Not sure if this helps or even means anything, but if I run regedit and check the EPG.instance value under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Media Center\Service\Epg, it's set at 2. If I change it to 1 and relaunch MC, I get a message that WMC has corrected a problem with my recording data and will download the Guide again (but doesn't appear to). If I change the value to 0, MC doesn't launch at all.
Having WMC running on my Windows 10 is totally awesome! Thank you everyone for all your hard work. I wish I could have helped, but it is beyond my technical expertise.
Manual download working, under menu configuration/general/download updates options/dowload now button. Automated download not working again after manual download, but it is more than nothing.
For the most part I have no clue what I'm doing when it comes to coding. So I'm curious why there is a difference in file size when I compare the mcupdate.exe file that's part of this installation with the one I see in W8.1 When I extract the .exe files, the biggest difference is in the .rdata and .text files. The W10 .rdata file is quite a bit bigger than the 8.1 file and difficult to read in Notepad. Has anyone tried to read it?
I think i've discovered the auto installer version of media center doesn't work on a Windows 10 install thats been upgraded from a previous media center windows 8.1. I've tried 3 machines now, all the same result, it just doesn't start, you click on the icon and it does nothing. It appears as the batch files run correctly, it does install fine... it just doesn't work!
Geesh I take a nap and this thread blows up. Guess I've got some catching up to do. I'm still having trouble updating files in the C:\Windows\ehome directory. Says the folder/files are in use. I tried trying to figure out what was running using the Task Manager and had no luck, and I also tried booting into Safe Mode and had the same problem as well. Is it safe to delete the whole contents or even the ehome folder, itself and just starting over with it? I have a feeling that if I try to delete it, I'll get the same error, but at least everything unaffected will be deleted as planned. If this doesn't work, what if I were to do a System Restore to a date before yesterday when I initially tried this? Would that work? Could my problems have to do with the fact that I did some of the steps following step 1? If so, how can I undo those? Using "_RunAsAdmin" (Step #2) does not run, anymore, it just flashes on the screen, then apparently crashes.
I did have it running, until I tried using the mcupdate file from my 8.1 PC. Not sure what it did but MC stopped working completely, even after uninstall/reinstall. Just uninstalled it again then did a restore to a point I created; I'll mess around some more later.
Ive had the same problem where it was working, messed around and it stopped working, wouldn't load at all, system restore saved me there. The ehome folder is locked by some process, I'm unsure what one, you won't be able to delete the folder either. System restore is your only hope.
Just trying to help. I remember in Windows 7 when WMC would not update the guide, I had to run the file mcupdate.exe (located in C:\Windows\ehome\mcupdate.exe) as administrator while WMC was running. I closed WMC and restarted WMC and the updates started updating. It would not update by just going to the file and running as administrator, it had to be ran when WMC was running. Just noticed that I've been on here for a few years and probably the only person with just 8 posts in all that time.
I ran across a post in another forum about doing the same thing. I tried it, as I'm sure others did, but it didn't matter. The Guide still wouldn't download.
I get the guide as it comes down with the TV signal. I've also verified the auto installer of MCE posted earlier works off a clean Windows 10 install but not off an upgraded 8.1 MCE install. It must be related to leftovers from the 8.1 media center still on the machine.
Install didn't work on one my PC's until I moved the install folder to my windows 10 G drive. I was trying to install it from my desktop which is on the D drive. (Multiboot PC shares the same desktop folder on D)
yes, i've noticed the installer won't work if the path its in is too long or something, if you move it to a folder in the root of C: it generally works fine. But the not working problem i'm talking about is the one where it installs fine but when you run media center nothing happens.
If you read back I explained that scenario. Just stop the wmc services and delete the files inside \program data\microsoft\ehome and you'll be fine also on an upgraded W8 WMC
Thanks to all members contributions to this thread. Eventually got WMC installed and opening, and guide updated after creating shortcut to mcupdate.exe with shortcut permissions set to run as admin for all users. 37 channels detected, and guide populated for all 37 channels.