Hi TS - First thank you for all your hard work on this, I am excited to try to get WMC back on my Win10 PC however not having luck as of yet. I followed instructions from LH here "lifehacker.com/get-windows-media-center-running-on-windows-10-with-a-f-1729919907" and installed V12 then ran test and then install, but like previous poster wrote when I open the program nothing happens and when I use ProcessXP to see the processed I see that Ehshell tries to open and then it says "error opening process". I tried your resetsettings.cmd from V8.8 in your sig and no help. Any steps that I missed on the install? Thanks in advance for your help!
Starting from that link is a wrong step given it links an early W10 based version which was partly broken even on the original iso Whatever if you installed the v12 try to uninstall it with V8.8.1 uninstaller, then reboot, then reinstall the V8.8.1. If it works for you satay with it, eventually you can uninstall it again with its uninstaller and try to reinstall the v12
ya i just followed the instructions from there but installed the file from here: forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/61061-DISCUSSION-Patch-WMC-to-run-on-Windows-10-final-amp-possible-alternatives/page336?p=1200602&viewfull=1#post1200602 Do you still think I should try v8.8.1? Did I miss any steps?
I have streamed the signal using Emby server. I could figure out how to port forward DVBLink. I think neither one will give you drm channels or access to the setup stages. I could simply port forward the IP of the tuner, but I don't think that would give you what you need. The only way I can see a connection to Italy working is to use TeamViewer. I am willing to pm you the Un and pw. You can share with whomever you need to.
I missed that T-S suggested VPN as a way to tunnel the tuner connection through the internet. If everything went through the VPN, including UDP/multicast, maybe you could get it to work, at least for setting it up. HOWEVER, I don't think you could get DRMed content to play for 2 reasons: 1. a home internet connection and VPN is unlikely to have enough bandwidth, regardless if the content is DRMed or not. 2. There are latency requirements for locality when streaming DRMed content. Don't know the limit of WMDRM, I know the DTCP-IP latency limits are tight enough the 7.5ms max ping times from MoCA 1.1 caused problems and that was one of the reasons MoCA 2.0 focused on getting latency back down. BUT, maybe the VPN would be enough to at least get WMC to see the tuners.
I don't know about the rest of what you said, but I do have 100 down and 20 up. Comcast Blast with additional upload. T-S said all he needed was the interna IP, port forwarded, to the external IP. I can do that. The only question I have is...what ports to use? Or, I can set up the VPN that Peterson suggested. I'm leaning towards the VPN.
Tried to install v12 but it fails on install every time now. But, after that I reinstalled v 8.8.1 and it works now. Maybe v12 install fixes whatever the problem is, even though it says it cleans up the files on the failed install.
No, you'll be able to play protected channels for a couple of days and then you'll start getting the system files modified error again and you will have to re-install. If you want the permanent fix you have to go with v12.
I downloaded the HDHR sw on a VM and sadly I see that, unlike the DVDLink client the IP can't be set manually from the UI, so yes, the VPN way could be the best option, although maybe possible to set the HD configuration directly on the registry, and skip the discovery part altogether. The point is not to watch the US protected TV here. I'm sure that part is already fixed. The point is to understand in first person the tuner installation phase. That said not sure about the common quality and bandwidth of the TV in the US, but here a SD channel requires around 6Mbps for main national channels, around 3MBps for other channels. HD requires from 5.5 to 8MBps, depending the channel and what's aired (news have usually lower requirements, movies or documentaries are aired with higher quality, more soundtracks and so on) My LTE connection is theoretically 100down/20up, practically in my place it's limited to to 35down, 20up, which should be more than enough. Latency is another matter, as example from Chicago to Rome there are around 8000Km in straight line, at the speed of lights you loose 1mS every 300Km. 8000/300=26. So that is the theoretical minimal latency from Italy to Eastern US , then you have to add a longer path because the hops, the latency induced by each router encountered in the path and so on. So unless we have a Warp connection in both ends, no way to keep the latency below 7.5mS.
OK, I thought it was similar to DVBlink, where the dvblink client talks to to the server machine/device, than WMC talks with the local dvblink client, not the remote server
Correction, should be not /8. And I think it deleted my previous post when attempting to edit.
Just a quick queston.... On the msdri.dll that is being said to be registrered. Where does this file come from ? Does it come from the N version that you copied the reg keys from, or is it just registering it in the Non N version that you are trying to get DRM working on ? I looked and I could of not found an answerr, just wanted to see before I attempt this again...
Looked 10 minutes to it, I added the other two missing files, and now the initial TV setup, thinks, thinks, thinks, then it stops with the usual missing tuner message, the event logs tells that ehreceiver chashed. I'll look to it later to try to understand why.