I'm talking about encryption imposed by the Freeview Plus hardware in its recordings, and not those recorded by the PC. Quoting a FAQ from a site about these hardware boxes:
I misquoted myself in the earlier post. I'm running Windows 10 virgin 10240 1507.. I could not locate an install for 1511 that would work. Unfortunately, there are no older drivers since my card was released just last year. The 1050Ti are still pretty new.. lol
I don't remember if you can get a tuner installed without it but..... did you install DCA into windows and then run DCA from the extras or extras Library in WMC. DCA scans your video adapter and then approves or disapproves of using the 1050 TI. Is this where the failure is and is this why you suspect the 1050 TI driver? There is something called the DCA override for video adapters that fail the DCA approval test. The second part of the DRM installation is to install PlayReady into windows and then run PlayReady from within WMC during the tuner setup. When you see the little Shield and WMC says update system settings, this means you have a winner and DRM channels will play. EDIT... as I recall there are two places inside WMC tasks where PlayReady can be run from. The most obvious place is during tuner setup but I seem to remember seeing it when I run... WMC/ tasks /set up/ run setup again/ I install into windows both DCA and PlayReady prior to configuring WMC. On some boxes this is not necessary, WMC will go on the internet and download both itself. I use the DCA and PlayReady version contained within the signature section of my posts. The install process described above might be dependent upon using the older HDHR-3CC software that was released late August of 2015
Yes, this is where it failed. Video drivers need updating or something to that affect. Windows only picks up the card as a Standard VGA Adaptor. Yup, I went through the Play Ready and all the other fun. I do appreciate your time and help on this but I've wiped the machine and I'm going with a fresh Win 8.1 Pro install. At least this way I can keep up to date with the latest security patches and it should run just fine. Just tragic Windows 10 was stripped of WMC.
I wonder why this thread is still open because WMC is dead unless you never update windows. No one seems to be working on it anymore. It installs fine but without the ability to find tuners what's the point?
Don't assume that everything that doesn't work for you doesn't work for everyone else... I have Windows 10 1709 running (the latest non-beta) and using WMC perfectly (except 2 sat channels which use DRM - Nat Geo HD and Boomerang). I live in Greece.
For the record I discovered that the April update breaks DVBlink (WMC can't find any tuner even if they install properly). I found the fix and shared it elsewhere in the early days of RC4 testing, the fix is the same as above. Any version of that dll, other than the one coming from the, AU works. I was unaware that It fixed also a different problems. My wmc seemed working ok using a real tuner and not the virtual ones from DVBlink The same fix is applicable to the RC5 prerelease builds as well.
I found that dll in C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft-windows-video-tvvideocontrol_etc... folder, how do you rename it? in explorer and with a cmd as admin i get the access denied/rights issue error. I just installed the Spring creators update, picture and sound seem to be working but i figured i'd ask anyway, as it doesn't seem perfect yet
Not working for me. I was using the setup from WindowsMediaCenter_10.0.10134.0v2.1. What version is working for you guys, default or alternative branch, 32 or 64 bit?
The MSVidCtl.dll file in Windows\System32 is owned by TrustedInstaller. Can someone please post the steps to change ownership and rename so I can copy my old replacement?
Al Munro WindowsMediaCenter_10.0.10134.0v2.1 didn't work for me either, it installed but there was no desktop icon, and i couldn't start ehShell.exe, tried several times removing, rebooting, reinstalling. I then tried the alternative which did install but not perfect yet, when i switch channels i have no picture/no sound or both, i have to restart mce each time.