I cant believe no one has tried LTSC 2019 yet, i want the dark theme and be able to play forza, so i will make an image and try an upgrade, its been said that if you mount the image it can do an in place upgrade, in a mo and report back, if it works ok i will do a clean install.
The channel guide for WMC hasn't updated for me in a few days and runs out on November 25th at 7:00 pm EST. Is anyone else having this issue?
I am so addicted to Windows Media Center, my whole family relies on it for watching free to air TV (normally recorded), as well as avi/mkv video/movie content. I love the recording flexibility it gives me...e.g. I record the news every night, and tell it to only keep 1 recording, whereas for other shows I can keep all recorded or perhaps just a few. I also love the skip forward/back it allows...all of this just doesn't come with my Foxtel (cable) box...which has no control over how many eps of a tv show to keep, can't play non tv content, and only has ff/rew instead of skip. BUT...keeping it working with Win 10 is such a pain....often when I start up my media center it freezes on the wmc logo, and the only way to move it on is to press ALT-TAB on my keyboard a few times, close media center and re-open it. That's the weirdest thing, and has been going on for months. Also, I'm using my media center pc into an AV receiver with HDMI switching...and sometimes when I start everything up Windows is in 4:3 mode instead of 16:9. It's gotten worse after changing my TV over to a new 4K Samsung LCD...most of the time WMC just appears in a small window in the top left quadrant of the TV. I have to close/reopen to make it fullscreen. I'm not sure if there's fixes for all this...but I think it's time to move on...but what the hell else can I run on my PC that can watch live tv, control recordings and play non TV content to fully replace WMC??
Yep, same here as across the country. Hopefully it gets fixed and it populates, before these last 3 days are up. If not, it's time for EPG123 and a subscription to Schedules Direct. @jspenc3: Another thanks for the link. Before reading your post, I went looking for it over there but couldn't find it!
I just did a manual update of the guide and it's finally updating properly. The guide now goes through to December 4th. I have another problem regarding guide data for some channels. I have two TV tuners that I use with WMC: one of them I use with the cable company and the other I have an antenna attached to. The guide data for the cable channels updates properly but some of the channels that I receive over the antenna only update when I run the ObjectStoreRecoveryTask in the Task Scheduler. After doing that there will be 12 days of guide data for those channels but they won't update again until I run that task again. Does anyone know what causes this or if there's a way to fix it?
So i tried an upgrade from LTSB 2016 x64 to LTSC 2019 x64, WMC wouldnt run and gave an error, I was hoping to just install over it but i had to uninstall it and installed ver 8.8.2. Cant remember if it was live tv that gave an error or playing recorded tv, so i reverted back to ltsb 2016 and did a clean install on a different HDD and tried to play recorded wtv files in mce and got video error, the files needed to display video are not installed... live tv works though. I will have a play over the weekend. any ideas? Dark file explorer looks good.
Exact same situation here lol. I have my HTPC connected to AV receiver and 42" TV. I also record the news every night and save only the latest recording. Except one thing. I'm still using Windows 8.1 because of WMC because I don't think there is something better. I have same problems with WMC with my Windows 10 laptop so I stay with Windows 8.1 at HTPC rather having same difficulties with Windows 10.
The video error was caused by lack of file permissions, once i browsed to the files and ok'd the access permissions, everything is ok, including .dvrms files The red record taskbar icon didnt show, along with the MCE icon... any ideas? I will do an in place upgrade again on my ssd, test again and go through the task of a clean install once everything is ok
Thanks to all the fantastic minds on this thread who've helped keep WMC alive. I had the version from Win7Ultimate. Unfortunately, a 'repair' technician made a complete mess of my Dell. Current gen Dell's will only support non-Win10 versions via the Win Skylake version for SSDs. WMC critical for playing the fitness DVDs I've ripped to my media center PC AND why I was not so keen on upgrading to Win10 due to missing codecs. Thanks for making my day!
I just upgraded to a new 49" Samsung series 7 UHD smart tv a week ago, and interestingly the issue with Windows 10 being in 4:3 after waking from sleep has gone away. Initially WMC was complaining that I was running windows in too high a resolution (it defaulted to 3840x2160)...so I changed the Intel graphics driver back to 1920x1080 and it seems to be ok. For the first week or so it was still freezing on the windows logo when WMC starts, then it stopped doing it....AND then last night Windows 10 did an update (to 10.0.17134) and completely wiped out WMC again. I had to re-install it all from scratch, and go through my tv tuner setup etc all over again. It even seemed to wipe out my codecs, as WMC couldn't play any live or recorded TV. I re-installed the Shark007 codecs...and curiously it can play Live TV now but won't play any of the TV I recorded before the update, it gives a codec error. It's playing tv I record now and watch back, so perhaps I had a different codec config previously that I haven't been able to replicate.
I tried but it won't work, I returned to W10 LTSB 2016 because of it. Anyone could say if there's a way to install on W10 LTSC 2019? Thanks in advance.
What happened, or didnt happen, error messages ect ect.... After a logging onto my hdd the record icon comes up and everything is at it should be, so i did an upgrade on my ssd and uninstalled and reinstalled and again everything is as it should be. I had a few teething problems, as in guide data wouldnt download and would only be from OTA, so I uninstalled and reinstalled and then restored a backup i made before i did anything.
Could someone help with this please https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/advice-on-media-server-setup.78539/ Thanks
I have been running8.8.2 for a few weeks now and very happy with having most WMC functionality restored compared to 8.8.1 such as pause, skip forward and back etc. Have just updated to Version1809 O/S Build 17763.194 and whilst all functions work as before update, the exception is the 'Music' menu. Selecting the menu brings up my complete library (stored on a NAS) but as soon as I select an album folder WMC shuts down. I should add that my Music library is on the same NAS as my Movies library and I don't have this problem with movies. I did a clean reinstall of 8.8.2 and went through the selection of Media libraries again but to no avail. I also tried another Desktop PC with the same issue A third PC which I have left on Windows 7 has no problem playing music from the same NAS. Any ideas
How can you force WMC to use a specific drive for buffering? I thought that by setting the Recorded Storage to say my H drive it would use that for both recording and buffering, but it only seems as if recordings are being made on the H drive. I am using a SSD for my H drive, so I can get information on data written to the drive, and despite having my WMC active for hours per day since installing it 5 days ago there's only been 14GB written to it and those are actual recordings. That can't be right can it? Shouldn't there be higher usage just through buffering alone? Conversely, I also have a SSD drive as my C drive and that is reporting 15TB written since I put it in 18 months ago - and I don't even use my PC as an actual PC that much! It seems like my C drive is being used to cache/buffer everything.
Odd, after a restart it's suddenly started buffering to H. Funny how other restarts didn't do anything!