[DISCUSSION] Patch WMC to run on Windows 10 final & possible alternatives

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by ricktendo64, May 8, 2015.

  1. Graznok

    Graznok MDL Member

    Jan 29, 2013
    Actually it wasn't "Microsoft BITS/10" but "Microsoft-CryptoAPI/10". Under Windows 8.1 the User Agent is "Microsoft-CryptoAPI/6.3". EPG provider may detect the version and deny if Windows 10.

    After little investigation, the version part of user agent could probably comes from crypt32.dll version.

    Someone could tamper requests containing this user agent by putting Windows 8.1 version (6.3) and try to download EPG.
  2. dedalos92

    dedalos92 MDL Junior Member

    Nov 11, 2012
    #562 dedalos92, Sep 6, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    thanks, but please can you guide me to fix the problem?
    this is the solution?

    A-) Modify Host File
    – Click Start > All Programs > Accessories.
    -Right-click Notepad and select Run as administrator.
    -Click Continue on the Windows needs your permission UAC window.
    -When Notepad opens, click File > Open.
    -In the File name field, type C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts.
    -Click Open.
    -Replace the IP address at the bottom of file with: data.tvdownload.microsoft.com cdn.epg.tvdownload.microsoft.com
    -Click File > Save to save your changes.

    nothing to replaced at the bottom..maybe must to insert 2 lines at the end data.tvdownload.microsoft.com cdn.epg.tvdownload.microsoft.com
    is that correct ?
  3. Scary674

    Scary674 MDL Junior Member

    Mar 23, 2008
    tha patch to run wmc thats posted here, will it work that wmc will be in local system language or is it only english e.x. on german windows 10 system!?
  4. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    That's not an actual error, it just report it because the mcupdate file in Command lacks the extension .exe

    it will report same error on RecordingRestart task as well for same reason
  5. dedalos92

    dedalos92 MDL Junior Member

    Nov 11, 2012
    it is only in english...
  6. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    It's neutral, not for specific languages

    but to get UI in other lanuages, you need to find the proper files matching \eHome\en-US
    i'm not sure if files from other than build 10134 will work
    but RTM 10.0.10240.16384 Lang Packs contain WMC resources
  7. dejong12

    dejong12 MDL Member

    Jan 4, 2009
    My Dutch language pack from 10036 works. I'm going to try to get and upload the other available languages in 10036.
  8. FackUMicrosoft

    FackUMicrosoft MDL Novice

    Sep 4, 2015
    You guys did a great job!

    However, I can't run the WMC after I followed the instructions...

    I opened the Event Viewer and got the following information:

    Application: ehshell.exe
    Framework Version: v4.0.30319
    Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
    Exception Info: System.ArgumentException
    at Microsoft.MediaCenter.Store.FieldBindings.LoadValues(System.Object, Byte[])
    at MediaCenter.Store.OleDB.StoredObjectsEnumerator.LoadFromBuffer(Int64, LoadedObjectBuffer)
    at Microsoft.MediaCenter.Guide.DeviceGroups.FindFirstEnabledDeviceGroup()
    at Microsoft.MediaCenter.Guide.EPG.CheckFirstRunScanningTimeout()
    at Microsoft.MediaCenter.Guide.EPG.get_ObjectStore()
    at ServiceBus.UIFramework.PageBasedUCPService.LoadHandler()
    at ServiceBus.UIFramework.PageBasedUCPForm.OnLoad()
    at Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.Form.Microsoft.MediaCenter.Protocols.Splash.Desktop.IFormWindowCallback.OnLoad(Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.Remoting.RENDERHANDLE)
    at Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.Remoting.RenderPort.DispatchCallbackMessage(UInt32, Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.Remoting.CallbackMessage*)
    at Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.Remoting.RenderPort.ProcessMessageBuffer(BufferInfo*, Void*)
    at Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.RenderAPI.MessagingSession.OnIncomingMessageBuffer(IntPtr, UInt32, BufferInfo*, Void*)
    at Microsoft.MediaCenter.Interop.RenderApi.SpPeekMessage(MSG ByRef, HWND, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, WorkResult ByRef)
    at Microsoft.MediaCenter.Interop.RenderApi.SpPeekMessage(MSG ByRef, HWND, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, WorkResult ByRef)
    at Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.RenderAPI.MessagingSession.ProcessNativeEvents()
    at Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.UIDispatcher.ProcessNativeEvents(Boolean ByRef, Boolean ByRef)
    at Microsoft.MediaCenter.Queues.PriorityQueue.GetNextItemWorker(Int32, Boolean)
    at Microsoft.MediaCenter.Queues.Dispatcher.MainLoop(Microsoft.MediaCenter.Queues.Queue)
    at Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.UIDispatcher.MainLoop(Microsoft.MediaCenter.Queues.Queue, Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.LoopCondition)
    at Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.Application.Run()
    at ServiceBus.UIFramework.PageBasedUCPService.Run()
    at ServiceBus.UIFramework.UserControlPoint.Launch(System.String)

