Don't let it get to you. Many of these Mods on some of these forums have a megalomania attitude, and do let the power get to them, ---- it because no-one can touch them, they can wield power without justification, don't have to justify or state their reasoning AND no logic in their decision making. Forums that have such mods I quickly leave, they are as bad as dictators, putting their own personal filters on what THEY SEE as appropriate. Rant off
I was just thinking about what Jessie just said "No beer until after CableCards are working" Then I started thinking about the last beer induced brainstorming session that I participated in. We came up with a lot of good idea's.....unfortunately, most of the idea's were illegal. Here is one that might not be so illegal. Could some type of Plug-in connect WMC to the CableCard Tuner.... In other words could we enable RTP or DLNA in WMC? I realize we wouldn't get the DRM channels, but we would get, at least, the same thing as Kodi, Emby, WMP, and VLC. Perhaps the WMC Digital/OTA componet could be used as a starting point. Based on the success story's of OTA in 14393, OTA is definitely not broken. I understand this would be a Regional not Global fix.
We were just trying to figure out why you had been banned. The only thing we could think of was that the temporary link for the download was on a site that would bombard you with malware, but that was pure speculation. Happy you are back !
Thanks. I had msdri.dll installed and registered, but not before installing the HDHomerun. How about MCEWMDRMNDBootstrap.dll. That is another one that is loaded while playing live TV.
I've been watching this thread like crazy and trying tons of things... I have seen that a few times now... I was not going to make a new post every time I tried something that got no way closer.. If your doing a dedicated machine, why not 7 ? It works, it is the best version of Media Center out of all the of them. Also the biggest perk.... getting a update wont break it, and if it does, Microsoft will fix it...
Win7 is not an option for me, I have a Win7 built all ready, I don't need another one. When Win7 goes tits-up like XP just did, I am planning to have a replacement. Updates are easily killed, and most MS fixes are 9 months late, so if 9 months later is called support, I don't need it. Besides, in case you haven't noticed, Microsoft is in the process of fixing WMC. How are you liking that support?
If we want to be really certain that MS won't find new ways to break WMC in the future, we need to port it to Linux. I know there is Wine for win32 apps and Mono for .NET, but is there anything to support mixed mode processes which most of the WMC processes are? And do any of these things support a shared registry and background services?
Great find. We really should check out what libraries are loaded in all MCE processes on a working system, and verify these are all present and registered. I'm rather surprised the missing COM class doesn't just make the process crash.
Well WMC is working for me again but, I had to roll back...Nothing but problems with the Anniversary update..(unstable, store, Cortana and a bunch of other apps would not even run) Maybe I'll try again soon but, WMC (with cablecard) is back !
Don't get me wrong, There is a HUGE advantage to get Windows Media Center running on Windows 10. No question. I was just stating the fact, and its the truth. The best Version of Media Center is on Windows 7 (as from official releases from Microsoft). Yep they are slowly trying to break it but, I think cablecards will continue to run on Windows 7 till the day support for Windows 7 is over. The Version you run on Windows 10 IS the 8.1 version with a few stripped out features from the 7 version. No question not a deal killer but, stating the fact. So, what do you mean by "Microsoft is in the process of fixing WMC" ? ....the way I see it, they are doing everything possible to destroy it, not fix it... At least on 7, Media Center is PART of the OS, sure they might send out a fix 6 months later but, it will be fixed, in the mean time you can figure out what update broke it and remove it.