Actually I didn't even have to reboot. Just ran the uninstaller first, then re-ran the installer and now it works!
An interesting note on the EPG: when I enter my zip and click next, I get an error saying the EPG can't be downloaded now due to previous download failures and to check the log. How can there have been previous download failures when MC was never run on W10?
Yep, I had run the registry command before and manually copied files over for testing, I ran into the same error as Paul1965 did. I ran the Uninstall, Rebooted (services were marked to be deleted) and ran Install again, and Windows Media Center is running on Windows 10 ! Thanks to all who helped make this happen ! This is AWESOME ! Now to test with some tuners and we'll see where we go from here...
Actually, it's better not to use inner .bat files directly, always use the outer .cmd scripts to grant the proper rights
had that behavior on some machines in the past days, noticed that the faster way to fix it was to open manually an administrator prompt and launch the script there, instead of just clicking on the cmd Not sure why that behavior varies on different machines.
Ran the MC Recovery Task and rebooted, still won't download the guide due to previous downloading failures. Has anyone else seen this issue?
well I thought I'd test out that new installer, I removed my existing working MCE install using the uninstaller.cmd an then rebooted, then I tried to reinstall... It said it installed fine but now I've got the problem so many people get where MCE just won't run, you execute it and nothing happens.
Let's clarify that statement before you keep yelling. Lots of what I saw said it would attempt to download the guide but never actually did. What I AM saying is that I don't even get to that point. Besides, I have 8.1 and MC on my HTPC and it works fine there because I used the fix found elsewhere, so don't tell me it doesn't work.
Speaking about the TV Setup data I did some further investigation I installed the files from the build 10051 (which was fully working, TV setup data included), and like on the 10036 the initial wizard waits for the tv data forever. I noticed that the problem is mcupdate.exe (it crashes). Replacing only that file with the the one from 100134 "fixes" the problem. But that file crashes as well. So, to summarize: mcupdate.exe from any version capable of getting the tv setup data (and listings) on native installation crashes and hangs the initial wizard, 10036,10061,10051, 9600 <--win 8.1 mcupdate.exe from any non working version like 10134 or 10135, crashes as well, but doesn't hang the initial wizard. TV setup data aren't received, but an error message is shown, then the tuning starts. So, my idea that the culprit was the MS server is likely wrong. We have "just" to understand why mcupdate.exe crashes and then use one from an older version. I'm, curious to hear the opinion of the .net gurus...