to "delete this recording" wmc crashed. Dunno if was the first time I'd run it however. So a little bit of wait and see going on...
Just a recommendation for next version... For the _TestRights.bat, would be nice to change the last line to: Code: bin\NSudoC.exe -U:T -P:E "cmd /K cd /d %~dp0" This forces it to change back to the directory where _TestRights is located. Update: Sorry, just noticed that you don't even need to launch _TestRights anymore. So, guess not really needed
If you know how to get the lineup working in guide for WMC, please PM me It is so hard to keep track of these posts on this sight since so many are from europe and having different problems with the guide than people living in the USA where Microsoft is based. So, if you know how to get guide working to download schedules in Windows 10, please PM me with the info. Thanks.
Hi All, With great excitement today meluvalli I tried out your instructions and came a lot closer to having one of my XBOX 360's pair but then not quiet. I dumped my Vanilla build of Windows 10 back on my hard drive to start a fresh with all this. Downloaded and installed latest RDP patcher CHECK Drop the two files into there locations in the various Installer Folder and alter the install batch file. All Instructions logical and easy to carry out (Great Instructions). Rebooted and Ran ehshell.exe as an admin and immediately tried to pair and I thought I was in luck as for the first time using this 12.7 build after multiple number of setups and tests it finally went past searching for your extender. In sequence:- Configuring Computer Settings << CHECK Searching for your extender <<For First time it passes this stage>> Configuring Your Extender <<Nothing to see here moving swiftly on... Building Media Library (40 Item) << Surprised there is even that much in this virginal build and here it stays for minutes Connecting to you extender <<Never Gets to this Looking back at the Extender where it was on the black background with the white dots on it jumped to your extender failed to connect Drat. Then Media Center showed me a screen I'd never seen before:- I though it might be a firewall issue and as I hadn't turned it off or allowed anything through I dumped my fresh image back on and repeated all the above with the same results with the firewall completely off. Was surprised to find Media Center Extenders are in the list of things to allow through before even installing the 12.7 Installer. God they really didn't bother perfectly getting rid of all remnants of it did they. Bit sloppy of Microsoft really. As you can see I think I'm running pretty much the exact build of Windows 10 as you are. Checking my build notes Got all updates as of 31/01/2016 @ 09:31. Then Via Group Policy Disabled Windows Updates by going into GPEDIT.MSC Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Windows Update\Configure Automatic Updates set to Disabled. So my build hasn't got any new updates since end of Jan which is when I first switched over Anything else I can try? Or is there some other step you did that you maybe didn't realise? Anyway a lot further than before. Anyone else get lucky? Best Regards Gareth
I think you might be the first to try it. Here is the list if you want to double check the ins and outs of the firewall. There were a couple things in mine that were not the same as the list. Mcx2prov is allowed out but not in Mcrmgr is allowed out but not in I wasn't sure how to edit to allow these two in. Put the firewall back on if you hit the internet. I got nailed hard resulting in a reset Win10..
Okay I had it working fine but now all of a sudden it disappeared. I ran the installer again and now I get a message about the software restriction policy. Any suggestions in getting it working again? This thread has a lot of pages and searching for that does not get any relevant hits.....
Man, we have not seen the "software restriction policy" from the first attempts of getting WMC on Windows 10.... What version did you install ? Did you Uninstall the version (even though it didn't work) before installing it again ?
Hmm. I have re-installed Windows 10 several times on Hyper-V and success every time... However, I don't do any updates at all. Just a fresh install of Build 10586. I am running Windows 10 (x64) Enterprise version though. Not sure if this makes a difference or not... I can test later with Pro. Can we check a couple things? 1. Check to make sure from another machine you can remote desktop into your WMC machine. In the connection dialog, make sure you add ":3390" at the end of you computer name/IP... Ex: or MYPC:3390. You don't need to login as it won't really let you, just make sure you get to a login prompt and no errors.... 2. Navigate to C:\Windows\eHome folder. Right click the Mcx2Prov.exe and check two things... a. On the General Tab: Make sure that there is no "Unblock" option. If there is, make sure it's checked. I think the install script takes care of this, so shouldn't be a problem. b. On the Details Tab: Check what File version it is. Make sure it is 10.0.10537.0 This will confirm it copied it correctly. 3. Launch "Edit Group Policy". Navigate to Computer Configuration/Windows Settings/Security Settings/Local Policies/User Rights Assignment. Verify under "Log on as a service" that "Local Service" is listed in there. 4. Verify your WMC machine is NOT joined to a domain. If it is, de-join it, add the extender, then re-join it to the domain. There are issues with adding Xbox extenders to machines that are joined to a domain. If you are not sure if your computer is joined to a domain, or don't know what I'm talking about, you're probably not joined.
Hi Meluvalli, Thanks for your reply in answer to your questions. 1) I Can RDC successfully to my main Desktop PC using another machine in this case a laptop using the usual 3389 port and take over from my console session fine. If I try the same using port 3390 I instantly get the error:- "The Remote session was disconnected because there are no Remote Desktop client access licenses available for this computer. Please contact server administration" 2) On checking the Mcx2Prov.exe file it is the version we want 10.0.10537.0 and the General tab shows there is indeed an unblock tick box. If I try to tick it I get asked for admin approval I say yes and then no joy. I added the take ownership reg file to the registry so I should hopefully be able to right click and take ownership so I can then hopefully tick the button but no joy I don't get the option when right clicking the file to actual take ownerhip if I do the same on any other dll files I do so not sure how I can get windows to tick the box. Screen shot here of what I'm up against and RDP Wrapper window:-- 3) I can Verify under "Log on as a service" that "Local Service" is listed in there. CHECK 4) My machine is 100% never been and not now part of a domain. CHECK Best Regards Gareth
Any one else notice the system tray red dot icon when WMC is recording is missing with v12? Standard green dot appears correctly but it's pretty hard to tell if a machine is recording or not, pretty much have to resort to the HDHomerun GUI. Of course it could have been missing for donkey's years as v12 was the first version I ever got running.