[DISCUSSION] Patch WMC to run on Windows 10 final & possible alternatives

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by ricktendo64, May 8, 2015.

  1. aquadextrous

    aquadextrous MDL Novice

    Aug 14, 2017
    Tried that - my theme.xml has every background file replaced and every image from the default skin is in the images folder, they just don't show... I've even edited the ehres.dll file that MMUI+ uses and added all the images for background and animation manually (as many were set to 1x1 pixel images) but they still don't work. I'm guessing it must be other files or code somewhere stopping it. And that's totally beyond my comfort zone! :p
  2. Gareth North

    Gareth North MDL Junior Member

    Jan 27, 2016
    #9202 Gareth North, Apr 21, 2019
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2019
    Hi Aquadextrous,

    Just today finally managed to get my shattered glass theme working right exactly as I want it finally with the box around active tiles back to how it was with a gleam around it. You need to have these original files from the original ehres.dll when you install media center in place to get it and the animation sheen around the tile:- Was this what you were asking for previous?


    To be honest if you are using Restorator to swap out / write images to you ehres.dll directly they should appear. But if you want to defer from the Moder Media UI's default black theme you can only use Media Center Themer to apply your theme over the top of it by using its memory swap out trick. Or if you want to write it to the ehres file directly you need to make a copy of the ehres.dll that modern media UI updates when it is enabled. Then disable Modern Media UI then when your Media Center theme goes back to blue the Microsoft default then put your copied ModernMedia UI ehres manually back in place and the edit it with Restorator. Hope that helps

    Best Regards

    Gareth North
  3. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009
  4. Kévin Chalet

    Kévin Chalet MDL Member

    Apr 11, 2019
    Definitely not, I'm afraid. The repository only contains the WMC software development kit, which basically allows you to write plugins that integrate with WMC.
    Unfortunately, WMC's source code remains proprietary and I'm not aware of any plan to release it in the future.
  5. marcustaz

    marcustaz MDL Novice

    Apr 8, 2010
    Major bummer!!
  6. DavidinCT

    DavidinCT MDL Addicted

    May 9, 2015
    Never going to happen sad to say. Cablecard support depends on Play ready (MS DRM). The licensing is crazy money if you wanted TRY to figure out. Play ready was removed from newer builds of Windows 10 due to a updated DRM system (4k support and more modern DRM system). I don't know if ANYONE in the hacking world who has been able to hack this system to re-write it to do something like this. Remember you have to deal with Microsoft's play ready, then you need to deal with Cable labs DRM system.

    When they killed the DRM system, they also killed Zune and any other 3rd party who used Windows Media DRM system (there was a lot of smaller music companies who used it, and their content would be no longer playable in Windows 10)

    This is one thing that will never come back to Windows Media Center on Windows 10...trust me, this stinks. I used to use WMC on WIndows 10 to with one of my shared tuners from my HTPC, so I could watch TV and I shared the recorded shows so I could watch all content. I can still share from my WMC (based on 7) but I cant watch live tv on it.

    About the ONLY way to get a cablecard working on Windows 10 is...You need a Networked cablecard device, Install Hyper-V on Windows 10, setup a Windows 7/8.1 (wth the hacked version here) VM, setup WMC with cablecards, Watch TV via the VM and you can add 360 extenders if you wanted but, you need to make sure the VM is running always (set to load with Windows and it should solve the problem).

    This is about the ONLY way.
  7. marcustaz

    marcustaz MDL Novice

    Apr 8, 2010
    Thanks, I'll keep my HTPC running 8.1 WMC edition for as long as possible ..
  8. DavidinCT

    DavidinCT MDL Addicted

    May 9, 2015
    Just a few quick questions for the devs who are updating build of Windows Media Center on Windows 10.....

    First of all, thank you for moving forward with this great application.

    1. Is the error "The current res is too high for Windows Media Center" removed as it comes up when WMC is running in 4K mode ?

    2. Has there been any progress getting WMC to run over RDP in full screen mode with DirectX enabled ?

    Remote Desktop from Windows was always a limit. As you could never run video in WMC. T-S's build found a way to get it to play but, it could not run in full screen in the RDP window.

    What the hope is to create a dedicated WMC machine, that has a RDP hacked, Creating Extender sessions that you can RDP into, getting WMC to run full screen in the RDP window, and watch Live TV, or other content on any other machine. So RDP into MCX-1 would only get WMC and add...2.3.4 etc, so you could dedicate one for each other machine. It would need to exploit the Media Center extender sessions.

    This way we could use another computer on our network like an Extender and be able to watch TV, play recorded shows and movies, etc like we were right in the machine.

