Thanks, I tried that but it made no difference. The cursor spins for a few seconds then disappears and MC never launches.
Are you doing this on a x86 system or a x64 system? I can't help you further because those steps worked for me and they should for everyone. Please check regedit to see if the registry keys are indeed imported.
x64 Windows 10 pro rtm edit: registry file imported, but need to re-run "_RunAsAdmin.cmd" to view "Media Center" regkey which shows all entries, and permissions as "Everyone", but when viewed via regedit "access denied"
EPG can't be downloaded and I don't know why. I noticed that programs you see in guide are provided by DVB-T metadata, not Internet.
justo got trough the tv setup, once it detects you have a cable card it will take you to the process of installing DAC.
I'm on an x64 system upgraded from 8.1 to 10. Regedit shows a Media Center folder with 18 sub-folders, so I have to assume everything was imported correctly.
i think is just because a sort of UA sent by to the MS servers, above of a definite version they refuse to download. We should try what happens with the build 10074 which was not leaked and eventually redo the patching there. I'm not sure it's worth anyway. Maybe the listings works today but will stop after 20/11/2015
I've successfully imported WMC into a virtual machine. "2. Run "_RunAsAdmin.CMD" (you'll have to reboot if CMD doesn't stay on) from "TrustedInstallRights" folder with elevated rights and type in "reg import [location]\wmc-x64.reg" OR "[path to reg file]" (without quotation marks) to successfully import "wmc.reg". You might need to just open "wmc-x64.reg" if WMC does not start after these steps. Just ignore the import error. Use the "wmc-x86.reg" if you're on a x86 system. " Make sure you do both things, import via CMD and double click. Importing via CMD doesn't import all keys. The rest of the keys are being imported when you double click on the reg file, even when it gives an error. "5. Post #289: In order to run WMC without elevated rights: open regedit with elevated rights and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Media Center and give full access to the whole key for every user. " Made this mandatory in order to run WMC without elevated rights.
What happens on 20/11/2015? I think EPG will continue working as long as Windows 7 et Windows 8.1 still used by people.
Opss. I was fooled by your screenshot, looked at the selection rather than the 90s posted above of it.