[DISCUSSION] Patch WMC to run on Windows 10 final & possible alternatives

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by ricktendo64, May 8, 2015.

  1. tapatalk

    tapatalk MDL Novice

    Mar 24, 2019
  2. Gareth North

    Gareth North MDL Junior Member

    Jan 27, 2016

    I have just been battling Codecs issues on Windows 10 1803 Media Center using Emby for Windows Media Center Client myself. I have a few Intel NUC's setup with Media Center using emby connecting to my main desktop to play files from using emby server. I used to have them all running fine playing all movies when server and NUC's were at 1607 version of windows 10 using shark advanced codec from 2016 era. Now I've moved up two levels to 1803 and was having issues with some MKV's not playing. I found out that my main DATA drive with all my movies that emby was sharing had messed up folder permissions on some folders so some movies would play but not another would not and this foxed me for ages as thought it was a codec problem on that file so for the love of god check that the folders are accessible 1st.

    After I'd sorted that I still found some of my many movies in MKV's still not work (still some shows and movies were playing up by doing the following:-

    Downloaded Advanced_x64ComponentsPM_v1127.exe from sharks site. Then I did Reset All to reset everything to default settings then I ticked Shark007 Suggested Settings on the 1st Config Tab Then a box will come up asking you if you use Live TV I said Yes. Then on Config tab I dotted No subtitles. Then on MKV tab I ticked the box Disable Media Foundation for MKV. Voila everything works beautiful again.

    Media Center with DVBLink and Emby and Live TV are all working brilliantly now on 1803. I use the new ModernMedia UI which has a great modern way of showing the Guide. I would try and get Media Center to work on 1809 but I cannot get the 8.8.2 version to work with 1809 it installs Media Center and everything looks normal but a channel never plays when clicking on it. It does not even produce the circle to say its trying. I keep visiting this site in the hope that someone might tell me why some people report to have it work for them on 1809 and why some don't.

    Best Regards

    Gareth North
  3. aquadextrous

    aquadextrous MDL Novice

    Aug 14, 2017
    Hello - Are you using DVBLink by any chance with 8.8.2? I found that this version just would not play nice with any channels from DVBLink. I had this exact same issue and had to install WMC 8.8.1 for my TV channels to work. All you have to do is manually swap the msvidctl and add the encdec dll files and then register it in registry and it works ok with tuners and thumbs etc. Details on this are probably somewhere in the thread or can be found on the french media center site. I'm using 1809 and found that simply copying the ehome directory to program files along with disabling full screen optimisations on the original ehshell.exe and turning off focus assist in settings fixed any issued with full screen playback freezing. This fix seems to work even though all my shortcuts and remote commands through imon point at the original ehome directory in the windows folder.
    Hope this heps :)
  4. ScottinOz

    ScottinOz MDL Novice

    Oct 26, 2016
    Thanks for the suggestion but I can't find a reliable site for restoring windows 10 codecs. Windows Fixit VB us discontinued and their troubleshooting does nothing. I tried InstalledCodec.exe which suggested some Haali codecs were not working. As I said, all good via media player but not Media Centre.

    Any ideas how to see in registry where media Centre gets its codecs?
  5. Bigal

    Bigal MDL Member

    Mar 4, 2011
    Could someone do v8.8.2 in 32bit please. I would like to update my 32bit pc to 1809
  6. Gareth North

    Gareth North MDL Junior Member

    Jan 27, 2016
    Hi aquadextrous,

    Sorry for the late reply! Yes I am using DVB Link with Media Center.

    The issue I have is that only the 8.8.2 installer installs on 1809 right?, working in the sense that I can actually install Media Center and all looks ok with it but not working when you try to play a channel. Then nothing happens no spinning circle nothing.

    How exactly do you install the original 8.8.1 installer on 1809 as it doesn't unpack and install? Hence the need for the 8.8.2 installer which does install Media Center on 1809 but doesn't play a channel in my case but does scan for and see all the channels to populate a guide listing via DVBLInk's virtual tuners. Hence I know the 8.8.2 installer has automatically put the encdec dll and msvidctl in place otherwise I wouldn't have been able to populate the guide. But play a channel never works.

    I know how to do the tweaks the 8.8.2 is doing manually to get the 8.8.1 installer to fully work on 1803 which were not required on all windows 10 versions up to 1709. So i know how to drop the older encdec dll and msvidctl in place and make the reg change the French guys mention. Whereas on 1803 the channels can be scanned and then once you go into the guide the channels play which doesn't work when you do try it using the 8.8.2 Installer on 1809.

    So my question is how are you getting the 8.8.1 installer to actually install on 1809 as the whole reason 8.8.2 was packaged was because it didn't!

    What Am I missing?

    Best Regards

  7. DavidMD13

    DavidMD13 MDL Novice

    Dec 11, 2016
    I just upgraded to w10 1809 with a clean install, french ver 8.8.2. It works, but after awhile it blue screens and won't boot into windows, or windows safe mode at all. I can only do a system restore to before WMC was installed. Seems to suggest a driver error, may it has to do with to dll hack?
  8. jeff2012

    jeff2012 MDL Member

    Mar 31, 2010

    On my 2 WMC win 10 boxes, the latest TV guide data cannot be downloaded or it says it has but nothing is populated.

