duh...LOL, I saw a post back last page and they said 12.7 and I was like WTF ? but, that makes sense...LOL Thanks
Now that Extenders (360's) are working with some hacks, is it possible we will see a v13 with these patches applied to it on Windows 10 ? Most people who look at this project were held back because of Protected Content (fixed) and Extenders. It would be nice to have all those fixes in a single installer. Bonus: If someone figures out 3rd party Extenders to fully work. It's a major limit on 8.1 but, would be a mega perk if they could work with the 10 version. I would love to see that myself, smaller foot print and used ones like the Linksys (DMA2100/2200) go for cheap (2100 goes from $30-60 on ebay) Another nice option would be to disable the high res check in v13, it would make it a better option than 7 or 8.1 for people running at 4K... Thanks again for this project to everyone who was involved getting it working and bug fixing !
I think we might be at a standstill until DRM is tested with a 360. Plus, both of the 360's that are working with the Meluvalli method did not install the Graznok patch. Personally I have both installed, as well as a Ceton Echo and the latest version of Ceton's My Media Center (MMC). In my case, there does not appear to be a conflict, however, the Ceton Echo is not completely working as of yet.
Hi, I'm new and I want to say how much of a life saver you guys have been getting media center working on 10. Although version 12 been running fine with TV and recordings, I seem to be having issues downloading the guide suddenly. I've gone through the workarounds but it seems to not download more guide data like it used too. Do I just wait out the 5 days it says I have left or do I have to do a complete reinstall of WMC? I notice the mce.exe tooltip keeps saying errors, and the connection was closed or something. Hosts file has the IP's like it should. Thanks.
Hey guys, I just got wmc installed on my windows 10 machine. I am trying to get it setup to run my hdhomerun prime. I had it when i had windows 8 so id love to have it on win 10. I have tried to install the digital cable advisor but i cant see it in the extras library. When i go to the extras gallery is says its already installed. another issue. when i click on settings and then tv signal. it doesnt even look or find my hdhomerun prime. I would appreciate any help guidance or advice. Thanks
The original thread got deleted accidentally by one of the mods at thegreenbutton North America. The backup operator is in the UK. The entire thread "likely" wont be replaced until tomorrow.
1) Download and install DCA manually. You can get a copy from my signature. Then run DCA from Extra's. 2) You might have to reinstall the tuner software. If you do make sure to select the WMC option during the install.
In the install folder, there is a workaround file, with the first issue listed is WMC not finding the HD Homerun.
Hi, If anyone wants to upload say 1min of a protected (preferrably SD) DRM WTV file somewhere I'm happy to download it and try it through the xbox's i have running flawlessly. I'm viewing all my channels through a DVB-Link setup which requires me to install Playready as part of the setup process. dvblogic.com/wiki/index.php/How_to_configure_DVBLink_tuners_in_Windows_MediaCenter So maybe even though I'm watching free to air channels DVB Link does DRM them as it passes them through the virtual tuners so needing PlayReady to be installed? Maybe I'm watching technically DRM channels already to my xbox 360's? I don't suppose anyone has figured out how to get Recorded TV Broker to work with Windows 10 have they:- babgvant.com/blogs/andyvt/archive/2007/02/27/Recording-Broker-_2D00_-Automated-Recording-Conflict-Resolution.aspx I'd like to have a NUC in one room running media center but i'd like it to broker all the reocrdings to the main media center PC. He did a version for XP, Vista and Windows 7 in the forums and there is a discussion here about someone taking the windows 7 one which didn't work on windows 8.1 and getting it to work on windows 8.1 here:- babgvant.com/forums/t/2818.aspx?PageIndex=4 Its something to do with the version of .net changing and its refernceing the wrong folder of .net to run so it fails. Best Regards Gareth
Thanks, but..... That will not work.... A DRM/PlayReady/Protected file will only play on the computer that recorded it. That same protected file will also play from the original computers extender. For example, Facts of Fishing (Protected=No) can be played by any device anywhere. The other 3 (Protected=Yes) will only play on the PC that recorded them, or that PC's extender. Win7's protected files will not play on Win10 and vice versa. To make matters worse, a hardware change, MB, CPU, Video Adapter can break DRM rendering the Hosts protected files useless. The only way that I can think of to test DRM of the extender is, someone here in the US would need to install an Xbox, record a protected WTV, and test the play on the Xbox. This was one of the reasons why I went to the 4X4 HDMI Switcher. The switcher allows me to play Win7's or Win10's protected files on any of the Destinations.
Thanks for keeping links like this handy for folks! Something I discovered though when downloading PlayReady was that the links on the page you link to are NOT the latest ones. There is a v1.3.10 that MS has available that is 3 years newer than v1.3. I tried posting the actual links, but I am too new and the forum won't let me post links..... I haven't even tried this Win10 install yet, but have been trying to monitor the traffic to garner as much info as I can prior to doing so. I just haven't had time to try it. However, I wanted to put this out there in case nobody new. Is there a reason that the newest version isn't used or SHOULD folks use this newer version? Thanks for the cool forum! I can't wait to dig into this so I can update my PC's!!
Not sure if anyone uses this but whenever I reinstall my WMC system I always use this update website form MS first as it fixes a lot of problems with playing DRM files on WMC. drmlicense.one.microsoft.com * use internet explorer*
Hi Crash2009, Hi DavidinCT I get it now thanks for the explanation. I thought the DRM thing was unique to Media Center and you could swap files between media center setups. So the DRM thing is unqiue to every system based on hardware fingerprint etc? How can that wma test file be expected to downloaded and work with any PC tried? Does it come donwloaded in some virginal state and once run takes on the DRM key of the host system? Never to be sahred again? I've often wondered how people in other countries are watching premium content in Media Center. If You've tuned in and picked up an Encrypted satellite channel in your guide. How do you actually watch it? Have you got some USB Smart Card reader device that allows the channel to be unencrypted? And if so how does it work? With being in the UK where there is no cable TV and nothing but Free to Air TV over Aerial and only Satellite and one operator with premium content I've never looked into it. But I'm interested to know how it works. I WILL TRY THE DRM AUDIO FILE AS I'M CURIOUS AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS! AND LET YOU ALL KNOW! XBOX's BEEN WORKING FLAWLESSLY FOR A WHILE NOW WITH WINDOWS 10 NEED TO FIND OUT WHAT WINDOWS UPDATE KILLS THEM AND IF SHARK CODECS STILL PLAY MKV'S FINE USING MEDIA FOUNDATION PLUGIN By the Way T-S Is there a way to get the WHS-2011 server WMC plugin that collects all the remote recordings and puts them on central storage to work on a two machines server and client where both are just running Windows 10 Pro? Best Regards Gareth