I don't have any extender to test, so I don't mind to do it myself. Anyway the V8 style installer is easier to manage so, shouldn't be that hard for you or another user to add that feature. But first we have to understand how it behaves in America, and if V8.5 should be taken as universal or non US only.
I hear ya. Let me play with it tonight (if I get the time)maybe we can mod you installer to include that patch as well, It would make the questions on this thread drop a little if we could get extenders working out of the box. My Primary gaming machine motherboard is out to service (never buy a MSI gaming board, 3rd time), So I am on my tablet using it as a desktop at home, I dont have WMC on it, so I will test out with the patch to see if I can get it work and maybe upload it for you.
Need the exact error..... Your abbreviation suggests Bad Ram or Bad MB Ram Slot. Memtest is not a fool proof method of testing. Remove all ram sticks and check for any discolorations. Usually I can smell them burn. Google "test ram one stick at a time" another thing you can do is go to the ram manufacturer website and perform their tests that are required for RMA.
The AEP pack is a true product only availabe to OEMS, Ceton needed it to enable more than 4 tuners on their Infinity 6 tuners. Although I work on PCs for living, I have heard of some speical editions of Windows 7 for release but, dont remember the "Balmer Signature Edition" After some looking around it appears that it's just a signed case with a Windows 7 disc on it. Is there facts showing that it came with AEP on it ? An ISO of the product is not hard to find online, if it's included, I might try to hunt one down (or you can buy the disc on ebay for around $30-70). interesting....
I think you are right, after completely reading the link, it was just someone asking if AEP was included with the Balmer Edition.
I have installed your V8.5 package on Win 10 Pro 10586.456 with HDHR3-CC tuners. It works as well as v.12 and offered no setup problems! Then I tried it on 14349.0, TestRights appeared to run correctly but install.cmd as administrator just flashed two screens (properly displayed on 10586) and stopped. I checked security settings between the two builds and found no discrepancies. I then uninstalled V8.5 from 14379.0 and reinstalled it after rebooting. This time it worked but still no tuners were detected as was to be expected. I have no extenders to test with so in summary, your V8.5 looks to offer a much more pain free way of installing WMC on Windows 10 builds prior to 14xxx. Thanks for the hard work, I really appreciate it from you and the rest of the wizards.
S***, I forgot to change the green to blue. Installs and opens fine on a Dell T3400. Fresh Win7 to Win10 Upgrade. Usually WMC "First Run" takes you to Setup Custom. No signal right now, cable is off for the summer. You all ready know what I will try after lunch. Thanks T-S
Windows Media Center Setup cannot configure or start the Windows Media Center Extender service. A required Privledge is not held by the client. The Service is not listed in Services.
I'm going to have to set them up side-by-side and compare the crappy Lappy to the T 3400. I'm not even getting to the mcx2prov error yet.
I have a side question for the experts who are manufacturing the W10 / WMC installers. Are any of you on the Insider preview program, and have any of you tested WMC v12 on the upcoming Redstone anniversary update? Should we expect any problem(s) with this upcoming major update? Thank you
these LAV filters, should i be installing all 3? Audio, Video and splitter? not sure i know what these should do. I cleaned things up with this, Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:wim:H:\sources\install.wim:1 /limitaccess DISM commands now run without issue, sfc /scannow finds nothing wrong. ran _testRights and Installer as admin, installed playready and DCA. Going to install hdhomerun prime drivers when i am home and test. Should i do LAV filters first again?
I'm no expert but so far None of the redstone builds through 14379.0 work with v10,11,12 Wmc patches when using SiliconDust HDHR3-CC tuners. I understand others have had success using other equipment so don't give up hope. So until this gets sorted, I'll maintain 10586 builds as needed.
You don't really need lav unless you have a reason I have been installing them just in case I need them I'm not even sure if I ever will need them. Did you get lav from the link in my signature? It's been awhile since I installed them I don't remember there being 3 parts I thought there was only one part. I normally install fresh 10, DCA, LAV, and tuner drivers before even WMC. The first thing i run in WMC is DCA it's up in extras. Then setup custom all 40 pages. You also need to update playready from within WMC.
yes, got the lav from your link. there are 3 install_*.bat's. i didn't use them this time around and unfortunately same result, display driver error every time i open until i run dca, then it works fine. guide is even working now suddenly! considered uninstalling all and trying again but last time that caused the crashes and all the dism work to get things back. not sure i wanna venture...thanks again though crash!
feeling stupid on this one but just realized if i have the display driver error/protected content screen up and then minimize the screen, it starts playing. i can then full screen and it's fine. why does the minimize fix things?
Does not sound too good. Hopefully solutions will be found... If not I am glad I cloned my W7 drive before the update, as I cant be without WMC
Do you have 2 monitors? and did you setup the display section of Setup Custom Did you update PlayReady in the TV section?