I have had problem with WMC window not being active after opening causing problem like that with the remote, but the mouse should automatically make the window active.
carsh2009 I exported reg from 586 then inported into ltsb 2016 and wmc worked but but had a lot of programs on 586 and none on ltsb something were screw up but if we can find the right portion to export only we might some progress ?
DodgeMotorSports is buying the BEER tonight! T-S was correct again. Thank-you! 14393.51 with HDHR-3CC, DVBLogic Server, DVBLogic IPTV, WMCv8.8
i had WMC running with v6 a bit ago (but the cable card tuner wouldn't work ATI tv wonder), just tried to install v12 and now WMC will not launch, after the install it said installed successfully, but when i try to launch it, nothing happens. Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.10586] If someone could msg me, id be willing to offer some compensation to someone if they can help me get WMC and the tuner working.
DVBLogic Server, DVBLogic IPTV more information would be great what you install or buy and get all the channel you got 586 ?
Cant get in there right now. I have 81 ScreenCaps documenting what i did. Doing a System Image right now. I did a 14393 Reset.....first...that takes you back to 14393.0 I installed WMC and the rest of the crap and when I went to reboot I saw that there was a 14393 update, S__T booted anyway and the update took me to 14393.51 Go get the server from dvblogic you need Version 6. For me, the downloads were not available using EDGE The server has a bunch of plug-ins inside it such as IPTV You have to get the channels working in DVB Server prior to going into WMC
I'm currently on OS Build 14393.67, so there's more updates to come on 1607, nevermind the RS2 preview that T-S has been trying. Really pleased for you so far ETA ~ The differences between 14393.51 and 14393.67 are minor, so nothing to worry about until the next cumulative Update for 1607.
I thought that DVBLogic would only work with ClearQAM. Are you simply trying to get the HDHomeRun Prime to work even if only with ClearQAM channels?
No, neither one. I just wanted to see a tuner in WMC. T-S asked if I could see a Virtual Tuner, didn't know the answer to that, so I explored the suggestion, and discovered WMC can see a Virtual Tuner. I got the same results testing WMP, Homerun View, and Kodi. Didn't test Emby, or any other media center, but I would expect the same. For obvious reasons, the direction you and Glug are going will be the Global Fix.
I'm presuming that virtual tuners, OTA tuners, etc., work in Anniversary Update because there is no DRM requirement for signal transmission between the tuner and WMC. For OCUR, the signal must be encrypted using WMDRM or DTCP-IP. Anniversary Update removed WMDRM, so OCUR tuners are not "detected" because they don't pass the qualifications. And, of course, WMC does not use DTCP-IP and isn't going to be updated to use it now that WMDRM has been knifed in the back. I'm at the same WMDRM roadblock that I was before -- cannot get blackbox.dll to individualize into IndivBox.key and IndivBox_64.key. Finding indications of how WMDRM works and what files are necessary is proving to be a true PITA.
I am not sure what is going on with this DVBLogic. Here is an EhPrivJob registry capture from the Ceton Diagnostic Tool. Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Media Center\Service\ehPrivJob] "DRMInitResult"=dword:c00d271d "OCURDiscovery"="{6E6FDF3E-B4B7-4C3B-9CE2-514F2FF9ED54}" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Media Center\Service\ehPrivJob\LocalPbdaSWTunerDevices] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Media Center\Service\ehPrivJob\LocalPbdaSWTunerDevices\HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13145070-0] "DeviceUDN"="uuid:47349A57-9DE5-3291-93B2-486996B174F4" "Host"="" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Media Center\Service\ehPrivJob\LocalPbdaSWTunerDevices\HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13145070-1] "DeviceUDN"="uuid:77A669EF-1783-3FF3-9878-577CE156787E" "Host"="" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Media Center\Service\ehPrivJob\LocalPbdaSWTunerDevices\HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13145070-2] "DeviceUDN"="uuid:BF0337D5-3E31-319F-B470-09A3C3358916" "Host"="" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Media Center\Service\ehPrivJob\OCURActivate] It appears DRM fails just like all the previous things we tried. Only this time OCURDiscovery saves the day and finds a LocalPbdaSWTunerDevices which finds the 3 tuners of the HDHR-3CC. and then OCURActivate completes the mission. Here are a couple ScreenCaps of the Diagnostic Capture and DVB Streaming monitor Let me know, (PM) and I will upload the entire diagnostic if you want to look it over.
I made a quick app to list the loaded modules in all obvious media center processes (anything starting with eh or mc), and did a diff of the result of that in Win7 vs. Win10 14393 build 1607. I came up with the following within the system32 directory (there is also some noise from playready cache and 2.0 vs 4.0 .NET assemblies and other stuff I need to work out): drmv2clt.dll MCEWMDRMNDBootstrap.dll msdri.dll msdrm.dll wmdrmdev.dll wmdrmnet.dll Copied these into the Win10 box and ran regsvr32 on all of them (succeeded on all but MCEWMDRMNDBootstrap.dll, which is neither a COM or .NET assembly). Doesn't seem to have made any difference.
I think it should be left to the originator to choose where they host the download. If other download locations start springing up there is no guarantee that they haven't been loaded up with "extra content" including malware.
Make people's life easier = making a better installer or adding some tools that helps with a temperamental SW like the WMC. Changing the format with a worse one, just to spare the minute needed to download an archiving tool, (which is a mandatory installation since the Dos times), is pointless. The 2 people who never heard about a compressed file, can safely launch Google od duckduckgo and learn something written on page one of "windows for dummies" Learn something is a bonus, not an annoyance. Each person can do whatever he like for one reason or another, I explained mine Sure. But still a website would be something to expose the matter and to woken some "sleeping dogs". The SeverWMC example won't work well, given ServerWMC is 100% original SW and even if, after all, it allows to circumvent a WMC limitation, it doesn't affect too much the paid content business, so no big brothers will ever care of it.
Thanks but, I would appreciate it if you wouldn't try to drag me into this discussion anymore. I prefer to spectate rather than participate. Besides that, T-S issued a warning related to the 8.8.1 Zippy, as a result of that, I saw the trap and backed out.