I've tested the recording and timer feature and recording works as it should, but there's no red icon in the task bar. I wonder if someone knows how to get that back.
I'm trying step 1, to copy the files to the Windows\ehome folder, and it says the folder is in use. This didn't happen earlier when coping a previous version. How do I fix this?
The error message states: I have my Ceton InfiniTV software installed, I disabled the service. That's the only thing I could think of, even though I'm not sure how it'd be related, since this worked before. EDIT: To answer your question more precisely, the More Info button is grayed out, so I can't tell which file is causing the problem.
When I start the Windows Media Center Receiver Service, it shows Error: 0x80070006: the handle is invalid, how can I solve this?
Make sure Windows Media Center is not running in task manager. You don't need to manually start any services.
I went through everything, I didn't see any obvious signs of Windows Media Center in the task manager.
Just overwrite the files inside the folder and skip the couple of them that are in use. Or start in safe mode and delete the the ehome folder
Ugh, I'm just not having much luck here. I just tried two separate things. First of all, running "_RunAsAdmin.CMD" from "TrustedInstallRights" and it just crashed, the command prompt didn't stay opened like it did before. I then just tried running "wmc-x64.reg" by double-clicking on it, and I got a similar error as when trying to copy files to the ehome directory. That is, "Cannot import..." and that some keys are open by the system or another process or that I have insufficient privileges to perform the process. Should I reboot and just start over in Safe Mode?
You should reboot, that's why I included it in the description. The "Cannot import" error is fine, everyone gets that error when opening the reg file.
This WMC based on b10134 does not get stuck anymore on downloading guide. It's possible to have Greek but you'll need the language pack for that from b10036. I'll see if I can grab them. EDIT: Greek wasn't available in the insider builds was it? I don't know if the language packs from Windows 8.1 work. You could try if you find one.
ok, i will try and will tell you, and i am waiting for Greek l.p. must "uninstall" the current WMC or delete (maybe in safe mode) the files from windows before install the WMC based on b10134? (i can roll back my system) or it is other way?
Can you clarify step 1? Am I supposed to just copy your included C folder onto my C drive, or do I have to copy the individual folders? When I check the properties of the Media Center short cut it says it points to a directory that doesn't exist, so I'm guessing I copied things incorrectly. 1. Post #227: Copy the contents of "C" in your C drive (or the drive where Windows is installed).
You can just overwrite the files. I'm trying to grab your lp from Windows 8.1 with Media Center el-GR (I'm not going to do this for everyone's language). Copy the folders in C (Users, Windows and ProgramData) to your Windows drive, overwriting Users, Windows and ProgramData (make sure you can see invisible files and folders).
The DVD with many LPs included is called 10036.0.150306-2322.FBL_IMPRESSIVE_CLIENTLANGPACKDVD1_OEM_X64FRE_MULTI.iso (and doesn't include greek) Not sure if there was a DVD2 or if it was leacked. Not sure if greek was available for any previous version No, win 7-8.1 MUIs aren't working, I think because the version checking. Most of the translation is done inside ehres.dll.mui I think that shouldn't be impossible to patch the one(s) from win8.1
Posted by dejong12 "I'm trying to grab your lp from Windows 8.1 with Media Center el-GR (I'm not going to do this for everyone's language)." if it is a simple copy > paste of the folder "el-GR", i can find it from my acronis backups.
Is there a way to grab the ehome translations from that DVD? Or do those lp.cab need to be installed on a Windows 10 b10036?