[DISCUSSION] Patch WMC to run on Windows 10 final & possible alternatives

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by ricktendo64, May 8, 2015.

  1. DavidinCT

    DavidinCT MDL Addicted

    May 9, 2015
    OK battling with this all day, I got WMC going finally with my cablecard tuner... Current issues...

    1. "Downloadable TV program Guide listings are not available due to previous downloading failures" during TV setup, from this point guide data will not come down.

    Have done Host updates, reset WMC, deleted and modified registry, Mcupdate running as an admin under all users. Still nothing here.

    2. "Display Driver error, The video playback device does not support playback of protected content". If start it in full screen, it works fine. If I open it in a window and EXPAND it to full screen, TV will work, then I can shrink it down to a window

    Updated drivers, reset WMC, still same problem, this is a problem with this install, something funky causing DRM based issue. Anyone starting WMC in a window, see this issue ?

    I am driving my self nuts trying to get the guide working, anyone have any ideas or tips to try ? I have been at this playing for 5-6 hours today and would love to end this quest...thx
  2. rhinox202

    rhinox202 MDL Novice

    Aug 23, 2015
    Tasks Mismatch

    I happened to compare your tasks to the ones that T-S posted, noticed that they are quite different, and then realized that yours are localized. However, upon further investigation I found that yours are missing lines that I have in the tasks on my Windows 8 machine.

    For instance, in the ConfigureInternetTimeService.xml, your task doesn't have "<RunLevel>LeastPrivilege</RunLevel>" but mine does. Also, there are a ton of lines under Settings that are not the same and/or different. The same goes for a few of the other tasks I checked.

    The reason I bring this up is because I'm wondering if this may be interfering with MCE's operation and potentially account for some of the "wake to record" issues that some have been having. Or is this just a difference between the Windows 8 tasks and those in Windows 10 build "whichever was used"?

    Hopefully you don't take this as a personal insult. I appreciate greatly the work that you and others have put into this project. Just trying to help out in a "little" way. Thanks again!
  3. dejong12

    dejong12 MDL Member

    Jan 4, 2009
    #603 dejong12, Sep 6, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
  4. T-S

    T-S MDL Guru

    Dec 14, 2012
    #606 T-S, Sep 6, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2015

    To be clear the tasks I posted were collected on an earalier phase of the development, and were exported manually from a working win 8.1WMC.

    I think that Abbodi took them properly from the w10 image.

    That said I doubt that this will lead to a main problem.

    I think that most of the problems we may have on our PCs are due to the various testing done in the past weeks or months.

    The second PC I tested works way better with way less errors on the windows logs, today on a clean friend's PC, a fresh W10 (b10532), i installed the WMC using Abbodi's installer, and all went fine with just two mouse clicks.

    Pioneering has is price...;)
  5. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    As i said earlier, the task xml files i included are generic files created by dism
    and i compared Win8.1 ones with Win10 ones, both are identical
    also in both, the two task (mcupdate_scheduled & StartRecording) are not originally found, i guess wmc create them later upon usage

    when you import/use those files to create tasks, task scheduler is cabable of handling the generic (localized) values properly
    and it will add the "missing lines" as needed

    you can test it yourself
    import the generic xml files, then use task scheduler to export them, and you'll find that the exported files will be like the one that T-S or Graznok posted

    none taken, no problem at all :)
  6. dejong12

    dejong12 MDL Member

    Jan 4, 2009
    #608 dejong12, Sep 6, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2015
    It's no disaster if wake timers can't get enabled, but it would be nice if it worked because sometimes I have my pc in sleep mode.
    I know we did various testing, but I just reinstalled Windows 10 10240 because I had more problems on 10532 and I installed it with the installer which went fine.

    It's just lame that we got everything we needed and still waking up and guide downloading doesn't work.
  7. DavidinCT

    DavidinCT MDL Addicted

    May 9, 2015
    If you look at other tasks, the option for "Wake computer to run this task" is there, so it is possible, now you just need to figure out how.

    Export them from 7 or 8.1 and compare them to W10 XML exports, check everything like by line, I bet you can assemble one with the best of both that will import in fine...

    Yea, still battling through getting the guide data here, I have been watching event logs, and MC logs, comparing to a 7 and 8.1 machine to see what to look for and look for errors, this puts a flag up for me.

    On 10140 with this install, it appears that during TV setup, it's not saving the configuration, so, even with a MCupdate, it's not going to give guide data back. Someone correct me here if I am wrong. This is what I got from a MCupdate....

