Thanks Crash, been there done ALL of that several times on each 14xxx build. I do frequent the Silicondust site and have not reported this to them yet because theoretically Win 10 doesn't support WMC plus they started development of a replacement of their own design. I've tried their beta drivers, no luck. BTW, do you use the HDHR3-CC with these preview builds?
Did you stry to launch WMC and/or driver configurations as administrator (or with UAC disabled) as I suggested earlier?
As was mine. Back in the 90's when 56k first came out. I always went with an external modem though. Sure. Coming from 8.1 x64 pro. 1) Uninstalled DCA 2) Uninstalled WMC 3) Deleted eHome directory 4) Upgraded to 10. My build as mentioned was 10240. I allowed it to install all updates. 5) After upgrade I removed both .Net entries under windows components. One of them is 3.5 and lower. The other is for 4.6 6) Reinstalled both .Net entries and forced to download from net. In case of corrupted components I wanted the machine to start with fresh files. 7) Installed LAV, though to note Zoom player already had LAV components installed so it upgraded them. 8) I already had Playready installed and was prompted that my version was newer. 9) Boot 10) Ran the installation steps for v11. As administrator: Test rights, install. 11) Boot 12) Verified SD tuner settings and channels carried over from the 8.1. (These settings have been mentioned in previous posts, I don't remember which one.) 13) Installed the DCA. 14) I did not let my WMC sit. I opened it. Now, I didn't have the Setup/Custom options that you were suggesting. Mine was already setup. I don't know if it was part of v11 files or what, but I was never prompted. I went through the TV tuner setup. I had 0 issues. After a few minutes it was up and working. Worth noting since someone mentioned it previously my speakers were already setup and working. I had a big problem under windows 8 getting my speakers to work right. HDMI > Receiver > TV. If I forced WMC to push my 7.1 speakers even with WMC closed I was having issues with various PC games to output digital. I ended up leaving the speaker configuration alone and allowing the raw bitstream to be decoded by the receiver. It seems like it should have been an easy setup and I don't remember exactly all I had to do to get it to work properly as it was back in 2013 but the first thing I checked after this installation was on my HD channels that the receiver was decoding a 7.1 dolby digital signal. Since mine was working, I kept my mouse far away from the speaker configuration. A few notes to mention. I have the same roswell IR remote that others were mentioning. It was already mentioned by someone else but ever since 8.1 update I've had to push my WMC button twice to get it to start. That carried over to 10. It was also mentioned on a previous post that someone gets a black screen during the startup. The startup sound is played, but the screen is black during the normal startup animation. I experienced this on 8.1. That carried over to 10. Since neither of these were new issues to my 10 upgrade, I don't consider them "broken" as it was doing it under 8.1 which WMC is supported under. Also, to help some of the newcomers. And this is just some small notes and in no way meant to deter help or enable the lack of search. When I started this there were some 430+ pages. I mentioned that I had been following this since last September. That is true. Every couple months I would read the latest post and scan back about 5 or so pages looking to see what issues were being reported to see if it was safe to do my upgrade yet. With the thread as large as it is, perhaps separate them; one for development and bug issues and make one a locked distro thread with instructions and versions. Now that I've had experience getting everything to work I can officially say why I was never able to get mine to work. The post for v12 does mention "this is mainly a dism-only pack, with additional few tweaks to facilitate the install, and copying the patched files" Not knowing that dism-only pack meant that it wasn't the full installation I completely understand why I was having my issues. with the existing 8.1 WMC eHome directory in place, v12 was trying to install over non patched files. The one time I was able to get it to install was after I installed v11, uninstall, install v12. I did not realize that the uninstall of v11 left the core patched files in place which v12 used. WMC booted but since I was having unrelated HDCP issues it wasn't working. I ended up restoring from my 8.1 system image and started the upgrade over again. On the second attempt I deleted the eHome directory completely thinking the uninstallation in 8.1 was leaving files and causing it to fail installation. So while v12 was no longer complaining and installing correctly, multiple install/uninstall/install attempts were made, WMC would never load. I even tried the recovery task. But there's nothing to recover if the majority of the files are missing. It wasn't until I compared the extracted directories of v11 and v12 that I figured out that v12 is a patch only. So perhaps make that more clear? Again, just my thoughts. Crash, I am greatly appreciative of your help and how prompt you were about it. Everyone else, thank you for all of your hard work. Win 10 is a great OS and I'm glad to know I can upgrade in peace without losing my whole house DVR system.
