drjimbo- the OS update messes with the V12 install/uninstall to such an extent that the recommended method to uninstall is to download T-S's v8.6 and run his uninstaller instead. The link to the V8.6 download is in the signature in his posts. I can't post links or quote other posts containing links until I pass 20 posts. However, some people seem to have success with V12 by installing it again without uninstalling first. Go Figure.
I actually installed v12 right after Anniversary Update and it failed. So I uninstalled it, then reinstalled it, without success. I tried Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth, Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth, Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup, Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase, along with v12 uninstall/install. It appears that only sfc /scannow fixed the issue.
My sfc /scannow came back with 100% health, but I went with V8.6 which seems to work for me. The only thing that doesn't seem to work for me is WTVConverter being unable to convert .wtv files to .dvr-ms files.
This has been discussed many times. No a linksys extender will not work with 8.x or above, same with Windows 10. Microsoft did some major changes in 8.1 that broke it. The Xbox 360 is the only working Extender on Windows 10 (if you apply the hacks to get it working) On my end, The Centon tool shows "InfiniTV is configured for use with Media Center". If I got into WMC and open the Ceton app, it clearly sees the tuner. Running TV setup still shows "No tuner" BTW.. The 0x80070002 error normally means "The system cannot find the file specified” Could it be a missing file that made the connection ? I also did pretty much everything you tried with the same results..... Crap...
The 0x80070002 errors are a generic message, sometimes hilariously with appended text "Something Happened". I tried searching Microsoft and found the error occurring for many unrelated issues. The only common factor seemed to be missing or corrupted files/resources. Perhaps something required during the installation of the drivers has been removed from Windows 10? .NET 3.5 has been mentioned here and there as a suspect, but it could be something else.
Perhaps some digging into the history and documentation of the drivers themselves might throw some light on the mystery. A "requires xxxxxx to install" would be a big help. The Ceton InfiniTV problem becomes more complicated if it is bridged with a network card, because that configuration was only ever supported under Windows 7 SP1.
This may seem obvious, and please forgive me if you've already tried this, but have you attempted to install the drivers in compatibility mode?
8.1 drivers install fine....They are listed in device manager with no issues. No errors on the event log on the hardware. Not sure compabitily would help here at all. 0x80070002 can mean a lot of things your right but, a comoon thing is about missing files or cant find a file. Just wondering if this leads to something, as Microsoft could be blocking something that WMC needs. I guess one way to attack this is find a program that monitors changes done. Install cablecard software on a Windows 7/8.1 device, then run WMC and setup tuners. Stop and capture it. Then Install on the new build of Windows 10, capture like before and see the differences when the drivers are installed and when WMC starts....then compare, noting system logs. WMC can be put in a extra log mode for trouble shooting, If I get some time tonight, I'll play with this....I forget how to enable the mode... I guess this could be start towards SOME progress....unless we have some other thoughs
We could also "Track it" in the TCPIP. Assumedly there would be packets "Flying back and forth" between the tuner and WMC. Example: ehshell says...Hey HDHR, what you got for tuners over there? HDHR says..."None for you loser" or "I have three" We would need someone with strong TCPIP skills. Maybe Venom has some ideas on this subject?
Read some of my old posts and see what I discovered with procmon. You can stop monitoring events to limit the number of processes. We're only interested in the time during a tv signal setup. You'll also want to look at a working WMC and see what is happening during when a cablecard tuner is setup properly. Also look at the processes while playing live TV. You'll see some of the missing files like msdri.dll.
I never had to get in to the nuts and bolts of the HDHR, it just worked by itself. InfiniTV has a great log that records the entire conversation, and Reports where the failure is. In the InfiniTV driver settings, there is method to collect a report and upload to Ceton. This report is used by their analyst (was Erkotz) I do remember viewing the report prior to sending. What is the name of the windows utility that collects the report?
Thanks Bob that's the one I was thinking of..... Ceton Diagnostics Tool | Advanced | Extra Media Center Logging. I do remember viewing the report, as I recall the report was a specialized version of event viewer, and only collected event logs that pertained to Tuner and CableCard. I'm going to do a little digging in my Win7/InfiniTV setup.
I realized that I missed one step: sfc /scannow must be done after having removed Windows\ehome directory (run _TestRights.cmd then cd .. and rd /s ehome). sfc /scannow is perhaps useless. In order to install v12, we actually have to remove v12 and manually delete all files in Windows\ehome.
So I'm getting network traffic between the HDHomeRun Prime and my PC when I run ehprivjob manually but no traffic when I try live tv setup in WMC. Have the firewall and everything turned off for testing too... strange. ehprivjob seems to be finding my tuners fine. C:\Windows\ehome>ehprivjob.exe /OCURDiscovery Discovered known device 'HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 1321DFEA-2' Discovered known device 'HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 1321DFEA-1' Discovered known device 'HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 1321DFEA-0'
Thanks but, i am sure I will have a few in me tonight when I try this Free beer ? No complaints there LOL Right. We need to compare the 7/8 software install, TV setup and confirm live TV plays, Then we have to do the SAME exact thing on 10. I think this will be the ONLY way to really do this. I still have some offical Windows Media Center tools from when I was a Windows 7 MC beta tester..... There is one that pulls every bit of data and logs from WMC (and Windows), I might be able to snag some data from that. If someone can give me some details on procmon and how to lower the data it comes with, I should be able to compare a Windows 7 and Windows 10 (Win 7 is perfectly clean, a blank OS) Hope this gets us somewhere....