It does create a shortcut: Code: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories\Media Center.lnk in start menu, it will show under Windows Accessories folder (besides Internet Explorer)
I stand corrected, I must of missed it... Nice I can pin it now Now if I could just guide data working, I could be using it.... :-\
When you bring up the guide, and see program info. This way you can schedule shows, some areas around the world pull it down directly from their provider, in the US we need to download it from Microsoft who gets it from a 3rd party, formats it and we end up with it, this part is not working. I am going to take this back a step, I am going to get (if I can find it), a 10134 ISO, build WMC edition out of it, build a VM, setup my Networkable cablecard tuner with it and see if guide data works on it. I have a 10135 ISO here but, as we are using 10134 (leaked ISO, not an official released ISO) on WMC... I am hunting down a 10134 iso now... This will confirm 100% if it's this build version, or if it's something missed when it was ripped out (or another part needs to be patched). This is the ONLY way to confirm this 100%... I'll post back when I can test this... It looks like during TV setup, it is downloading the EPG Lineup...(from FirstRun.log) <NavigateTo t="11:30:43" Page="FR.DownloadUpdates.xml" Nav="Forward" /> <DownloadUpdates t="1106">Download result for package 'ClientUpdate': Downloaded</DownloadUpdates> <DownloadUpdates t="1106">Download result for package 'EpgLineups': Downloaded</DownloadUpdates> <NavigateTo t="1106" Page="fr.noepgprovider.xml" Nav="Forward" /> <NavigateTo t="1111" Page="fr.termsofservice.xml" Nav="Back" /> <GuideTOSAgreed t="1113">True</GuideTOSAgreed> <NavigateTo t="1113" Page="FR.DownloadUpdates.xml" Nav="Forward" /> <DownloadUpdates t="1118">Download result for package 'ClientUpdate': Downloaded</DownloadUpdates> <DownloadUpdates t="1118">Download result for package 'EpgLineups': Downloaded</DownloadUpdates> <NavigateTo t="1119" Page="fr.noepgprovider.xml" Nav="Forward" /> Somewhere this part of setup and the next page or so, it gets lost. If the EPG lineups come down, we should see channel number and call sign in the guide, I only get channel numbers, nothing else.
Okay, realy good Work. After Installation i installed DVBLink and Sharky007 Codec Pack, ... Live TV, guide Data Import, TimeShift,... without any problems. But i dont't know what i have to do for german language. i downloaded Ressource hacker, i got the ehome\de-DE MUI Files from Windows 8.1, but what now?
Not to get off topic, but the only reason I need to keep MC working is that is the only thing I've found that can properly decode the OTA signal it records and give me a proper title when it's done. I use MCEBuddy to strip the commercials, then MoveOut to transfer the file to the correct folder so Plex can see it. If anyone can suggest an alternate PVR I'd be all for trying something different. However the few that I've tried in Kodi all record with the name of the show and then the date, and that just doesn't work for me.
@chantzshim, Yep I've found how to do ! Many thanks it works ! @dejong12 and T-S, Thank you for sharing, your file are smaller than my edited files, I keep them !
Not a bad idea. The same work has to be done for both files/registry comparison and files patching, but this could be a success.