Has the issue with Xbox 360 Extenders not working been resolved? I spent some time looking through this thread for an answer, but I did not find one (and it's a loooong thread!).
Suddenly Lost HDHR Tuners I have been using version 16384 with HDhr prime since before the anniversary update. I also used the delay upgrades feature to stay on w10 1511. About 2 or 3 days ago, prime tuners stopped working and mc no longer recognizes it. Any ideas on why this happened now, while still on 1511? Last 10 update of any kind according to history was 9/1. Are there other builds might restore functionality? The HDhr app detects all tuners ok still and I can still view content on VIEW app. Also, everything works ok on my dual boot 8.1 setup.
Type Winver into Cortana. What exactly are you running there? 10586 is working perfectly with HDHR-3CC I do agree you have some catching up to do. Anniversary Update started coming out August 2. You really should go back to that point and start reading. Also you might want to eliminate the dual boot as being part of the problem, before you tear up WMC and Win10.
My installer package is WMC_6.3.9600.16384_x64_v12. My issue is that when I try to connect to my Xbox 360 WMC errors out at the third step (configuring extender).
Winver is 1511 (10586.545). Prime tuners have worked great up to 2 days ago. My point is if yours is working, why would mine stop working? And why 2 days ago given there haven't been any changes to the os? What version of mc build are you running? And are you suggesting that having a dual (8.1 / 10) boot could be problem? Again, why would it stop working if it was all ok previously? Not familiar with 3cc - is that equivalent to HDhr Prime? Thanks.
Dual boot....check your time for starters, and research other problems with a dual boot setup. I have WMC v12 on this one. I have the Update Service disabled. There are many models of HDHR Prime-3CC is one of them look at the sticker on the bottom of your tuner.
Crash2009, I found my problem. Some network changes caused w10 to create a new network profile, a public one. FYI, with a public (vs private) profile, tuners are discovered by HDhr app but will not be detected by mc or in my case, if they had been previously detected, will stop playing. Apologize for the fire drill ...
To find a fix for a problem the problem must be known, and AFAIK you are the first complaining about it. ATM I can't check because a fault on our local power grid, and the following black out
Have you tried MCEBuddy?. It is freeware that will encourage you to donate for faster version but free works. Can poll your recordings directory, automatically convert in background to whatever directory you choose? Option to delete original, leave it or move it to another directory.
Does anyone know where I can find a legitimate ISO of Windows 10 pre-anniversary update (i.e. 1511)? I'm completely SOL with the anniversary update and don't have a 1511 ISO
Updated to 393. My tuner works. Not using any cable or extenders. But now mkv playback and responsiveness of controls is messed up. on 8.8. Did a fresh install and then restored settings using utility. Also updated reg.
not the first. I was replying to phoebeuk's post. So at least one other has this issue. So the problem is that the right click convert to dv-rms returns an error. see phoebeuk's post
Exactly what error do you get? Right-Click and Convert to DVR-MS works fine over here on Non-Protected. I do get an error if I try to convert a recording from a DRM channel.