[DISCUSSION] Patch WMC to run on Windows 10 final & possible alternatives

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by ricktendo64, May 8, 2015.

  1. dhjohns

    dhjohns MDL Guru

    Sep 5, 2013
    Download version 8.8. Extract. Run _TestRights.cmd as admin. If window disappears restart PC, and run again. Once window is up browse to uninstall.bat in the bin folder, and paste it into window, hit enter. Wait for uninstall. Restart. Then run either InstallerBlue.cmd or Green.cmd. You should then be good to go.
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  2. amoutie

    amoutie MDL Novice

    Sep 7, 2015
    #8362 amoutie, Oct 17, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2017
    I installed FCU, uninstalled MCE 8.8 with uninstaller (I won't start right after upgrade). I rebooted then reinstalled it. Now I setted up my TV (OTA DVB-T in Italy) correctly but I got just one problem. I can't use MCE TV tuner full-screen, both audio and video freezes after a couple seconds. The strange thing is that if I watch live tv with MCE on window (not full-screen) everything works just fine. I just can't use it full-screen. I'm using LAV filter as decoders for both video and audio (the same with MS codec). MCE asks also to update my TV guide continuously, three times so far...
    Edit: I didn't notice I can't even use MCE full-screen for whatsoever thing I'd like to do. I simply do not work, but I notice it is not frozen, If I move the mouse where I know are buttons I hear the "ding". The interface is frozen, just Alt+TAB to another window and reduce MCE to window and everything works fine. I got latest GPU driver (AMD R7 360) 17.10.1.
  3. Thunder Dan

    Thunder Dan MDL Novice

    Jul 12, 2016
    That happened to me as well after updating to FCU. After disabling the Game Bar and Game DVR, Media Center has been running full screen for almost two hours now without any freeze ups. That might be something you could try to see if it stops your Media Center from freezing up.
  4. tauyyy

    tauyyy MDL Novice

    Oct 13, 2017
    Hi,where is the version 8.8? Could you give me this link please? Thank you, I try to do it.
  5. The Solver

    The Solver MDL Novice

    Oct 10, 2017
    After 20 messages blaming the installer and the users who provided you the instructions you have still to understand where to get the installer o_O ?
  6. amoutie

    amoutie MDL Novice

    Sep 7, 2015
    Thanks, I tried right now what you sudgested but it does not work in my case. I disabled Game Bar and DVR from Settings, rebooted (just in case...) and started MCE full-screen. Couple seconds and it freezes...
  7. phcahill

    phcahill MDL Novice

    Feb 11, 2008
    I thought this fixed it for me (after a reboot) but the problem is back. I'm testing on a laptop I use with the bedroom TV. Intel HD 520. MCE is fine windows but problematic full screen. lots of ALT-TAB required.

    EDIT: I've just tried re-enabling game mode etc and telling windows that media center is a game. Seems to be working ok at the moment.
  8. The Solver

    The Solver MDL Novice

    Oct 10, 2017
    Try if the usual Actual Multiple Monitors fixes your problem (no config required for that purpose). Alternatively you can workaround the problem using "The Maxifier", both the utilities are worth to have for other reasons and aren't mutually exclusive.
  9. darkradeon

    darkradeon MDL Junior Member

    Nov 10, 2007
    I mitigate the fullscreen issue disabling freesync in the radeon settings control panel. If you have an nvidia card and a g-sync monitor try to disable it too. Enabling game mode completely freeze the application for me.
  10. amoutie

    amoutie MDL Novice

    Sep 7, 2015
    I tried using Game Mode on MCE but nothing. It only works with game bar active on screen. As soon as I close it it freezes again.
    I wish to not stop freesync on my PC, but I tried it and now it works, so it appears to be a GPU driver problem or at least something to do with refresh rate and Freesync like technology. I'm using AMD Radeon Beta driver for FCU right now, still had this problem. I'll wait for next WHQL driver to check if freesync is still a problem. Anyway thanks everyone to help me solve this!
  11. The Solver

