I don't think WU is involved in the EPG thing, anyway you can start/stop/enable/disable any service with a single command, so not a biggie anyway.
TS, Why is it that if people who haven't yet received the ANNIV update or the latest Security update which mimics anniv edition don't people turn off the service until such a point that you are successful in finding a solution? I mean sure, I know the value of security updates but wouldn't a good anti virus protect the system in the meantime? At least this way in the meantime people who don't have backup images wouldn't be without their WMC.
Basically because the average technical level of WMC users is usually incredibly low The value of updates is overrated lately, most of them are meant to fix flaws that works just as proof of concepts, undisclosed flaws and minor ones. A good browser, an adblocker, a properly configured firewall and a good AV are more than enough to stay safe even on XP, at least if used on non critical positions. Hardly really big flaws like the ones that affected XP and W2K will surface today, and if they will, most of the tech websites will advise in their homepages. Obviously that outdated thing called brain helps a lot as well
ehshell.exe app crashing regularly Hi all, Not sure if anyone else has been experiencing a similar issue, but recently and frequently I'm finding ehshell is crashing my system with locking and I'm having to force reboot my box to fix it temporarily. It happens when the system wakes from hibernation. I've set the Media Center shortcut to run in Windows 8 compatibility mode hoping that may make a difference, which it hasn't. I'm finding this is happening more and more often and I'm seeking some advise on what I should do to try and fix it. I've attached a sample event log entry. Thanks all happy WMC.
Thanks, been using this since I got brave after building a new box and deciding to leave my old one in place with win7 ult 64 so WMC works. Figured I could experiment with this in 10 and it worked fine so old box is just a spare machine now that works for backup and testing. Noticed my tuner no longer working only in WMC after that latest update so tonight I uninstalled the security update and it worked again then I searched and found this thread again with your updated info. I'll have to hide that update and so far my machine has not picked up the anniversary update and I now know to not run it so thanks for that too.
Most of the time...crash after hibernation....is due to conflicting settings between the BIOS and Windows power management. Very unlikely ehshell is the problem. Download BlueScreenView and look at the .dmp files Why are you hibernating an HTPC? There is too much to do when it wakes up....Guide, Time/Date, Updates, Missed Scheduled Recordings and Re-Schedule, Load all the crap you got running in the background, etc.
OK I think I did it wrong. I got Total Uninstall. I started with 10586.589. Then I set TU to monitor Windows Media Center. Then I installed the update to 10586.633. Then I stopped TU. I didn't have an option to export the zip file so I know I messed that up. If I am looking at this correctly (not sure that I am or not) this update changes a dword in the registry that kills WMC???
I don't have TU installed but (if, im not wrong) tu backups are saved in programdata with a proprietary extension, but theey are just zip files. You can open them with 7zip
Thanks, I don't want a 24x7 Media Centre box that's running all the time, which is why I hibernate. I could put the box to sleep but the flashing LED annoys me (and I can't turn it off). Waking from hibernation isn't so bad with the system catching up, I'm OTA EPG, it shouldn't miss any scheduled recordings as the system does wake to run a scheduled recording, bugger all other crap on my media centre box, I keep it lean and only run other applications up when I need to. I'll grab BlueScreenView and try and figure out the problem. I was thinking about doing a repair on WMC, and I was also thinking about going back to Win7. Thanks for the tip.
Ok, So I have WMC working with my HDHomerun Prime on 10586.633. Using Total Uninstall, per T-S's suggestion, I found the following files that were removed from Windows. Not found: C:\Windows\System32\msdri.dll Not found: C:\Windows\System32\McxDriv.dll Not found: C:\Windows\System32\migwiz\replacementmanifests\ehome-reg-inf_repl.man Not found: C:\Windows\System32\en-US\McxDriv.dll.mui Not found: C:\Windows\System32\en-US\invagent.dll.mui Not found: C:\Windows\System32\appraiser\appraiser.sdb After uninstalling KB3192441, I backed up these files and used BackupRestoreSettings.cmd to backup WMC. I then uninstalled WMC and re-installed KB3192441. I restored the missing files and registered msdri.dll. Then I installed WMC 8.8.1 and restored the WMC settings and everything works. Now for somebody to try this with the Anniversary Update.
The easy way is to......wake it up and boot it or cut the wire to the led. BTW there are some stickers for led's that are too bright.
Thanks, did think about putting tape over the LED. If putting the box to sleep doesn't result in the same wake-up issues then I'll look at buying some tape (if I haven't some already) and cover the LED. Cheers!
my trick is electrical tape so +1 for that. Thicker/darker than masking, and usually matches current color of typical devices
I noticed some of my recordings didn't go through and found that WMC could see my HDHR but not my PRIME tuners. Used the instructions above and all is good so far now. Thanks!
Thanks for the effort there! I copied your file list (individually of course) from a good 10586.589 and booted up a copy of the AU, installed WMC to check No Tuners as usual. Then added WMC and your file list to the AU but No Tuners. I've reinstalled CC drivers, rebooted but still no joy. We still have a snag somewhere.
Yeah, I had that computer all working properly and then I went into Setup TV Signal and that screwed up everything. Something is obviously still missing. I don't know how long it was going to work anyway. I'll try to get it working again, but TV Signal Setup has to happen before installing KB3192441 and then you can't mess with it if you get it working.
Sounds like the problem I had a few months ago where computer would freeze hard in WMC when watching something after waking from sleep, and for me a BIOS change fixed it. BIOS Setting - RC6: Disabled (onboard graphics low power) - I changed this from Enabled to Disabled which stopped the computer locking in WMC after waking from sleep. Topic on The Green Button - search for "WMC on Win10 Freeze After Wake From Sleep"