    2015:09:06 17:20:32.0297 PID: 08856 THREAD: 02964 - CGuideSource::CGuideSource() - ENTER
    2015:09:06 17:20:32.0307 PID: 08856 THREAD: 02964 - CGuideSource::CGuideSource() - EXIT
    2015:09:06 17:20:32.0307 PID: 08856 THREAD: 02964 - CGuideSource::OpenDatabase() - Verified database C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\eHome\mcepg3-1.db exists
    2015:09:06 17:20:32.0327 PID: 08856 THREAD: 02964 - CGuideSource::OpenDatabase() successful [No SQL errors]
    2015:09:06 17:20:32.0327 PID: 08856 THREAD: 02964 - CGuideSource::GetRowset() - IOpenRowset::OpenRowset() failed - HRESULT = 0x80040e37 [minor = 0, 0, 0, 0, "Person", "", ""]
    2015:09:06 17:20:32.0337 PID: 08856 THREAD: 02964 - CGuideSource::Initialize() - Person Table Not Present - HRESULT = 0x80040e37 (IGNORED)
    2015:09:06 17:20:32.0337 PID: 08856 THREAD: 02964 - CSearchProtocol::Init() - EXIT

    This is from a Windows 7 with no errors getting events (a few days ago, as I dual boot this machine I am with 7 and use WMC)

    2015:09:04 19:52:04.0378 PID: 09776 THREAD: 10532 - CGuideSource::CGuideSource() - ENTER
    2015:09:04 19:52:04.0380 PID: 09776 THREAD: 10532 - CGuideSource::CGuideSource() - EXIT
    2015:09:04 19:52:04.0380 PID: 09776 THREAD: 10532 - CGuideSource::OpenDatabase() - Verified database C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\eHome\mcepg2-0.db exists
    2015:09:04 19:52:04.0403 PID: 09776 THREAD: 10532 - CGuideSource::OpenDatabase() successful [No SQL errors]
    2015:09:04 19:52:04.0403 PID: 09776 THREAD: 10532 - CSearchProtocol::Init() - EXIT

    Am on reading this correct, the table in the SQL DB (that holds MC data), does not have the table it needs for the import ?

    Maybe something could come out to a 1/2 a day playing with this with no luck :(

    All I want is to have a guide....
  8. dejong12

    dejong12 MDL Member

    Jan 4, 2009
    #611 dejong12, Sep 6, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2015
    For my problem I think we need to figure out why StartRecorded task does not start when scheduling a recording.

    EDIT: I see that StartRecording task has a connection with ehrec.exe. Maybe that file needs patching as well? Graznok, can you work your magic?
  9. T-S

    T-S MDL Guru

    Dec 14, 2012
    In the mean time I'm playing with win server 2016 tp3.

    WMC installed nicely, but crashed during the initial wizard.

    I noticed that ehreceiver didn't start properly so I tried to bisect what's going on.

    I already fixed this

    sbe*.dll were missing and MSVidCtl.dll was missing as well.

    Now the service starts but eshell still crashes

    b10074 had a component called advanced video codec or something like that, but b10514 has the whole multimedia area grayed out, that means some components are installed while some others are missing and cant be installed, at least from the UI selector.

    Anyway I'll try to understand what else is missing.

    JOSHSKORN MDL Junior Member

    Aug 29, 2015
    #614 JOSHSKORN, Sep 6, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2015
    I have the same problem as you regarding the Display Driver error, had that on Windows 7 as well, never figured that one out, just put up with it using the work-around you stated (went from Window to full screen and vice versa if necessary). I tested it in both ways, if I start Live TV in a window, I get the error. If I start Live TV in full screen, I get the error. Toggling between Window and Full Screen fixes it.

    Still no guide data as well. I believe you're on a Ceton tuner as I am, as well. I'm not getting that screen during TV setup where I select my city. I don't remember which step in the setup process that is, if it's before or after attempting to download guide data.

    Digital Cable Advisor wizard: I do believe when I was in the step to Analyze System, initially clicking on Start Test basically seemed to have do nothing in comparison. I just ran the test again, and strangely enough, it actually looked like it was testing. The next step, "Update System Settings". When I'd click it in the past, it'd take awhile to run. Now, it seems to go to the next screen half a second later, as if it's not doing anything...is it? I don't have a Windows 7 machine anymore, can you or someone verify this?

