[DISCUSSION] Patch WMC to run on Windows 10 final & possible alternatives

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by ricktendo64, May 8, 2015.

  1. tdulcet

    tdulcet MDL Novice

    Aug 9, 2015
    One of the great things about the WMC is that it is easy to setup and use, even for people who are not as computer savvy as us. I don't see why we should limit who can use the WMC on Windows 10 by making it overly and unnecessarily complicated. I tried to do that with my post.

    I was only explaining my rationale for using .zip format when prompted by you. Again, I am not sure what else you want me to do.

    The website idea was just a suggestion. Feel free to take it or leave it. This thread has been mentioned and linked to from lots of large websites all over the internet. I sure all the "sleeping dogs" have been "woken".
  2. tdulcet

    tdulcet MDL Novice

    Aug 9, 2015
    People were having multiple problems with the sites T-S used. T-S was banned at the time and could not upload it to a different site. I then decided to upload it to a site without ads… I also don't know why this is a discussion.

    T-S used .7z format, I uploaded it in .zip format. Again, I also don't know why this is a discussion either.

  3. RedPanda

    RedPanda MDL Novice

    Aug 6, 2016
    i still get no tuner no matter what version mc10 i use i have a happauge win 2650 and the new windows 10 anniversity. I want to end it all and go back to windows 7
  4. rustyjarz

    rustyjarz MDL Novice

    Jan 16, 2016
    ...and where was the link? ;)
  5. glugglug

    glugglug MDL Junior Member

    Oct 2, 2015
    While I agree that the hosting site leaves something to be desired, the push for .zip over .7z really has me going WTF?!

    I have a hard time believing that a significant portion of the technophobic population who would have trouble with .7z would be capable of opening a command prompt for the current install process.

    That said, an additional ~700K could be saved by using tighter/solid compression settings in 7zip and you could even make it a self-extracting archive smaller than the current size.
  6. crash2009

    crash2009 MDL Expert

    Dec 8, 2015
    #6506 crash2009, Aug 16, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2016
    I should let him fix this but...since I suggested you get a new tuner.....

    HDHR-3CC works with Win10 10586

    This next line should get a rise out of somebody....

    I am the only one in the entire world to have a 90% working CableCard Tuner with Win10 14393.

    This is what we have been working on for 2 weeks. Start reading at August 2.
  7. hookdonspeed

    hookdonspeed MDL Novice

    Aug 1, 2016
    lol, thanks! if you woulda said otherwise, i would kept the order in (lets face it, no cable wires running is a good thing), and just rolled back to 8.
  8. crash2009

    crash2009 MDL Expert

    Dec 8, 2015
    Had to edit that last post a bit.
  9. alien2xx

    alien2xx MDL Senior Member

    Aug 5, 2009
    That is just awesome!! keeping my fingers crossed!!! nice!:p
  10. crash2009

    crash2009 MDL Expert

    Dec 8, 2015
    Where have you been for the last 2 weeks, start reading at August 2. CableCard Tuners don't work in 14393 aka anniversary. Recently, a workaround to enable the non DRM channels was discovered.
  11. tdulcet

    tdulcet MDL Novice

    Aug 9, 2015
    I agree that the install process can be improved, but it currently does not require the opening of a command prompt. The "_TestRights.cmd" and the "Installer.cmd" scripts automatically open a command prompt when clicked and T-S's version even automatically asks for administrative privileges. Not much different from installing any other piece of software.
  12. T-S

    T-S MDL Guru

    Dec 14, 2012
    #6513 T-S, Aug 16, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2016
    Frankly the WMC is likely the one of the most complicated program I have dealt with.

    Sure it's easy to use once it's perfectly configured, but configure it has ben always a plug and pray process so, no jokes, it's obvious that, especially in the hacked form, it's aimed to people who has something more than basic or null IT knowledge

    No one as asked nothing, other than removing an unneeded mirror.

    Oh people are lazy, subscribing to a forum is too much for most of them.

    We aren't a commercial vendor, we don't need to make download numbers. Instead we need willing and skilled people that try to help according to the personal expertise a forum helps to collect and filter them
  13. crash2009

    crash2009 MDL Expert

    Dec 8, 2015
    T-S, I am going to get started on the 2nd part of your DVBLogic suggestion tomorrow. First I got to go find a decent Video Adapter for the T7500.
  14. scrambler3

    scrambler3 MDL Junior Member

    May 22, 2016
  15. tdulcet

    tdulcet MDL Novice

    Aug 9, 2015
    Of course problems can arise, but those usually have to do with the drivers for the tuner, at least on the officially supported Windows 7 and 8/8.1. I was comparing it to other home theater software like Kodi, of which the WMC is by far easier to setup and use.

