Deploying V7 on a VHD or W8.x on a VHDX and dual boot on it (or them) is matter of few minutes if you are on SSD. On my 5/6 years old e4300 the deploy process takes 7/8 minutes + additional 5/6 minutes required by the first boot. On an actual top notch machine you can deploy in 1/2 minutes and wait one minute or so for the first boot
The only test I did was on a working 10586 , Winver 10586.0 , LAV v0.67 , WMC v12 Test 1 Open WMC Confirm non-DRM live tv is working=Yes Confirm DRM live tv is working=Yes Close WMC Rename C:\Windows\System32\msmpeg2vdec.dll C:\Windows\System32\msmpeg2vdecOLD.dll using XYplorer launched through TestRights v8.8 window Open WMC Confirm non-DRM live tv is working=Yes Confirm DRM live tv is working=No Close WMC Rename C:\Windows\System32\msmpeg2vdecOLD.dll C:\Windows\System32\msmpeg2vdec.dll using XYplorer launched through TestRights v8.8 window Open WMC Confirm non-DRM live tv is working=Yes Confirm DRM live tv is working=Yes
I don't want to do too much more testing on this one. This one (my laptop) is my only portable source of DRM LiveTV. I have 2 other machines designated for testing, sitting on the test bench immediately to the right of this one. T7500 (10586) LiveDRM is not working yet. (i am working on it). The other Test machine T3400 has 14393 and DVBLink. So the priority right now is to get DRM working on the T7500 so that I can Test/Break with no consequences.
Using hardware change as an example for software change (which is unknown ATM), if you pull the cpu and replace it with another DRM breaks, you lose the right to play the protected movies in your collection. Even restoring the original cpu may not restore the rights, the result is loss of rights to play the protected content on the machine that did the recording. I have "broken" PlayReady in the past, and it is a rather ugly process to fix, and even after fixing, the consequences are that you lose the protected recordings. Yes, I have an image on this one, but I would prefer not to use it. I also have some "Protected" movies on it reserved for an upcoming "date". I am "more than willing" to tear up the T7500 when it is ready to go.
If it was dangerous I guess you had already broken something with the test you did, using a completely different codec.
When I did Test 1, I felt that test was not dangerous. To me that test amounted to closing a door. Transplanting the file from 14393 would amount to installing a completely "new door". I/we don't know enough ATM if there are any consequences to installing a new door. I am afraid PlayReady would get a report about the new door, and even after replacing the original door, PlayReady would refuse to play the protected movies. This PlayReady is a... M F
Tried to run the V 8.8.1 uninstall script logged in as administrtor. The cmd window opened briefly after I answered yes to let it run, and then the cmd window quickly closed wthout running the script. Same with the install script. I know this is something simple, but what? BackupRestoreSettings.cmd seems to run fine, leaving the window open with the message that the operation completed successfully. System is running 14393
Question for T-S....In the installer bat, the second line: @echo off cd /d "%~dp0" %windir%\system32\whoami.exe /USER | find /i "S-1-5-18" 1>nul || ( echo ============================================================ What is that for? It's in the unintaller also. I pulled it from the uninstaller and it ran. If I leave it in I get the "find" is not an ext....... error.
Just to be clear, I was only locking/crashing (same symptom as you w/the "white spinner" and no reset available) when watching either a recording or live TV in WMC on Win10 after resuming from sleep (could be hours later), whereas watching recording or live after a reboot would be fine. I'm not clear when you say "fully awake" you mean after a reboot or also maybe after a wake from sleep but computer is fully awake and usable. Was your 1 in 5 crashes a wake from sleep? If your last "startup" was a wake from sleep, no matter how long ago, then I think you may have the same problem as me and perhaps a BIOS change will help. In my case I initially made several BIOS changes that I thought would help and it worked, as previously listed. Then I went back and tested them one-by-one and confirmed for me it was RC6 (details below). I even changed that one setting back to enabled and it froze again watching live TV and recordings after waking from sleep, then changed it back to disabled and WMC is fine again (on Win10 Pro Build 10586). Build 14393 still has different problems with CableCard tuner in US which is currently being discussed. Initially, my BIOS changes using shotgun approach: -fastboot: Disabled -XHCI: Enabled -RC6: Disabled (onboard graphics low power) -USB Legacy: Disabled -ISCT: Disabled (Intel Smart Connect) -MS KB update to 10586@ 8/10? says they fixed some sleep mode issues, so maybe my changes unnecessary Then, narrowed it down to this one BIOS setting: -RC6: Disabled (onboard graphics low power) - I changed this from Enabled to Disabled which stopped the computer locking. Just wanted to throw this out there in case there was a misunderstanding. Hope it helps.
So, I downloaded DVBlink... Docs say, supports the HDR tuners but, nothing on the Ceton... Installed it, tried, my tuner is shared but, the Ceton software sees it fine. The software detects nothing. Tried TV source and IPTV....Nothing found.. Anyone with a Ceton tuner get WMC to work with the DVBlink software ?
Just a quick success report and thanks for the work that made this possible! I was not sure if I would stick with 10 as I was missing my WMC, but found the info here & it works like a champ! I upgraded to WIN10 Pro 32 bit (on the last day) and decided to search around to see what was available to replace WMC there... The install had to be done twice... After the initial fail (not sure why), I rebooted & it went smoothly on the 2nd try... Amazingly, after the install WMC even found all my old settings from the old WIN 7 and restored them to bring back all my channels as well! THANKS AGAIN!
See above. The scripts should trigger the UAC, if is not your case for whatever reason, launch the scripts as admin
I've been replacing a lot of the DRM related dlls, no dice so far. I noticed the 10 crypt*.dll's in the system32 directory are different between win8.1 and win10 AE. Even as admin in xyplorer, it refuses to let me replace these. I guess they need to be set up to be replaced during a reboot like from an installer, but don't remember exactly how to go about that.
Anyway i think there are to much things to check, and given over here the people who download the wmc are thousands but almost no one else is cooperating actively, this path may be a waste of time, especially for a single person I suggest a different path: Deploy W10 10586 N and W10 14393 N in a couple of native VHDs (and add them to your bootloader using esybcd) Boot in the former, install Total Uninstall. Launch TU and tell it to monitor for a new installation install the media feature pack for windows N Reboot,as asked, and use TU to create a backup of the installed files and export a .reg of the changes Reboot to the latter, copy the above files in place, import the registry (possibly launching regedit from the testright prompt) and you're done Install the WMC and check if it works
Not quite sure how this happened, but I used the media creation tool on 10586, then plugged it into the T7500 and clicked setup. Ended up with 10240. So I got 3 different versions now 10586, 10240, and 14393 Can 10240 be taken up to 10586? Ideally would be nice to stop before 14393.