    Also, I uninstalled the drivers, installed the BETA drivers. I don't see the Ceton wizard in the Extras library, but I just ran the Live TV setup and I do see all 6 tuners in this wizard, unlike the official driver.
  11. skapigmdl

    skapigmdl MDL Novice

    Jun 11, 2015

    Unnecessarily rude response. I have been reading the forum, but please be mindful that this is a huge thread that can take a lot of time to catch up on and can be hard to follow due to the many concurrent discussions. Difficult to tell what's been resolved completely, partially, or not all. For the sake of not only myself but others so that they can get caught up quickly and possibly even pitch in. Thanks!
  12. phrunt

    phrunt MDL Addicted

    May 1, 2007
    No problems

    Guide only working for those who's guide data is pulled down from the DVB-T TV Signal. Some have got the guide working in other methods but it's not a resolved issue yet.

    For some, especially after an upgrade from 8.1 MCE the automatic install script offered here installs MC fine, however when you run it, it does nothing. Clean installs of Win10 appear to work fine every time.

    Automatic wake up for recordings isn't working at all at this stage.

    Still all a work in progress.
  13. DavidinCT

    DavidinCT MDL Addicted

    May 9, 2015
    #619 DavidinCT, Sep 7, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2015
    I have never saw this issue before, I have been using WMC from XP WME (pre-MCE 2005). I use WMC in a bunch of my machines and use it in a window all the time.

    The ONLY thing I have done is expand to full screen and shrink it back down to a window... It works fine for that session, if I close or play another type of video, I have to do it all again.

    I know WMC very well, I was a MVP for 2010 and 2011, and I an even Certified in it from Microsoft (they had a certification course for it, I didn't even need to study for it and passed with a 100%).

    I have a Ceton Infinty 6 PCIe tuner (it's in my Dedicated HTPC). I am sharing my tuners. Windows 10 is on my office computer, so I am only using 1 tuner from the Ceton. My Dedicated home theater PC runs Windows 7 holds the Ceton PCIe card (dual booting with 8.1 for some testing). Not sure 10 will go on my HTPC, as 7 or 8.1 does the job and wont have to worry about it getting killed by a Windows update at one point but, maybe it will at some point.

    With the newest drivers for the Ceton on WIndows 10 using the 8.1 driver, I did get the option for 6 tuners. If your doing this on a dedicated HTPC, I would avoid this right now, stick with 7 or 8.1 for now and have this on a test machine till the issues are worked out. It's way too early for that at this point.

    I went back to about page 50 and read every step on the guide data issue. I tried setting it as a admin for all users, and Now I see it running, it is pulling down guide data but, WMC cant use it for some reason (this is what I am leading to). I have spent a good part of the day going over the resources I know about finding info on this issue, and I have been checking logs and even in the event viewer. If it's in this thread someplace I have tried it and I have re-run TV setup on 10 about 15-20 times, we just cant pass that error and I think that is what is causing the WHOLE problem.

    Downloadable Guide Not Available- Downloadable TV Program Guide Listings are not available due to a previous downloading failure.

    I do think Mcupdate is running fine, I think it's the problem in TV setup, that this error shows up and it's not registering correctly, and if you see my last post, you will see from the MCupdate logs that it could not find the "table" (it's a SQL DB that it's stored in). So it's downloading the guide update but, cant import it in... or something of the sort. This is what I THINK is going on but, I could be way off.

    The only error that shows up in the Media Center Event viewer is "Failed to retrieve nettv" and that is Internet TV that is no longer available anyway. So it does look like it's downloading the guide data with out an error.

    We also have another factor that could be causing an issue, When 10 builds hit, we were all using Zap2it for guide data, once RTM was out, they changed gude data to "Rovi" and we could still be trying to pull from the old source and it could be also causing this problem.

    I have spend a good chunk of this day trying to get Guide data working, I can honestly tell you everything listed here does not help. I think MCupdate is working fine but, something else is causing the lack of Guide data.

    Anyone with guide data working want to let us know how you got it working ?
  14. Deihmos

    Deihmos MDL Novice

    Jun 19, 2015
    #620 Deihmos, Sep 7, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2015
    That will happen if you are using a laptop or something other than an hdmi connection. There is no workaround.

    I cannot get guide date either and get the same same error. Also Windows 10 does not have the mpeg decoder and 3rd party drivers don't work properly.