Hi, and thank you for the response. As I said, I followed ALL the instructions, including this one. The file was unblocked before I extracted it. I even redownloaded the file and did everything from scratch to be sure. It installs without error, but won't launch. No errors anywhere.
The same question was asked something like 10 times in the last 2 weeks, some reading doesn't really hurt. Just launch the mediacenter recovery task, or cleanup the settings data manually (stopping the WMC service, and deleting the files from /programdata/microsoft/ehome)
Hi all, My W10 box crapped out and had to rebuild. I've installed WMC NP running all Ok, went to the Startup Behaviour to set WMC to start up with Windows but the option wasn't there. Is this something by design or have I missed something in the setup? I can make a shortcut and add to the start up no worries, but wanted to find out if this is normal. cheers all
After a windows update guide downloads but then shows errors and has wiped out all guide data on what was a working WMC. This has happened on 2 separate machines. Any one else have this happen? Any solutions? Went through setup of tv signal but that did not work. Thanks
Did you ever receive an answer to this? I'm having the same problem. Can someone explain what the TestRights script is for, what it does, and why it might fail? I'm stuck, with no clue what to do next. I went through all the things PatmanSeven did and am just as confused.
Nope no luck with any suggestions. Went back to W7. I'll try again maybe after the anniversary update.
Hello , Thank you Install wmc to win 10 and all ok . But not Work The trick to Start Direct Live TV On the Start wmc : % windir % \ ehome \ ehshell.exe " / mcesuperbar : // live TV = true " some other way? Thank you
T-S I've download and installed v8.6 (via your profile) but I had to add "Network Service" to the Admin group to get wake from sleep working. Not sure if I did something wrong or what. Details: USA - East Coast with 2 OTA tuners on Windows 10 14393.0. I'm also wondering how to restore with the included CMD file. I backed up no problem and seemingly restored successfully, however, when I launch MCE it tells me that something was corrupted in the database and so it created a new one. I restored after installing MCE. Should I do this beforehand? Or do I need to configure MCE and close it before running the restore process? Thanks for your time with this. The installer works much smoother for me, aside from the aforementioned bumps. No biggie. Thanks again. Bob
Theoretically the v8.6 shouldn't require the network service "trick" but is possible that there is still something to fix in that alternate way included in 8.6. The problem is always the same here, the lack of skill and/or good will on the WMC user's side. With 700 downloads and just 5 or 6 report it's really hard to figure out the remaining glitches. Anyway the network service workaround isn't conflicting and if does it work for you, it's basically ok. Did you upgrade from win 7/8? Your'e welcome !
No. Clean install from Windows 8, however, I had to reinstall MCE because an Insider Preview update botched the install. I'm quite tech savvy, so if there is any information that I can provide to help, don't hesitate to ask.
T-S Not to take up all of your time, but I've hit another issue, which was subsequently resolved. Just installed MCE on my Dad's machine and because he only has Windows 10 Home, I had to use the PowerShell script. Running the script gives me a bunch of errors. The first being that the For loop is lacking a parenthesis. I added those and got a few more errors, none of which I understood. At any rate, I ran the inner PowerShell commands, got the values for %x and replaced them in the net command. Not pretty but it worked. If it isn't clear, that means this machine also failed to wake from sleep to record. The method I used to check this is to look at the StartRecording task in Task Scheduler. On both the machines, it was blank. Also, on my machine, I put the machine to sleep and a test recording was missed. Is it possible that other users have already added "Network Service" as an Admin (ie. for a different version) and as a result v8.6 works fine for them?
T-S There is another fix for waking the machine from sleep. You just need to add a line to two files, "mcupdate_scheduled.xml" and "StartRecording.xml" in the Tasks folder. You need to add the following line of XML code to these two files. Code: <SecurityDescriptor>D:AI(A;;0x1701ff;;;NS)(A;;FA;;;BA)(A;;FA;;;SY)</SecurityDescriptor> This SecurityDescriptor tag should go inside the RegistrationInfo tag. So for example the first 8 lines of the mcupdate_scheduled.xml is this: Code: <Task xmlns="..." > <RegistrationInfo> <URI>Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\mcupdate_scheduled</URI> <Date>1982-01-15T16:30:00-08:00</Date> <Description>$(@%systemRoot%\ehome\ehres.dll,-125)</Description> <Source>$(@%systemRoot%\ehome\ehres.dll,-126)</Source> <SecurityDescriptor>D:AI(A;;0x1701ff;;;NS)(A;;FA;;;BA)(A;;FA;;;SY)</SecurityDescriptor> </RegistrationInfo> This just sets the proper security for this scheduled task. If you look at all the other XML files in the Tasks, they all have a SecurityDescriptor already. This comes from edechamps from post 2959, page 296 of this same thread. Hopefully you can add this and make a version 8.7 Thanks
I use v12, and the security descriptor for the WMC tasks is Code: <SecurityDescriptor>D:(A;;FRFWSDWDWO;;;BA)(A;;FRFWSDWDWO;;;SY)(A;;FRFWFXDTDCSDWD;;;NS)(A;;FXFR;;;AU)</SecurityDescriptor> I wonder what the difference is?
Guys thanks for the suggestions, but these days I'm pretty busy because the last days of free w10 and a bunch of last minutes upgraders. I'll look again the matter when I'll be a bit more relaxed.