    Unfortunately, people can't even see the download links on this thread without first creating an account (I think that is what your referring to).

    The more people who download and install the WMC on Windows 10, the more people who will find out about it and the more "willing and skilled people" we will have to contribute to this thread. That is why I said we should make it as easy as possible for people to install so that we can attract a larger audience.
  16. T-S

    T-S MDL Guru

    Dec 14, 2012
    #6517 T-S, Aug 16, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2016
    Where kodi is supposedly hard to configure? :eek:

    Add the backend plugin of your choice, insert the server ip (if different than localhost), whatch your tv, which is light years easier than setup the WMC with its pile of things that can go wrong

    The only copeting program which is harder to configure than WMC is MythTV. Great SW but requires a lot of reading and computer skills, especially if you're going to use it on a standard, not dedicated, Linux distro.

    Unfortunately? I think that being forced to access the thread is a very fortunate thing, as you can see even on a forum there is a bunch of people who dont even bother to read the post #1 or the latest messages. Immagine the mess of a clear website and a free download with every average joe who tries to setup the thing, with zero IT knowledge.


    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]Be sure that the interested people knows how to find the WMC and how to subscribe this thread, if they want.[/FONT]

    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]Unfortunately the combination of the needed skill and interest to WMC are very rare.[/FONT]

    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]We had to wait TEN years to have a working port and during the first 9 years the WMC was pubblicily available on most windows installations. This forum was able to collect the needed skills, where everything else failed.

    And that happened twice. First with XP MCE and the great Raphael Rviera, now with the main contribution of Graznok, Abbodi, and few others included me.

    I think we dont need further proofs of the effectiveness of this forum over other places, including very dedicated ones like thegreenbutton, Avsforum, 2008/2012 workstation forums and so on.[/FONT]
  17. phoebeuk

    phoebeuk MDL Member

    Jun 8, 2016
    #6518 phoebeuk, Aug 16, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2016
    For those confused/frustrated by the length of this thread, and by terms you may not be familiar with in your part of the world:

    The whole WMC Patch installation process can be complicated by factors outside the control of the people working on solutions in any of the available branches of the patch. It's not a simple A to B progression unless you have an OTA (off-the-air) tuner (and that can still be complicated if you have remnants of WMC from a previous Windows build or unsuccessful patch attempts.) You can get usually get your OTA tuner working in Windows 10 in one or two attempts.

    Where it becomes really complex is when you have hybrid tuners or tuner/networking cards previously capable of accessing Digital Cable content, as failure to configure the tuner(s) through the software supplied with them is a show-stopper (i.e. the tuners will not be detected by WMC, or some will and some will not depending on the multiple types of content the card can handle.) If this configuration changes the source of guide listings you may end up with the ability to download these being broken by the process. Also, because Microsoft have broken/removed the DRM (digital rights management) support with the Anniversary Update of Windows 10 there is currently no way of accessing channels which use that as part of the content delivery process (CableCard in the US).

    There are barely a handful of people actively working on solutions. Some of those don't even live in locations served by and requiring CableCard, but they try to help any and every way they can.
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  18. T-S

    T-S MDL Guru

    Dec 14, 2012
    #6519 T-S, Aug 16, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2016

    Speaking about confusion, the term "Hybrid Tuner" is usually used to indicate a an antenna tuner capable of managing both the Analog and Digital TV, they are practically extinct nowadays given the analog TV is mostly gone, even in many developing countries.

    The affected "tuners" are the QAM ones, known as Cable Cards, I think they are called tuners just for simplicity but practically they are specialized network cards more than real tuners
  19. phoebeuk

    phoebeuk MDL Member

    Jun 8, 2016
    #6520 phoebeuk, Aug 16, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2016
    I use the term Hybrid because many of those cards are capable of handling multiple types of source, Digital/Analog OTA, Digital/Analog Cable and so on (Like those ATI TV Wonder 650/750 cards.) I do realise that many are dedicated cablecard tuner/networking cards too.

    ETA~ I just amended the previous post to try and clarify this distinction.

    Some of the cards people have been asking for help with are really old and date back to the transitional period when some locations were still switching from Analog to Digital signals.

    There are even posts about the ATI TV Wonder DCT USB (DCT = Digital Cable Tuner), which was supposed to only be sold in the US with OEM Windows Vista PCs which had a customised version of Vista Media Center pre-installed. It had limited functionality if used with WMC on Windows 7 and has zero support if you can't get it installed and working on your hardware, so be wary of picking one of these up on ebay.
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