[DISCUSSION] Patch WMC to run on Windows 10 final & possible alternatives

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by ricktendo64, May 8, 2015.

  1. ThoseEyes

    ThoseEyes MDL Novice

    May 30, 2016
    Thanks... it wouldn't open.
  2. crash2009

    crash2009 MDL Expert

    Dec 8, 2015
    #4842 crash2009, Jun 5, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2016
    This is getting too confusing. Follow the steps in post 4815.
  3. crash2009

    crash2009 MDL Expert

    Dec 8, 2015
    I see what's wrong. your zip program is making another folder for you in c:\wmc

    Delete everything inside the c:\wmc folder

    doubleclick the zip and extract the contents to c:\wmc
  4. ThoseEyes

    ThoseEyes MDL Novice

    May 30, 2016
    Am I crazy? I went all the way through installing from the c prompt, it said it was successful, but it still won't open.
  5. tommiy

    tommiy MDL Member

    Nov 5, 2007
    Just wanted to pop in and say thank you to every one who worked on this. I avoided updating to win10 for a long time because of the loss of wmc. With the looming end date I thought I should try and would also use one of the alternatives than wmc. After trying 3 of them (I will not name them) I returned to here grabbed WMC and did a install. It just works and the menu and layout and usability put some of the others to shame.

    So I thank you all. Much appreciated.
  6. Akkifriman

    Akkifriman MDL Novice

    Jan 22, 2016
    Any light in the tunnel for version 13 with extender 360 solution that you know of?
    I follow this thread just to see if something will come in that way?
  7. ThoseEyes

    ThoseEyes MDL Novice

    May 30, 2016
    I hoped sleeping on it would help<G>
    I deleted everything, emptied trash, rebooted.
    d/l new copy from mega starting from following link on first page
    unzipped to c:\wmc
    ran testrights as admin
    cd c:\
    then installer
    it did it's thing, but WMC still won't open

    FYI... I really appreciate this... I don't think I know anyone who even knows what WMC is, there isn't anyone who has any idea what I've been messing with the last couple of weeks with the computer, my ISP (trouble at the street and with an adaptor in the house), upgrading from WIN7 to 10 etc.
  8. T-S

    T-S MDL Guru

    Dec 14, 2012

    Lets start from the beginning. Does the v8 work for you?
  9. NyteRazor

    NyteRazor MDL Novice

    May 31, 2016
    #4849 NyteRazor, Jun 5, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2016
    Must be a hardware issue because I installed Windows 10 Pro 64bit on an empty drive and the first thing I did was install the Windows 8 drivers from Ceten then WMC using the 64bit v12 mega file. I have Ceton Infinitv 4 USB which Windows 10 found and just needed drivers.

    I opened a command prompt window which showed as admin and executed _TestRights.cmd. It opened up a second command prompt which I closed.

    Executed installer.cmd and it showed everything was installed fine.

    I'm guessing that went fine with you. If so, if you do a search on the bottom left by typing just "windows", it will show "Windows Media Center" listed. Right click on that then select "Pin to Taskbar." Now you can click on the WMC taskbar icon to launch it.

    If you can upload a youtube video of your screen as you did those steps unless you are willing to have someone remotely access your computer since it's just a new operating system installed with nothing else on it but I've never done that so not sure what to do.

    Hmm....wondering if it's the version of Windows 10 you are installing? Please try Windows 10 Pro 64bit.
  10. crash2009

    crash2009 MDL Expert

    Dec 8, 2015
    #4850 crash2009, Jun 5, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2016
    Good question, all though, there have only been a couple Windows version complaints.

    Type winver into Cortana to see the version. I am running Version 1511 (OS Build 10586.0)

    TeamViewer works quite well and has a "per session" password which is changed immediately after the user logs out.
  11. crash2009

    crash2009 MDL Expert

    Dec 8, 2015
    #4851 crash2009, Jun 5, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2016
    Thanks T-S. I just acted on one of your suggestions from way back. Now there is only 122 pages in the entire thread. Much easier to manage 122 rather than 400.

    Forum Actions\General\Thread Display Mode\Show 40 Posts Per Page\

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  12. ThoseEyes

    ThoseEyes MDL Novice

    May 30, 2016
    Does the v8 work for me?
    I can only guess what you're asking... please be more specific.
  13. SeizingInternet

    SeizingInternet MDL Novice

    May 31, 2016
    Problems with v12 installation after v10

    I'm looking for a little help here. Have a PC that was upgraded to Windows 10 and then I tried to install v10 onto it, but it did not work. I then referred back to this forum and thought that v12 would work. It didn't. The Media Center not working isn't the biggest issue though; every time I try to open a photo or music file, I get a "could not connect to the remote procedure call" error. Trying to open the Windows Store doesn't work either. It just closes down right away. For whatever reason, the uninstaller files are gone from the directories too. Anyone have any suggestions?

  14. SeizingInternet

    SeizingInternet MDL Novice

    May 31, 2016
    I'm looking for a little help here. Have a PC that was upgraded to Windows 10 and then I tried to install v10 onto it, but it did not work. I then referred back to this forum and thought that v12 would work. It didn't. The Media Center not working isn't the biggest issue though; every time I try to open a photo or music file, I get a "could not connect to the remote procedure call" error. Trying to open the Windows Store doesn't work either. It just closes down right away. For whatever reason, the uninstaller files are gone from the directories too. Anyone have any suggestions?

  15. cuteee

    cuteee MDL Guru

    Oct 13, 2012
    What's that v10,v12 ?
  16. ThoseEyes

    ThoseEyes MDL Novice

    May 30, 2016
    Here's the (mostly irrelevant) background.

    In 2003 Sony introduced Giga Pocket, I had one of the earliest machines with it.
    When I replaced it, it was with a Gateway with a tuner, that one had WMC.
    The next time I bought a computer, it was my present HP. It had Win7 and WMC. A fair amount of why I got it when I did was to avoid Win8.

    We all know what's happened with MS. I didn't want to give up 7 and WMC, but my OS got corrupted and things just got odder and odder.

    TiVo made me a very good deal last summer. I got a Roamio, stopped relying on the computer as my DVR and when I thought about it, tried to update to 10. I tried off and on, finally got it to make the switch last month.

    Then ISP issues set in. There was an extended inside visit last week, followed by an outside maintenance repair. Someone is coming again tomorrow.

    The TiVo is "off line", so I looked into getting WMC operational.

    It had worked just fine with Win7. When I installed an older version last week, it never asked for my provider, so the guide never had any data, but I was able to manually schedule it to record, and it "usually" woke up to do so.

    I deleted all of that, multiple attempts to install the new version seems to wind up the same way, it installs but won't open.
  17. endbase

    endbase MDL Guru

    Aug 12, 2012

    He's talking about engines :D
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  18. T-S

    T-S MDL Guru

    Dec 14, 2012

    Maybe reading few pages back could help.

    Forums aren't write only ;)

    Whatever v8 is an older version of the package
  19. T-S

    T-S MDL Guru

    Dec 14, 2012

    Unpack the zip again? :cool:
  20. T-S

    T-S MDL Guru

    Dec 14, 2012

    Maybe he talks about WMC, and he missed the one million contacts sticky thread.