[DISCUSSION] Patch WMC to run on Windows 10 final & possible alternatives

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by ricktendo64, May 8, 2015.

  1. andy_d11

    andy_d11 MDL Novice

    Dec 14, 2013
    As it is right now, neither v12 or v8.6 works with cablecard tuners. There aren't any workarounds to get it working besides rolling back the update.

    I already reached out to Verizon to see how much it would be to switch to cable boxes. I'll have to pay $10 / month to use their lower end dvr box with a extra non dvr box. Not what I want to do but I'm not sure I want to deal with this whenever there is a big update.
  2. T-S

    T-S MDL Guru

    Dec 14, 2012
    Did anyone try what I suggested and what crash 2009 mostly collected?

    Just blaming isn't helpful
  3. andy_d11

    andy_d11 MDL Novice

    Dec 14, 2013
    #5883 andy_d11, Aug 5, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2016
    Blaming? To be clear, I'm just mentioning the fact that neither work for cable cards. If there is any blame to go around, it's MS for breaking the workarounds with their update. And well, abandoning the app. v8.6 / v12 work fine otherwise. I think you even mentioned that it's likely the case that v8.6 won't work with cc tuners with the update but not enough people tried to be sure.

    Don't get me wrong - I appreciate all the work you guys put into this. I'm just stating what my experience has been and what others have been saying. I don't expect anyone to put in the effort to get this working as I'm sure it's time consuming and likely frustrating to figure out what is going on. It would be awesome if someone did figure it out but I'm not going to start blaming anyone besides MS if it's not going to work out nor do I have any expectations

    As for what to try out, I'm not sure what suggestions here have been for cc tuners. I have been reading most posts since I first updated yesterday afternoon but I might have missed it. Just didn't see anything about getting the tuners to appear using v8.6 or getting the WMC services to run in v12

    But this likely will be an ongoing battle with MS. After this update, I would imagine that a future update could likely break things again. Just seems like a battle that may be futile at least in Windows 10 for some of us
  4. Brainsuck

    Brainsuck MDL Addicted

    Oct 9, 2009
    #5884 Brainsuck, Aug 5, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2016
    So no one keep Mce Key for 8.1 it good 2023 and if you duel boot you can have the best of both Worlds See win 10 one Click bye bye

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  5. andy_d11

    andy_d11 MDL Novice

    Dec 14, 2013
    I may switch to 8.1 but i also wanted my HTPC to be updated to Windows 10 so that I can play first party Xbox One games. Not sure I want to dual boot though. It's one or the other for me.
  6. craftbrewer

    craftbrewer MDL Senior Member

    Jul 30, 2009
    #5886 craftbrewer, Aug 5, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2016
    Ok, as this is a USA thing, I follow this with interest, as the rest of world has no problem with WMC in the upgrade (apart from those who don't follow instructions). I find it interesting that WMC was discontinued over M$ paying for DRM or some decryption licences (not sure which - doesn't matter), yet it continues to work with everything else BUT Cable cards. It begs the question,

    Would M$ specifically target those using cable cards and workarounds WMC installs. ??????

    I just don't see it. Too much trouble, especially if Windows 8.1 can still be used with WMC. I stated before there are driver issues with some tuners in general, BUT that is easily fixed by using old drivers. So, can anyone sum up why the cable cards are soooo much trouble. I cant see the logic, unless M$ is really targeting them NOT to work in Windows 10.

    Just seems odd.
  7. andy_d11

    andy_d11 MDL Novice

    Dec 14, 2013
    Driver issues at least concerning Silicon Dust / HDHomerun Primes have been an issue even before the update. This is because SD removed the software from the current drivers that let WMC pick up the tuners. Installing the old drivers on their webpage fixed this prior to the Anniversary update. It does not work after the update, though. I did perform the upgrade while traveling so I haven't been able to do a fresh install of Windows 10 but sounds like others have tried already with similar results.
  8. T-S

    T-S MDL Guru

    Dec 14, 2012
    ok, but that was a fact known since months. I think it's since 14521 (released in Jan/2016) that the CC support become broken (an actual CC user may be more precise about that)

    Until now no update broke anything.

    Redstone1 isn't an update, is what, using the old school naming, would be called Windows 11 (or even 12). It's a whole new OS although not a revolution like the W98 -->XP or XP--->Vista cases.

    So is just matter of curiosity and/or good will and or needs, so given me and the other people involved aren't affected by the problem it's your turn american guys to do something, if you really like to see the damn thing working on the latest OS.

    That's all
  9. crash2009

    crash2009 MDL Expert

    Dec 8, 2015
    Yea it looks ok, but I had a little trouble remembering how to type and spell. It took me a half hour to write 2 sentences.
  10. usmalu

    usmalu MDL Novice

    Aug 17, 2014
    I tried v11 and the install went fine. WMC opens up and when I tried to setup, it says no tuner found even though it is listed in the hdhomerun prime setup. Well I am rolling back to the earlier build. Hope someone will find a solution. All the people that involved in the project, I THANK YOU for your efforts and hard work.:clap:

  11. Tree 5

    Tree 5 MDL Novice

    Sep 10, 2015
  12. craftbrewer

    craftbrewer MDL Senior Member

    Jul 30, 2009
    #5892 craftbrewer, Aug 5, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2016
  13. ubbe

    ubbe MDL Novice

    Oct 14, 2015
    #5893 ubbe, Aug 5, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2016
    As i wrote before in this tree, cablecardstuners works in 8.6 in latest Windows 10.

    I think you didnt say no to the epg licens question, and then you get som copyprotection stuff from Microsoft when WMC download epg things.

    If sombody cares try out to set not USA location and say no... AFTER CLEANING!!