If you are coming from 8.1 you really need just to install the wmc package and your tuner drivers. Nothing but the settings are dragged during the in place upgrade. If the settings aren't upgraded correctly, just launch the wmc recovery task to reset them If w12 installation fails, just install the v8 uninstall it and reboot, then reinstall v12. That's all
For the record WMC works well also on Win server 2016 TP5. Surely a better choice than W10 for HTPC needs. Server 2016, while being on par with W10 b14291, is way lighter, doesn't come with most of the metro and privacy crap. That's for out of the box installation. But on server you can enable a lot of features unavailable on client version like the Essentials role that makes it close to WHS, the file deduplication and so on. That makes it perfect to have a machine that acts bot as an HTPC and also as a centalized backup. data and multimedia storage.
I was having an issue with V12 so I uninstalled it and reinstalled it. Now it won't open. Even trying to run it as administrator does nothing. I get the loading cursor and then nothing at all. Anyone experience this?
Hi Guys.. Sorry for this but I have a question. I'm stuck. I installed a really old version 2 when I heard you could run WMC on win 10. Then I found there was a newer version. I ran the v12 installer without reading too much of the instructions. the Tuner wasn't working at all. (I have the Ceton InfiniTV Ether6) So I tried to uninstall and install v11. Now I can't get WMC to open at all when i double click it. Any help is appreciated. I tried reading through all 400+ posts here. I tried Uninstalling, rebooting, uninstalling again, rebooting, then installing clean and still no go. Tried running as administrator, no go. *update, i have everything working perfectly on my Main HTPC and a few other computers in the house. It's just not working on my wife's laptop which was my test computer.
Yup, so does mine, every bit as good as 7 or 8.1. I got the eHrecv permissions "fixed" in current 14XXX but have not completed the DCOM problem. W10 is vastly different from what I was able to do in 8.1. Oh well, as my grand daughter says, "Maybe tomowow, PaPa".
Maybe you can read at least the latest 10 msgs, given you are the third user who ask the same question, taking account just today.
Update Use v8 uninstaller maybe. I id exactly the same thing. Installed the original files, couldn't get the guide to work properly. Uninstalled the original then installed V12. Wont start. Tried running with admin and still wont start. Tried DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth Which ran OK but didn't enable to start MCE. Was just about to clean install Windows 10 (again) then I read use v8 uninstaller. Hope that works.
In my messing around with the Insider Preview builds in the 14xxx series I've found that for some reason uninstalling v12 of WMC sometimes will Not completely remove all of eHome even after reboot. So I try uninstall.cmd again and reboot. That seems to get rid of it because SFC /Scannow runs and repairs the necessary files. If it doesn't, rinse and repeat. Then v12 will usually install and appear in the AllApps list ready to be setup. It's a good idea to check the eHome directory to be sure all the files have been listed. On rare occasions I have had to do a second install.cmd when only a few were present. One of the additional trials and tribulations associated with using DISM to restore health is the requirement that you must use the version of install.wim that is the same as the current version of Win 10 you are attempting to repair. Sorry for the rambling nature of these comments but just trying to describe some of my experiences. WMC works beautifully in the 10586 builds but not in the 14xxx builds for me - yet.
I just upgraded my Win 8.1 NUC to Win 10 64 bit. I've installed V12 (from post #3360 on page 336). I had Media Center on Win 8.1 with Emby installed, all I use is Emby, no tuners or extenders. It appears to be working fine - but after playing a TV episode for 40 minutes, and then exiting the player (I'm using MPC-HC as an external player) - I'm returned back to Emby but it's hung. Media Center doesn't respond to anything, (including Alt-Tab and Alt-F4). Pressing Ctrl-Shift-Esc to bring up task manager appears to do nothing (it actually starts but is behind the Media Center window). Pressing the power button on my keyboard to put it to sleep, and then waking it up - causes task manager to appear (as I'd started it earlier) - I can then kill media center. Anyone have an idea what might be causing the hang? I've tried sfc /scannow. I also changed "put monitor to sleep" from 30 minutes up to 3 hours (just in case). Should I just try this V8 people are talking about? (I can't find the link to that version). All I want to do is run Emby Media Center (EMC).
Did v12 install with mo errors? If so just clean your settings with the wmcrecovery task (as written just in this same page). Anyway I'm just corius? What's the point of using WMC aside emby if you haven't any tuner?
I got some errors the first time with V12 - but I tried again, and it installed successfully (at least it appeared to). I prefer Emby EMC (the Media Center client) over Emby Theatre. I've been using Media Browser for years and I really like the Media Center UI. I have Emby server installed on the same PC (a NUC). I'll try wmcrecovery when I get home - thanks.
Problem is, my HP WMC USB sensor doesn't get recognized by Windows, works fine on Windows 7. Also, I am using MCE Controller as a TCP-IP but the "green button" is not recognized and opens either the start menu or IE. So I am thinking, some service needs to be enables. Using V10, v12 gives me - application blocked by administrator error.