    How can I solve it? :worthy:
  9. dhjohns

    dhjohns MDL Guru

    Sep 5, 2013
    Since this does not work with a Windows Media Center Edition OS which has been upgraded, it will be interesting to find out if once this is installed if the OS can be upgraded and it will still work. I wonder if this is installed on 10240, then the OS is upgraded to 10532, if it will still work?
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  10. Graznok

    Graznok MDL Member

    Jan 29, 2013

    Do you have a .NET Framework error before or after that error?
  11. dejong12

    dejong12 MDL Member

    Jan 4, 2009
    Two issues:
    1. One time WMC wouldn't record a program because it was not running after a reboot. I cannot replicate this behaviour (thank god), but I don't know if it will happen again.
    2. WMC doesn't create a wake timer for a scheduled recording, which means WMC won't wake up the computer from sleep mode when a scheduled recording is due.
  12. DavidinCT

    DavidinCT MDL Addicted

    May 9, 2015
    Ok, after playing with this a little more, got it SORT of working, sort of.

    If I try to play live TV, I get an error of "Display Driver error, The video playback device does not support playback of protected content" This is on a local channel, with No protected content on it. also tried some basic cable channels that I know there is no DRM issues,

    If I set a block to record (manual recording), the show will record on playback, so it is getting channel data.

    This MIGHT be a video driver, I will see if I can update this and try again.

    And even with hosts update with WMC taken back to first run, still no guide data at all.

    Try to do a manual guide update (automatic download options>download now) "Guide download error" The guide could not be downloaded.

    In the event log, I get....

    So, it looks like Mcupdate is running but, not donwnloading guide updates :(
    9:21:43 AM - Failed to retrieve nettv (Error: PackageName is invalid.)
    9:21:43 AM - Retrieving MCESpotlight.
    9:21:43 AM - Processing of MCESpotlight is complete.
    9:21:43 AM - The MCESpotlight package is already up to date.
    9:21:43 AM - Retrieving MCEClientUX.
    9:21:43 AM - Processing of MCEClientUX is complete.
    9:21:43 AM - The MCEClientUX package is already up to date.
    9:21:43 AM - Retrieving SportsSchedule.
    9:21:44 AM - Processing of SportsSchedule is complete.
    9:21:44 AM - The SportsSchedule package is already up to date.
    9:21:44 AM - Retrieving SportsV2.
    9:21:44 AM - Processing of SportsV2 is complete.
    9:21:44 AM - The SportsV2 package is already up to date.
    9:21:44 AM - Retrieving Broadband.
    9:21:44 AM - Processing of Broadband is complete.
    9:21:44 AM - The Broadband package is already up to date.
    9:21:44 AM - Errors during the last update.
    9:21:44 AM - Will retry at 9/7/2015 12:24:47 AM.
  13. chantszhim

    chantszhim MDL Member

    Feb 10, 2010
    Channels require MHEG5 have a minor problem, it shows "The MhegAddin program has stopped responding and you will be returned to Windows Media Center."
  14. FackUMicrosoft

    FackUMicrosoft MDL Novice

    Sep 4, 2015
    Thanks for your reply.

    It prompts nothing but the source of error in the event viewer is ".NET Runtime"
  15. grimevil

    grimevil MDL Novice

    Aug 10, 2009
    I am using this with dvblink so do not have a guide data problem as it gets pulled from my dvblink server.

    Live tv works, but sometimes i have to start and stop it due to playready error.

    recording works also

    thanks for this.
  16. chantszhim

    chantszhim MDL Member

    Feb 10, 2010
    If the language does not included in the Technical Preview MUI pack, the language resource files in 10240 are still only in English, "ehprivjob.exe.mui" is the only localized file.
    I am using Resource Hacker to translate my language myself by following the MUI files from Windows 8.1.
  17. DavidinCT

    DavidinCT MDL Addicted

    May 9, 2015
    Video errors. ugh.

    If start WMC in a window and play live TV (cablecard but, Non DRM local channels), I will get "Display Driver error, The video playback device does not support playback of protected content". If start it in full screen, it works fine. If I open it in a window and EXPAND it to full screen, TV will work, then I can shrink it down to a window, it will work and allow me to change channels but, if I do something else, like exit or play a video, I will have to redo this. I have updated video drivers

    Anyone else running into this issue ?

    MSI GTX970 OC, running HDMI to a Acer monitor.
  18. shawnmos

    shawnmos MDL Member

    Oct 27, 2007
    Thanks for the hard work all! Does anyone know if xbox360 extenders work?
  19. DavidinCT

    DavidinCT MDL Addicted

    May 9, 2015
    The service starts, If you get WMC fully running (guide data etc), I would try it, it SHOULD work...
  20. T-S

    T-S MDL Guru

    Dec 14, 2012
    Did anyone test it on win server?

    I had handy just the b10074 which is buggy as hell, so not worth to test.

    But if it works could be worth to do the same work for W7 wmc, to make it working on Vail servers (WHS 2011, SSE 2008r2...).

    WMC on win home server is a sort of holy grail since it was released...