I've replaced the CompPkgSup.dll file and fast forwarding and rewinding do not work properly. Sometimes the audio will speed up with FF but the video still plays normal speed and other times nothing happens with FF. I use the Shark 007 codec pack and have adjusted everything it has regarding mpeg 2 playback and nothing fixes the problem.
I'm having the same ff issue as this but I am not using the LAV filters, just standard ones. Skip ahead works.
I seem to have some more stability with MERIT, but I can still use LAV on some formats with some success. I nevertheless still had the odd mp4 crash every now and then, which forced me to reactivate Media Foundation (32- and 64-bit) for mp4. The tradeoff, once again, is that I can no longer display external .ass subtitles on WMP when playing mkvs and mp4s, but...no more crashes, for now. Can't wait for MS to fix this clusterf***. EDIT: well, cr**. Now I've got issues with mkv (only a select few mkv's, though). This is worse than whack-a-mole.
A good news in this episode is that Media Center is not the only one affected by this issue, I read in some forum that it affects also Plex, Windows explorer (for video folders...) So I guess Microsoft will soon publish a bugfix, hope so, for the first time Media Center fans are not the only victimes of their bul****
No I haven't received it. I sent my email address twice. I may have sent the wrong one first with a .net ending. It should be .com
People also might want click the Me Too link after SiliconDust started a ticket with them: answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-update/applications-using-directshow-crash-after-windows/4028270b-f434-4d82-b9ff-c621d367ce0d?tm=1489589788456
Anyone else have problems with the guide in WMC being totally empty while using DVBlink for the tuners? (guide is fully populated in dvblink viewer) Clean install with W10 with all updates, DVBlink latest, V12 + CompPkgSup, Digital Devices tuners DVB-T2 + CAM. *Everything* works as intended but the guide.
Yes, but I think the last guy said the DVBLink Client was not setup within WMC as a result of a DVBLink update that needed approval. irregardless........ have a look in WMC...DVBLink/Syncronize channels
Thx for info. DVBlink seems to be correctly installed here, the app inside WMC with the syncronize channels option is right where it's supposed to be. But clicking it still doesn't produce any guide data. No error messages either. Watching tv works perfect. Does DVBlink and V12 work as it should with guide data for most people?
After you select "Syncronize Channels" it takes a long-long time. On mine, it looked like WMC was frozen. Mistakenly I rebooted and the syncro continued for another half hour after reboot. I went to sleep and it was fine in the morning. Syncro just before you go to sleep, chances are it will be fine in the morning. v12 or v8.8.1 should make no diference, however I think I was using one of the v8.? versions with DVBLink.
For those of you with "Decoder Error"..... vvvvv In the past (version 11, or possibly 10. check readme.txt or workaround.txt included in your WMC install files), this was the signal to install LAV. LAV is available from the link in my signature below. vvvvv If this doesn't work for you...go see the codec expert Shark007 I always install LAV, DCA, and PlayReady prior to WMC to pre-empt WMC problems. DCA and PlayReady are only needed in the United States for people using CableCARD Tuners.