I have the habit of renaming existing files first instead of overwriting them that's all. Security issue, lost too many files in the past by overwriting them. I have the old dll in the system32 folder
Hi, I have upgraded Windows 10 to 1803, and replaced msvidctl.dll with an older version. So, everything seems to work well. However, there does not seem to be any thumbnails generated for new recordings. All new recordings only get the light-blue box in place of the thumbnail image. Anyone else experiencing this? Does anyone know how to fix it? Patrik
Got it working today by using the WMC-V8.8.1_x64_by_T-S.7z. For anyone having issues (as I did), make sure to run both the Uninstaller.cmd and the ResetSettings.cmd as Administrator before attempting to install. BTW. I did not have to revert to the FCU version of MSVidCtl.dll.
Nope that didn't work for me live tv works but when I try to play recorded tv from a network share I get decoder error :-(
Had to re-install after 1803 upgrade, disable fullscreen optimization and add an exception on the radeon settings to disable freesync, but looks like it still works fine (error 404 for EpgListing-2.enc is still present, and will never be fixed).
Hi - the same thing is happening to me. I tried changing back to the 1803 version of MSVidCtl.dll (with this version I can view live TV, record and play back post 1803 recording, but get the expected 'DeCoder error' on pre 1803 recordings). Even with the 1803 version of MSVidCtl.dll I do not get thumbnails generated for new recordings.
Hi! FM-Radio not working in WMC on Windows 10 1803. I look "Not have radio tuner", tuner AverTV Hybrid Volar T2, in AverTV app radio excellent working, April update was clear installed with official Windows 10 image. Analog TV and Digital work in WMC, MSVidCtl.dll replaced by 1709, but FM-Radio not work.
I had already changed to the 1709 version and got recordings without thumbnails. So I changed back to the 1803 version to see if that made any difference (which it didn't....)
I think that actually the thumbnails are generated by wmp not wmc itself you shouldd try to grab the wmp cabs from a working windows and install it on on that crappy latest update. But if you want to stay really safe just use the server 2016 TP4. It still works (unlike many other test previews), it is 10586 so a bit more refined than LTSB 2015. It's free, being a test preview, it comes w/o all the metro crap,it's way lighter than W10 (if you don't activate the server roles) And last but not least it doesn't get any automatic update, you can update it manually using the packages made for W10 build 10586. Obviously it's also a server so, if you want, you can use it for many things that W10 can't do, starting from many RDP connections you like, instead of just one.
Just got the new April update for windows 10 and again it wiped the wmc install or removed it. Installed the current branch and when clicking to open WMC nothing happens but it is in the start menu. Should we wait for new update or did I do something wrong?
I don't think you did anything wrong. I think you'll find that everyone has the same experience when reinstalling wmc after updating to Windows 10 1803. wmc can be started from the start menu or desktop shortcut with open or run as administrator, but like the behaviour first seen with Windows 10 1709 there are problems running it full screen. These can be resolved to some extent by running in compatibility mode for Windows 8, and disabling fullscreen optimization. However, even with these modifications wmc now is sluggish and in full screen mode will freeze now and then while navigating around the menus. With Windows 10 1709 the freezing problem in full screen was resolved by copying the ehome directory from Windows to Program Files and running wmc from there in compatibility mode and disabling fullscreen optimization. However that fix is not working with Windows 10 1803. There is no difference in behaviour between running wmc from the Windows or from the Program Files directories. I have gone back to 1709 and blocked feature updates for now in the hopes that someone comes up with a new fix for running wmc in full screen stably in 1803, or possibly some future windows security or feature update makes that possible.