    Is this even possible now ?
  9. ctm

    ctm MDL Novice

    Jul 12, 2015
    <posted this on "The green Button" but I think here is the better place>

    upfront the basics about my system:
    Intel Kaby Lake with HD620; twintuner DVB S2; Win10 LTSC 2019 x64 (4/2019 safety updates); Intel driver with display audio;

    I observe three problems with this package:
    - the slide show screen saver does not engage; I see just a black screen;
    - after a longer time in the not working screensaver (e.g. after having paused), playback does not work anymore ("video error") and mediacenter restarts or I have to restart manually;
    - when I press the "mute" button the speaker symbol with the "x" appears but the sound continues;

    are there any suggestions?
  10. M'o

    M'o MDL Novice

    May 1, 2019
    Great work, thank you so much. I love Windows Media Center since Windows XP Media Center Edition.

    On my live system runs Windows 7, because I'm using 2 Linksys DMA2100-Extenders. The end of support for Win 7 next year is near, so I tried your Installer on a fresh Win10 1809 with all patches until today. The result is, WMC10 is installed and can used by "Run as Admin". The main problem is, the TV Setup stops at downloading regional TV data.

    My setup is a Core i3-3225 CPU on a ASUS P8H77-I with a dual Digital Devices Dual TV-Tuner Card for SAT.

    The MSVidCtl.dll is changed in system32 with the version from ehome and the WMC is also restartet. The behavior is the same as before.

    Any ideas?

    Additional. I know, that the DMA2100 are not working since Win8. Thats no problem.
  11. paulsk58

    paulsk58 MDL Novice

    Jan 25, 2009
    Just FYI, I just installed WMC 8.8.2 in Windows 10 insider 20H1 18890 (latest Fast ring) and found that I did not need to replace CPFilters.dll located in System32 as I did in 19H1 18362 but it was still necessary to replace MSVidCtl.dll with the version located in eHome from WMC 8.8.2.
    WMC works fine still (fingers crossed).
  12. technodevotee

    technodevotee MDL Senior Member

    Sep 18, 2015
    #9215 technodevotee, May 6, 2019
    Last edited: May 7, 2019
    My Living Room PC updated from 1803 to 1809 today.

    I'd delayed all updates for about 6 Months so that I could do it at a time of my choosing because I was still running WMC V12 due to the complex configuration of my PC but we all know how that goes.

    Anyway, it had obviously removed WMC when it restarted so I tried to install V8.8.2 but whatever I did, WMC wouldn't launch so I installed V8.8.3. Props to everyone behind those BTW.

    WMC now launches but when I select a programme in a channel in the guide or play a previously recorded programme, I get a blue background with no sound for about 15 seconds, then I get a picture and then I get sound (which sometimes is the same bit repeated over and over) and then, if I'm lucky, I get normal sound.

    If I'm not lucky, I get the message saying files required to play video are missing blah, blah.

    I've replaced the newly installed msvidctl and cpfilters dlls with the ones from my old installation using nsudo but it hasn't helped. I've also changed the sound output setting in WMC and I get the same repeated sound rather than a proper chime in each speaker. I remember that setting causing problems in the past.

    I turned the PC off and went to bed last night. This morning, WMC starts playing whatever source (live or recorded TV) with sound after a delay of about 30 seconds. So it *works* but why is it soooo slow?

    Anyone have any ideas please?
  13. M'o

    M'o MDL Novice

    May 1, 2019
    Last sunday I tried the installation again. The problem from my previous post is solved, I found the solution in an earlier post here.
    So I was very happy, as the tv setup has finished. The next step, it was sunday late evening, was to look tv for a while. From the guide or directly, the WMC circle is rotating, stops and a little bit later closes the WMC. A look to the Windows error log shows an unhandled exception in the .NET Framework.

    Any ideas please?
  14. technodevotee

    technodevotee MDL Senior Member

    Sep 18, 2015
    Yes, well, it seems I was a teeny bit hasty in my last post as I'm having the same problem as others are reporting.

    Sometimes I get picture and sound after a long delay and sometimes I get the stuttering repeated sound. Other times I either get the 'files required are missing' message or it just freezes.

    When changing channel, it sometimes continues playing the previous channel, sometimes it freezes and sometimes it gives the 'files required are missing' message.

    When pressing stop, the current programme usually continues to play until I exit WMC.

    Any thoughts would be most welcome.
  15. Gareth North

    Gareth North MDL Junior Member

    Jan 27, 2016
    Hi technodevotee,

    I'm running windows Media Center on 1809 precise build is 17763.437 its all working perfectly. What winver is yours at?

    Best Regards

    Gareth North
  16. technodevotee

    technodevotee MDL Senior Member

    Sep 18, 2015
    #9219 technodevotee, May 7, 2019
    Last edited: May 9, 2019
    The one giving me grief is now on 17763.475, which is the same version as my other PCs..

    Another one with Media Center was upgraded to 1809 months ago and WMC was running fine until yesterday when it went out in sympathy. Although the problem on that one is different.

    Additional info about this one: WMC won't run full screen any more even with launcher. It was fine up until the most recent update.
  17. ssevan

    ssevan MDL Novice

    Oct 19, 2010
    Just FYI, after last update to windows on 5/3 i was getting decoder error on playback of recorded tv. turns out that update replaced MSVidCtl.dll. just replace it with old backup copy and recorded tv plays again.