    Another solution for cablecardusers is to use DVB-link from DVBlogic.com. You only needs the serverversion and its free.
    Then you will find 8 possible viritual tuners in WMC. Do the setup for DVB-link server before connect WMC to server.
    Say no to the licens question...

    Best regards
  14. crash2009

    crash2009 MDL Expert

    Dec 8, 2015
    #5894 crash2009, Aug 5, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    CC Tuners in Redstone

    Lets start with a known problem.

    The problem is, when you run Tuner Setup from within WMC, WMC is unable to find any tuners.

    How does WMC do this? by using the task OccurDiscovery.

    OccurDiscovery calls on EhPrivjob to go find the tuners.

    So far, that is not happening either that or we are just not getting an answer

    c:\windows\ehome\ehprivjob.exe /OCURDiscovery
    Any way to confirm ehprivjob arrived at the tuner? check the tuner log. What answer does the tuner send back?

    Is Ehprivjob allowed to get out of the Firewall?

    Is the Tuner allowed to return through the firewall?

    Has anyone tried to load WMC (ehshell) from the TestRights window, and then run tuner setup?
  15. CurtisB

    CurtisB MDL Novice

    Jun 10, 2016
    #5895 CurtisB, Aug 5, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    To previous questions: I tired re-upgrading/reinstalling via ISO, unstalling and reinstalling per all the methods recommended so far. V12 is working and playing previously recorded content but no (Ceton) tuners are detected.
    Also, to validate the tuner is still working I can confirm that I can manually set the channel and stream a channel to VLC as you posted here (though the old drivers mentioned in the linked post aren't needed, it works with the latest/last drivers).

    To your questions here:
    -I'm not super techie but I did load the ehshell from the TestRights window and ran tuner setup with no success.
    -I also manually added ehprivjob.exe to the firewall exceptions and then even turned off the firewall to see if that would make a different (which it didn't)
    -I ran c:\windows\ehome\ehprivjob.exe /OCURDiscovery and received the following which I do not know how to interpret (note I have a 4 tuner pcie and a 6 tuner Ethernet that it can see):

    C:\WINDOWS\system32>c:\windows\ehome\ehprivjob.exe /OCURDiscovery
    Error processing device 'Ceton InfiniTV PCIe (00-80-01-9c) Tuner 1 (00-00-22-00-00-80-01-9c)', error 0x80070002
    Ignoring unknown device 'Ceton InfiniTV Ethernet (00-80-89-21) Tuner 1 (00-00-22-00-00-80-89-21)'
    Error processing device 'Ceton InfiniTV PCIe (00-80-01-9c) Tuner 2 (00-00-22-00-00-80-01-9c)', error 0x80070002
    Ignoring unknown device 'Ceton InfiniTV Ethernet (00-80-89-21) Tuner 3 (00-00-22-00-00-80-89-21)'
    Ignoring unknown device 'Ceton InfiniTV Ethernet (00-80-89-21) Tuner 2 (00-00-22-00-00-80-89-21)'
    Ignoring unknown device 'Ceton InfiniTV Ethernet (00-80-89-21) Tuner 5 (00-00-22-00-00-80-89-21)'
    Ignoring unknown device 'Ceton InfiniTV Ethernet (00-80-89-21) Tuner 4 (00-00-22-00-00-80-89-21)'
    Error processing device 'Ceton InfiniTV PCIe (00-80-01-9c) Tuner 3 (00-00-22-00-00-80-01-9c)', error 0x80070002
    Ignoring unknown device 'Ceton InfiniTV Ethernet (00-80-89-21) Tuner 6 (00-00-22-00-00-80-89-21)'

    -Of possible note, after doing the OS re-upgrade, unistalling and reinstalling v12 and the Ceton drivers, I now see an error in InfiniTVDiagnostic app on my PCIE tuner that "InfiniTV is not configured for use with Media Center. Please reinstall InfiniTV drivers and go through TV setup" which I can't correct via the usual "Clear tuner config and Discover Tuners" or reinstalling the drivers. However when I select the Ethernet tuner it shows it as being configured. Could be a red-herring but I've never had that message before and not been able to resolve it.

    Let me know if I can test anything else for you (and how I do so if it is not basic).
  16. Graznok

    Graznok MDL Member

    Jan 29, 2013
    #5896 Graznok, Aug 5, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    I also ran sfc /scannow and v12 installed fine, but locale fr-FR didn't installed at all. The command line %windir%\System32\dism.exe /online /norestart /add-package:MUI\MediaCenter-Package-x64-fr-FR.cab appears to work but ehome\fr-FR isn't even created.

    EDIT: just ran the following
    %windir%\System32\dism.exe /online /norestart /remove-package:MUI\MediaCenter-Package-x64-fr-FR.cab
    %windir%\System32\dism.exe /online /norestart /add-package:MUI\MediaCenter-Package-x64-fr-FR.cab
    and it works :confused:
  17. drjimbo

    drjimbo MDL Novice

    Aug 2, 2016
    Yes, I did.
  18. drjimbo

    drjimbo MDL Novice

    Aug 2, 2016
    Sorry about delay in responding - was trying to play golf in N. Wales in gale force winds!!

    I didn't type anything.
    Right Click on uninstaller.cmd, Run as Admin, Command Window opens and displays the message.
    Cursor at C:\WMC\WMC64\bin>

    Uninstaller in WMC64 directory.
  19. maxrobz

    maxrobz MDL Novice

    Jul 7, 2016
    Hi All,

    Has anyone been able to get a Linksys extender to work with Windows 10 or is it only Xbox that will work?


  20. s0x

    s0x MDL Novice

    Aug 1, 2009
    #5900 s0x, Aug 5, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Did you uninstall before running the sfc and install?
    Either way, glad you got it working. :cool:

    No other message on the cmd window? Maybe delete everything, then try and unpack the whole pack again?