    The Solver MDL Novice

    Oct 10, 2017
    Amutie did you read what I suggested?
  12. amoutie

    amoutie MDL Novice

    Sep 7, 2015
    Yeah sorry, I didn't answer to you. I usually don't like to add any unknown - or whose purpose I don't really know - utility in order to keep everything clean, anyway I downloaded THe Magnifier and I'll give it a go tomorrow. Thanks you too for the sudgestion.
  13. The Solver

    The Solver MDL Novice

    Oct 10, 2017
    i mentioned them, now are known :)

    Just care if they works or not, instead to stick to pointless paradigms.
  14. phcahill

    phcahill MDL Novice

    Feb 11, 2008
    @The Solver

    Thanks for putting me on the right track to solve my issue with FCU. I tried out "Actual Multiple Monitors" and Media Center started behaving normally ie the focus for key press events were going to the app. However as soon as I pressed a key in media center, the task bar appeared. I could not get rid of it by changing any of the settings in Actual Multiple Monitors (Auto hide may have worked...).

    Anyway, this got me thinking. I'm using a laptop plugged in to the TV. I had the laptop set to single monitor mode. I tried changing the display settings to Clone mode and now Media Center is working fine. Some subtle changes must have been made to multiple monitor support in FCU.
  15. crash2009

    crash2009 MDL Expert

    Dec 8, 2015
  16. jimi1000

    jimi1000 MDL Novice

    Aug 20, 2016
    So I am also experience playback issues with MCE post FCU on windows 10. skip and fastforward lockup playback. sometime as stated previously you start a recording in full screen mode from within MCE and it will play a few seconds and freeze as if you paused the recording. ALT-TAB out of MCE or CTRL-ALT-DEL to get to task manager. Thing is once MCE is not the foreground application you regain control again. Also I have been testing the behavior of how reliable the file plays. There appears to be less issues if I launch the recording file from the Recorded TV folder when MCE isn't open rather than launching MCE and then starting the recording. Could there be a permission issue with what user account the MCE service(s) use. Also is there a way to turn up logging levels to see if I can read through some debug log files.

  17. GnatGoSplat

    GnatGoSplat MDL Novice

    Dec 28, 2015
    I have the freezing issue with FCU in fullscreen as well. It happens every time as soon as MCE is launched. Sometimes doing CTRL-ALT-DEL then hitting ESC allows me to regain control, sometimes not. I didn't notice any freezing in windowed mode, but seeing as this is a dedicated HTPC, I don't use windowed mode. I'm using Intel HD Graphics 530 onboard video on a Core i3 6100 so I don't think there's any Freesync to be disabled.

    I'm going to have to rollback to the Spring CU (if possible) and try to find a way to block FCU for the time being.
  18. jimi1000

    jimi1000 MDL Novice

    Aug 20, 2016
    Can you try the method I used by navigating to the recorded tv folder and then double click on a recording file while MCE is closed. It should launch MCE and then start playing the file. On my dedicated MCE machine that allows me to watch a show. With this method I am still experiencing FF and Skip issues.

    Additionally, I have turned off Game Bar and Game DVR.
  19. saud

    saud MDL Novice

    Sep 6, 2015
    Is there anyone having issues with recording schedules? Mine does not start the schedule after I got the new Windows 10 update and I had to install WMC again. Another problem, WMC does not start when pressing the green button on my media center remote, before I had to push the green button twice to start WMC and now nothing happens, I tried reinstalling WMC still same problem, it does not start at the scheduled time.
  20. Thunder Dan

    Thunder Dan MDL Novice

    Jul 12, 2016
    #8380 Thunder Dan, Oct 19, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2017
    The freezing issue has returned for me. I'm using an AMD graphics card but none of the monitors or TV that I have attached to it support FreeSync so I can't test that. I did try to play a recorded file by clicking it in the Recorded TV folder and it still freezes up. Using The Maxifier is good for a workaround but I'd prefer to be able to watch in true full screen mode.

    Another thing I just noticed is that my program guide only goes through October 23rd. When I manually do an update, it says guide listings were downloaded successfully but it still only goes through the 23rd. Is anyone else having this issue?

    *EDIT* In response to saud's message before this one, mine records scheduled shows like it's supposed to and will even wake my PC up to record a show but it doesn't always show the red circle icon in the notification area when it's recording. Also most of the new recordings don't show up in the jump list when right clicking Media Center's icon.