    Is anyone else having this issue with downloading WMC Guide Data ?

    Thank You !
  9. kensiko36

    kensiko36 MDL Novice

    Jul 22, 2017
    Yes, guide is dead, but there are solutions, some cost money, others are free but more complicated
  10. crusin

    crusin MDL Novice

    Aug 13, 2009
    I tried to install WMC-V8.8.2 on a clean install of Windows 10 1903-18362.30. it loads fine like on previous window 10 versions, but when you launch say live TV it sits there showing the channel information and program title then WMC turns off. Any ideas or is this because the spring windows release hasn't been officially launched? anyone else tried installing WMC on the new spring release of windows? Or did MS finally kill WMC off.
  11. ultramage

    ultramage MDL Novice

    Nov 4, 2017
    8.8.2 64bit causes bluescreen (SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION) on a freshly installed win10 1809 on this particular PC when rebooted. MC itself runs fine, but afterwards the system is lost and will not recover, even in safe mode or with a 'factory reset'. Need to go back to an earlier restore point, or do a full wipe&reinstall. I have not yet had the time to analyze the crash itself.
  12. DavidMD13

    DavidMD13 MDL Novice

    Dec 11, 2016
    Same exact thing here, I had no restore points, so had to do a clean install. Did it again but was able to use a restore point. I read it could be a video driver issue. Backup machine up now. Dell had newer driver. Will try to reinstall again after back up is done, and post back.
  13. DavidMD13

    DavidMD13 MDL Novice

    Dec 11, 2016
    Well it wasn't the video driver, blue screen. Installed the media center, was working correctly, even the guide. Went to reboot......blue screen. Restoring disk image now
  14. o0o.paw

    o0o.paw MDL Novice

    Sep 12, 2015
    Same problem Blue Screen at boot. A message popped up Friday night to say windows updates were installed & I needed to reboot. Selected reboot turned screen off. Woke up the next morning to the Blue screen. Forgot about system restore. Clean install, installed all updates then MCE. Rebooted then Blue Screen (Now to be referred to as BS). Fresh install, no updates, install MCE rebooted a few times no pronlems. Installed updates rebooted then BS. Thought I'd experiment with an up to date W10 image. Fresh Install no updates, install MCE, rebooted to BS. Looks like MS really hates MCE. Since I wiped my flashdrive with the new W10 image I can't install MCE anymore. Noooooo
  15. max1

    max1 MDL Novice

    Nov 12, 2009
    Try removing entries from registry:
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontLink\SystemLink]
    -MS PGothic MC
    -Segoe Media Center
    -Segoe Media Center Light
    -Segoe Media Center Semibold
  16. o0o.paw

    o0o.paw MDL Novice

    Sep 12, 2015
    BTW from memory the update message was about a feature update that had been installed (I think)
    Well that did it :)
    Did a System restore to the step before I installed MCE on my fresh install. Installed MCE, deleted the registry items then did the reboot. Perfect.
    I'll run windows update again to see how that goes.

    Thanks a million.
    I'd changed to w10 a few weeks ago after I finally got the old version of Media Browser to work with w10 and was loving the dark mode on w10. Wasn't looking forward to trying to get w7 installed again as my pc doesnt have any usb2 ports & it's a pain in the a... to install. Thanks again :)
  17. guymontag

    guymontag MDL Novice

    Jan 2, 2016
    Excellent ! I was having problems installing KB4490481 on Windows 10 1809. Machines without 10MC worked - those with 10MC blue-screened (SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION) during part 2 of the update (the finalisation process after the machine has rebooted). Had to do a full system restore from backup. There is talk in the KB change notes on how EUDC fonts cause blue screens but the fix described by MS didn't work, nor did upgrading the servicing stack, nor did ensuring the video drivers were up to date. These are (obviously?) four fonts with issues.

    So after removing these four values from that key (and rebooting once for luck) I've now successfully applied KB4490481 to all my machines including the two with 10MC, which appears to continue to operate perfectly (other than restrictions mentioned elsewhere such as Cable DRM which I don't use)

    Thanks max1 - never would have got there without the help ! I wonder if @lachape_one might update 8.8.2 to include this additional post-installation step (8.8.3?)
  18. mwpeterson

    mwpeterson MDL Member

    Sep 7, 2015
    I didn't reboot after removing those font entries and it updated just fine.

    Thanks max1.
  19. phcahill

    phcahill MDL Novice

    Feb 11, 2008
    Thanks max1. A hero! I saw the KB article's comment regarding EUDC but how did you make the leap?
  20. Bigal

    Bigal MDL Member

    Mar 4, 2011
    Could a new installer be made excluding the 4 registry entries in the install.reg file
    OR added to the workarounds.txt file.
    New users need to be aware to make the changes before rebooting and getting the BSOD