Anyway The following are the files included in the package microsoft-windows-mediaplayer-drm (i have only the 10240 handy ATM) Code: blackbox.dll drmmgrtn.dll drmv2clt.dll msnetobj.dll msscp.dll wmdrmdev.dll wmdrmnet.dll wmdrmsdk.dll Very likely they aren't enough, but are surely a good starting point
Did you install DVBLINK server on the same box that has the InfiniTV in it? If so, DVB creates 8 entry's in device mgr. These entry's will become your virtual tuners in 14393's wmc. I don't know what you have changed your InfiniTV ip's to, but you might need to try all three in DVB sources or or the ip of the server. You defiantly need to find the lineup.xml Then go over to your 14393, look in Network for DVB media server. Click on it. At this point you should see live tv if the server is configured properly. DVB media server will prompt you to install the client. Then go in to WMC and setup virtual tuners.
Strange. The EIT EPG is working flawlessly for many years overhere. Must be something my TV-provider does well then.
Out of interest what CPU / MB is this with? (I'm Asrock H97M Pro4 Intel 1150 with an i3 4130T) I've been testing with mine and found it shows the same symptoms as yours - not just live TV but watching recorded stuff so that's leading me away from the tuner. I don't have an equivalent RC6 setting so I've been playing with other ACPI related bios options now. (Also to be clear as above, my issue isn't "on resume from sleep" but more "After resume from sleep". It doesn't matter how long you wait, if the system has previously slept it will crash when doing MCE video things)
I've double checked and I am an administrator. The package is in c:\wmc-v8.8.1... I right click _testrights.cmd and run as admin. It opens, runs, closes the cmd window, and opens a second cmd window. I close that window and right click installerblue.cmd and run as admin. the first cmd window closes and a second opens with: 'find' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. C:\WMC-V8.8.1\bin> For some reason the cd /d "%~dp0" seems to get it lost. I'm stomped, starting to think dumping the "wmc-v8.8.1 into the windows\system32 and running it from there.
Ok so after more faffing about this morning got it fixed and working... TLDR:Updated Intel display drivers ( & Intel chipset drivers ( Longer version of testing: After further info from jaydes44b about their issue being related to on-board graphics power saving did some tweaking in the BIOS for S3 suspend states No luck, same result Tried playing recorded TV after resume instead of live TV crashed - indicated prehaps not PCIe / tuner related Tried opening .wtv in WMP after resume instead of in MCE crashed - indicate something to do with file type renderer? Tried copying .wtv file to desktop (OS on C: - SSD and recording to D: - HDD) Crashed in WMP, indicating not anything to do with storage location so hopefully not similar to the known Win10 RC1 bug about installed app locations Open .wtv in VLC instead of WMP File played fine, VLC uses its own render Connect via RDP and open .wtv in WMP Crashed so prehaps not pure gfx related? Checked driver versions for HD4400 and saw that running MS published version, downloaded intel driver update software & installed chipset driver (10.0.14393.0 -> Intel driver update tried to install HD4400 but intel site showed newer driver so manually downloaded and installed that Rebooted & tested after resume .wtv in WMP worked great MCE recorded TV worked great MCE live TV worked great Put to sleep again & resumed to re-test, all okay Reverted BIOS tweaks Still working okay Re-enabled sleep & keeping fingers crossed! So there we go, finaly got my fully working WMC on Win10 RS1 with digital T2 tuner. Happy days. (Keeping my fingers crossed for you guys still fighting with the cable tuners )
Hi jaydes44b, thanks for the reply. I misunderstood at what point your machine was crashing. It sounds like it's at a similar point as both of mine are. By "fully awake" I meant it hadn't just resumed from sleep and had been awake for a while. But it's possible (in fact likely) that either machine had gone to sleep and resumed, before crashing. I've taken a look at the BIOS of my main machine. Fastboot and ISCT were already disabled. I can't find XHCI, I assume that's similar to something-AHCI, but I changed nothing. USB legacy was enabled. [Disabling it was fun - it made me unable to get back into the BIOS again because it was ignoring any keyboard I tried! I had to clear the CMOS (and while I was at it flashed a newer BIOS version). So I've left USB legacy enabled.] I can't find a specific RC6 setting (coincidentally isn't the Microsoft MCE Remote known as an RC6) but I Googled and found it's render standby. I've disabled that (it was enabled). There's also a setting in there called Package C State Support which the BIOS help refers to as "CPU, PCIe, Memory and Graphics C State Support for power saving" - so I've disabled that too. As an aside, I haven't yet tried T-S's other suggestion of trying an older (10586) version of msmpeg2vdec.dll - I've pulled one out of an old install (actually it looks like it's 10547) but haven't figured out how to get Windows to let me swap it for what I have installed. But I'll see how it goes with your suggestions for a few days and report back. (The other machine which is also having problems is an Acer Revo One with a much smaller set of BIOS settings, and I haven't been able to change much there. I like that one, it uses so little juice it's perfect.) FYI the main machine is an i5-4570 with an ASRock Z87M Pro4 motherboard. Thanks for the clarification, it's been very helpful.
The "find" is either related to: "%windir%\system32\reg.exe query "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /v PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE | find /i "amd64" 1>nul || " In the installerblue.cmd Or: "%windir%\system32\whoami.exe /USER | find /i "S-1-5-18" 1>nul || " In the installerblue.bat... Both of which I know I'm running 64bit Win 10. So, Would I be able to pull either or both of those commands from the cmd and bat (and any associated line) to run them?
Just tried, the testrights second cmd window ends with "c:\WMC-8.8.1" NOT in "bin". Running installerblue.cmd from there gives the same results. changing to "bin" and running installblue.bat give the same.
Further to my post above, I've had a play with the Acer, and yes, it's fine until it's gone to sleep. It then crashes every time I try to play something. And it's a proper rip-out-the-power-cord crash. The other machine (now that I've changed some of the BIOS settings) appears to be more stable but I've played with these things long enough to know they can spite you into a false sense of success... I'll have to look at changing the codec on the Acer, either for an earlier msmpeg2vdec or something else altogether.