Good evening you could suggest alternative programs to do the same work with the WMC ? Tell me what you know, please, because I was tired of not displaying my TV program guide and the other I go to write a program and to throw me out of the program and to rehearse the program on my own and my job not to do it. I use a windows 10 64 bit professional version 1709.
Mediaportal1 and Mediaportal2 are the most obvious solutions for Windows users (the former is more proven and reliable, the latter now comes with a cloned WMC UI), MythTV for linux users but, AFAIK, there isn't a program other than WMC that supports DRM'd channels on cable cards.
If you don't need DRM I can strongly recommend SichboPVR. I use it to watch and record HD programs on DVB S2 in the UK and it is as easy as pie. I tried Mediaportal and some of the others but they are all relatively difficult to set up and unreliable in operation.
Just tested WMC on the latest RS4 build (17110) Still works, installs fine, Still does not work in full screen.
I'm looking to modify the testrights script included with wmc10 to work on 32 bit windows but I'm not exactly sure how to get started doing this. Is there a version of testrights floating around here for 32 bit win? Thanks.
Universal, auto trigger UAC (assuming nsudo is in \bin subfolder) Code: @echo off >nul 2>&1 "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cacls.exe" "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config\system" if "%errorlevel%" NEQ "0" ( echo: Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" echo: UAC.ShellExecute "%~s0", "", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" & exit ) if exist "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" del /f /q "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" ) %windir%\system32\reg.exe query "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /v PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE | find /i "x86" 1>nul || ( echo ============================================================ echo Your system is not 32 bit, trying 64 bit. echo ============================================================ echo. echo. echo Press any key to exit... timeout 3 goto :x64 ) goto :x86 %windir%\system32\reg.exe query "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /v PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE | find /i "amd64" 1>nul || ( echo ============================================================ echo ERROR: This script is for 64-bit systems. echo ============================================================ echo. echo. echo Press any key to exit... pause >nul goto :eof ) :x86 cd /d "%~dp0" bin\NSudoCx86.exe -U:T -P:E "cmd /K cd /d %~dp0" goto :eof :x64 cd /d "%~dp0" bin\NSudoCamd64.exe -U:T -P:E "cmd /K cd /d %~dp0"
I din't know that sw, I believe it's pretty young. Obviously is not on the same league of MP or WMC, but I must say that for 7MB is a pretty impressive SW. If they improve the mouse usability and add some decent option configuration instead of such Iphoneish GUI made for monkeys, it has good chances to become a really great program. Worth to have it installed as a backup program for WMC/MP
Must say once configured it's actually very easy to use . When i hover my mouse over, it just needs to press the mouse thumb-button for 'back-navigation' in explorer/browser (aka Mbutton 5 here) to open the guide and navigate it with the mouse wheel, then either change the channel or use the thumb-button again to close the guide. Mouse-wheel-click makes the Window borderless and in opposite to WMC even in full-screen-mode it doesn't try to restrict the mouse to that screen (have a 4 monitor setup).
Aside that, usually, those buttons are remapped system-wide to something of more useful than nav back and forth, the lack of CH+ / CH- buttons on anything other than WMC and Mediaportal2 with the WMC skin, is just incredible. Doing some aimless zapping, I believe, Is the most used action when watching some TV, going back and forth the guide is an unneded complication. Anyway, as I said, I'm impressed by the amount of features stored in a 7MB program, notepad++ takes more space, MP2 is almost 300MB once installed...
Make your own TV stations from downloaded videos By going into TV > Folders. I call them "Folder Channels". The idea is you make a channel, point it to a few folders on your PC or network and it'll create a lineup automatically in the EPG. For example you might make a channel called "Cartoons" and point it to your private stash of animated shows. Play the channel from the guide and it'll keep cycling through episodes etc. I have been wanting that feature since forever. Now I'm seeing the bigger picture. 4K channel, 3D channel, Rolling Stones channel..... If you have multiple tuners, PIP works also. Nice Network Server to get TV on the Tablet One Port Forward in the router might get this one in the truck. Would be nice to have this in WMC.
Version 1709 Build 16299.248 This issue has been solved (worked around) previously: On my old HP (10yrs old! Win10 Home) dis- and re-installs MC881. Result: Superb.. On my laptop Dell XPS15 4k (Win10 Home), after the fall Update, same method. Result: black in full screen. Solution: I copy all eHome out of the Windows folder directly into C. Then just change the Media Center address in the Desktop Shortcut (remove \Windows) and check 'Disable full screen optimizations' in the Compatibility tab of the Properties of the same Shortcut. (as per Patch WMC to run on Windows 10 final & possible alternatives). For high resolution machines, to restore the functionality of the Media Center icon pinned to the taskbar, just do the same thing as for the desktop shortcut: Change the path in the Properties of the other shortcut ('Windows Media Center') which is in the following folder: C: \ Users \ userID \ AppData \ Roaming \ Microsoft \ Internet Explorer \ Quick Launch \ User Pinned \ TaskBar \ Right-click on the shortcut in the folder, click on Properties, remove '%windir%' and, in the Compatibility tab, check 'Disable Full Screen Optimization'.
I don't doubt that it can be worked around. In fact I did it twice. Each time it lasted for a few days to maybe a week and then failed again. My guess is you have to copy the media center files out of Windows on a clean install as once Windows identifies the process as being a part of Windows and thus no longer eligible for compatibility modes or disabling full screen optimizations it doesn't forget it no matter where you move it. That or my install of Windows is different (it is Enterprise). I'm happy with my launcher app moving the top left corner of WMC's window just off the screen so it looks like it's full screen with the exception of a one pixel row at the bottom of the screen for the autohide taskbar (you can in fact cover that up but then it gets to be a pain to end WMC as it's title bar is no longer visible and you can't right click it's icon to close it or minimize it). If you minimize it and then restore it it will no longer be positioned properly so I made my launcher look and see if the executable it's going to launch is already executing and if so it just move the existing process's window. Has it's upsides, you can bring other small windows in to do stuff without having to pause and minimize WMC and as long as your taskbar's color is something suitable like black or dark blue it's actually pretty hard to tell it's there a lot of the time.
I'm looking for a script that does the reverse of a WMC install. I have a few WMC builds where the sports strip has reappeared, and I want to capture WMC in its entirety so that I can attempt to transplant it to another machine. I have x86 and x64 machine I need to do this for. Either I am missing something or I'm only seeing installer scripts with files already in them.