WMC will not play "Protected" over DP. Should play fine over DVI. unless someone has come up with an adjustment that can be made
Yup. That was the same with windows7. But back then I just had WMC on the monitor connected over DVI and it worked fine. This time under Win10, not so much. I can get it working like I said, just drag the window from one monitor to the other. But I still get the DRM error playing "protected" channels. That used to work fine on Win7
Disconnect RDP Sessions Open an elevated cmd prompt. Use your own IP address in the example... To see sessions connected type... Code: qwinsta /server: In the screen capture I want to disconnect ID 4 Code: rwinsta/server: 4 To confirm the session has been disconnected... Code: qwinsta /server: Q winsta to view, R winsta to remove
You need to re-run monitor setup in WMC. Select the DVI as your primary setup choice, and it should be back to the same as you had in Win7. The only kink to that is..... The WMC used in Win7 and Win8 is different than the one used in Win8.1 and Win10. so I'm not sure you will get exactly the same results as you had in Win7. Monitor Setup is a good starting point.
I use this to disconnect from remote (and bring back the control to the local one) Code: tscon 1 /dest:console tscon 0 /dest:console tscon 2 /dest:console exit I have also a scheduled task that recalls it (to avoid the elevation prompt), and I use it also in the Eventghost commands to regain the control to the local machine trough a remote contol, if it was opened remotely.
Nothing. The line is tripled for a reason. Call it a dirty way to do it. But it works (reliably) w/o complicate scripts and regardless the OS taken in account.
I guess I need to add a few lines for multiple connections. Looks like Q winsta will list the extenders using eh-tcp also according to the picture in 5108
Yepp. That's intended for a single remote connection, that can be 0,1 or 2. Depending on Windows' mood and version Anyway I use it also on my server (which is where my big screen TV is connected) I could access the server remotely using another concurrent session or another user. But I don't like to waste the resources, by principle.
I do some of the same kind of thing. I have always RDP'ed into my MCE profile, so when I wanted to disconnect and re-run WMC, I needed to disconnect from the RDP, close WMC and re-conned to the console, then kick off WMC. Problem is RDP connect to a random session, I used this to kill them all. for /f %%i in ('qwinsta ^| findstr /C:">rdp-tcp#"') do set RDP_SESSION=%%i :: Strip the > set RDP_SESSION=%RDP_SESSION:>=% tscon %RDP_SESSION% /dest:console Find the active session and drop it then reconnect to the console. Was there a trick to get WMC running in full screen over RDP with Animations, just like in the console ? I wanted set up a USER account, where when logged in runs WMC full screen but, I would be using this user account between 2-3 computers, A 720P tablet, a 1080p mointor and a 1440 X (I forget). Just I could pop in anywhere in the house over wi-fi and watch TV with good performance (better than an extender) My HTPC is a New Quad core i5 with 16gb of memory (ram was fairly cheap, so I said why not ?), so resouces should be more than fine to run a few sessions over RDP with out effecting the main HTPC...
I have setup the same user on all pc's here, at least 5. When I login for multiple RDP to Win10, I use the same account 5 times. I am able to RDP from any of the clients including my phones, tablets, and all the workstations. I am only limited by the number of tuners and the resources of the server.
Did that, no effect. Setup to run on my DVI monitor. still no DRM content playable, all other channels working fine, though at first launch I do get display driver error, moving it to DP monitor and back again fixes that.
Go back to post 5047 and test actual multiple monitors. AMM. I'm curious to see if it helps with the DP problem.
Might also be DCA or PlayReady, all though I think the real culprit is DP. Disconnect it and see if all problems go away.
Thanks much for the help. I have a licensed copy of DisplayFusion so I don't think using another competitor multimonitor tool will change the outcome. I've also configured without the DP monitor connected and still have not been able to get "Protected" content to work. In fact, when I don't have the DP connection, I can't even use WMC because I get a Display Driver error even though I only have the monitor connected via DVI. Plug in the DP, then I can drag WMC over to it and livetv starts up. Can then drag WMC to either monitor and regular channels play fine. Still searching for solution...
Actually we have three different tricks #1 My solution to have a fake full screen using the /nochrome switch and a reg file. #2 the utility "The Maxifier" which does, more or less the same thing #3 The program "Actual Multiple Monitors" (used also on single monitor setups) which allows the "real" FS mode from RDP/VNC/Watever connections, and allows also the FS mode on monitor 1 w/o blocking the mouse usage on monitor 2 (or viceversa) (just read few pages back) #3 and #2 can be used together to have even more flexibility and combinations.