[DISCUSSION] Patch WMC to run on Windows 10 final & possible alternatives

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by ricktendo64, May 8, 2015.

  1. magoo2308

    magoo2308 MDL Novice

    Oct 6, 2015
    #5061 magoo2308, Jun 21, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2016
    That is what I thought as well. However, I've tried the download using 2 different browsers. Same result. That is when I decided to download version 11 to see if that one wasn't corrupted. But that failed as well. So my conclusion is that there isn't anything wrong with the files. Not sure what is corrupting the downloads. I was hoping someone else had run into this so I could learn the fix.
  2. rawdikrik

    rawdikrik MDL Novice

    Oct 14, 2015
    Hey there everyone! I just wanted to ask about Ceton InfiniTV support. I see that most people here are using HD Homerun and I havent seen anyone post about Ceton support. Has anyone had this issue? Ive tried to use this a few versions ago and could not get the Ceton to work correctly and ended up going back to 8.1.
  3. poster72

    poster72 MDL Novice

    Jun 21, 2016
    507 pages thats all huh? :eek:

    running win 7 WMC's through the house with no issue for years. New win10 laptop i woul dlike to bring in to this network and use WMC. I tried the lifehacker article to get win10 wmc working, runs fine but won't find tuners or play protected content. Any suggestions where to start on this thread??:confused:
  4. T-S

    T-S MDL Guru

    Dec 14, 2012

    Just set the board to 40 msg x page and they become just 127 pages (way easier to read)

    Just read it backward, given 90% of the thread is made by people asking the same thing.
  5. dediaz

    dediaz MDL Novice

    Jun 21, 2016
    You can do an advanced search for posts to try to get more specific. Right now it sounds like I am more or less at the same point you are; I am using an HRHomeRunPrime which works fine, but I can't get WMC to detect the TV tuners, which the HDHomeRunPrime is having no problem doing. I found post 5001 on page 501 really helpful to get to the point where I am at now, because I was having trouble installing WMC in the first place. I feel like I am so close now that it's too late to stop now, but I am at a loss as far as the next step to get WMC to detect the TV tuner. I hope this helps, but if you manage to get anything to work, please share.
  6. crash2009

    crash2009 MDL Expert

    Dec 8, 2015
  7. NyteRazor

    NyteRazor MDL Novice

    May 31, 2016

    go to page 482 post #4819

    I am using Ceton Infinitv4 USB.

    Just make sure you right-click on the v12 64bit rar file, select properties, then click on UNblock in the bottom before you extract the files. Otherwise you will get a prompt every time ehtray.exe is launched.
  8. dediaz

    dediaz MDL Novice

    Jun 21, 2016
    I am at a loss. So I couldn't get WMC to detect the TV tuner, so I had the bright idea of trying to uninstall and reinstall v12 which I had successfully installed. Bad idea. I had v12 installed, but once I uninstalled v12, trying to reinstall v12 gives me the 0x800f0922 error, and despite my best efforts, I can't seem to get rid of this error and successfully install v12 again. I followed the instructions in post #4164 to a tee twice, installing and uninstalling v8 and running scf scannow in between, but I am still getting the 0x800f0922 error. I am so frustrated at this point that I wonder if it is even worth having to go with v12? I can very easily install v8, so is v8 close to as good as v12? Otherwise, does anyone have any other ideas as far as how to get v12 to work? Am I just not looking at the right post? I have done a lot of reading in the last day or so over many of the posts, but everything seems to point to installing and uninstalling v8, and I've done that twice with no luck as of right now.
  9. T-S

    T-S MDL Guru

    Dec 14, 2012
    #5071 T-S, Jun 22, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2016
    If you are outside the US you loose almost nothing using the V8.

    The only practical difference is the inability to add more rows to the guide and/or the miniguide using My Channel logos.

    If you are in the US and you are a cable card user the matter is different. Afaik only V10/11 and 12 manages correctly the protected contents
  10. MikeFarter

    MikeFarter MDL Novice

    Dec 13, 2014
    Was able to upgrade to 10 and get my Ceton InfiniTV 4pci working perfectly. DRM live tv and previously recorded stuff all worked. Thanks scrambler3 for the write-up, and everyone else involved!

    But, and I apologize if this has be asked/answered, I'm not able to get my XBox 360 extender to connect. It will usually lock up WMC, mostly at "Searching for your extender".

    Would appreciate any advice before I try again. Thanks!
  11. dediaz

    dediaz MDL Novice

    Jun 21, 2016

    I am a cable card user in the US using an HDHomeRun Prime. I still couldn't get the tuner to work on v8. I am going to get some sleep right now to sleep off some of this frustration, but hopefully tomorrow I will get a second wind to read through more of this thread. If I got v12 to work initially, I can't imagine that it isn't possible to get v12 to work again somehow, and in my view, there doesn't seem to be a point in trying to run a version lower than v12. If I am able to get v12 working again, then I will dig a little deeper into what's preventing WMC from detecting the tuners on my machine. Thank you for the feedback T-S; I appreciate it. Please let me know if there is anything else I might want to consider in trying to get v12 to install, or any other posts in this thread that I should look at if there is a good one you can think of that is at top of mind.
  12. crash2009

    crash2009 MDL Expert

    Dec 8, 2015
    Yes. Reinstall the drivers, and make sure to checkmark WMC in the BDA section of the driver install
  13. crash2009

    crash2009 MDL Expert

    Dec 8, 2015
    There have been reports, downloading through Chrome is iffy. Use Edge or IE. It really shouldn't matter what zip extractor you use. I use WinRAR as well.

    One other thing, Open the Readme file in your WMC folder and follow the directions, especially the PREPARATION SECTION. Start by creating a short path folder in the root, then extract the files to:

  14. crash2009

    crash2009 MDL Expert

    Dec 8, 2015
    #5076 crash2009, Jun 22, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2016
    Use the Search Thread Feature. Infini4 gets 3 hits Ceton gets 156 hits.

    I think it was DavidCT that discovered we need to use the Win8.1 Ceton drivers for WMCv12

    Make sure to checkmark WMC in the BDA section of the driver install.
  15. crash2009

    crash2009 MDL Expert

    Dec 8, 2015
    Set the MDL page option to 40 post/page.

    Attached Files:

  16. crash2009

    crash2009 MDL Expert

    Dec 8, 2015
    If all else fails you could do a Win10 Reset. You will have some losses though.

    System restore might be able to get you back to a working v12.
  17. T-S

    T-S MDL Guru

    Dec 14, 2012

    Abbodi provided the files with the SHA and MD5 checksums. Just check them to be sure your downloads aren't corrupt.

    If they are OK, probably your 7zip installation is the culprit, then uninstall and reinstall it, and or try winrar.

    But 7zip must work, given the files are created with it.
  18. T-S

    T-S MDL Guru

    Dec 14, 2012

    Never surrender to a clean install, unless there is a really really valid reason to do so.

    In the worst scenario just uninstall the WMC and do an in place upgrade. No loss involved except the WMC itself.