Ok hopefully my last question. 8.8.1 TS version trying to get 360 extenders working. Everything sets up ok, but the extender times out connecting. Examining the logs, looks like the problem is "An unauthorized windows was detected while running Widnows Media Center, "Windows MEdia Center', with file name 'C:\Windows\ehome\ehshell.exe'. and "The Media Center Extender user was abruptly disconnected" Firewall is disabled for now and tried disabling UAC. There are no unblock option in the file properties for ehshell.exe I can RDP into the machine with multiple sessions, also tried using RDWRap just to view the config and everything appears to be enabled properly there (security off, allow multiple sessions enabled) Also tried some older fixes from meluavii: ntrights +r SeServiceLogonRight -u "Local Service" icacls C:\Windows\explorer.exe /deny "Performance Monitor Users":F but the second command icacls fails (running from a admin cmd window) with access is denied Not sure if thats the problem or what extra permissions are needed to execute it (if its even needed still) Thanks
hmmm...even after getting a successful run, still failing to start with the same an unauthorized window error pointing to ehshell.exe
I'm not an xbox user so I can't help further. Anyway did you swap the original file with the xbox one in the final location or inside the installer? The latter is the correct/simpler way to do it. Also could be tat the RDP patch may interact negatively with the XBOX patch, with the typical lazyness of most of WMC users, I have yet to have a clear idea about what is working properly and what does not. In case you want to test it w/o the RDP patch, replace ehshell.dll and Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.dll With the original ones (take them from v8 or v12)
Oh, and I have 3 Xbox 360's and I can have them all on and it works flawless (just make sure to have a good network environment!)
HA HA so where we get it ???? Try to play it on your stock anniversary edition NO PLAY plays great in 8.1 wmc
Anyone try T-S's method here ? Sounds like it might work. I am sure I could install 10586 into a VM but, on my desktop I have 10 Pro, not a N version, so can we pull it from a retail copy and not a N or Enterprise version ? Or can someone rip a file from another machine and share it so it's just drop in a key and reboot ?
N /non N has nothing to do with enterprise, I had the LTSB handy so I used it, but I think you can use any Pro N/Home N/Education N for the purpose.
What is the DRMInitResult in the registry? Not at the computer now IIRC the registry path is under HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\MediaCenter\Service\ehPrivJob. Also, does the result change if you run ehprivjob /DRMInit from an elevated prompt after this?
Hi, not at home now, I can see this evening when I get home.. I'd need to install WMC again (no big deal). I had a snapshot and I went to the original (did too much and killed it ).. just a matter of re-installing wmc part of it...
Just in case you missed the tip from junkjunk876, you need to have copied over and registered a copy of msdri.dll from 10586 before you install the HDHomerun software.
It's a driver (dedicated to the ATI TV Wonders, according the inf), so, yes you need to add it manually if HDHR relies on it.
393 wont play file and no turner but the KB help 2015 ltsb wmc play file 393 is a sack of you know what
At the time the driver was made ATI TV wonder was probably the only CableCARD tuner in existence but I think they **all** rely on it.