as of today with v3, WMC installs without any problems except that media center wont wake the computer to record. I checked in power settings and they seem to be set the same as on my windows 7 htpc. is there something I am missing or is this still a glitch. thanks
As far as I know, still a glitch. Ironicly, my Windows 8.1 HTPC stopped waking to record recently, don' t know why, maybe a recent update? Anyway, a big THANK YOU MDL PEOPLE for your hard work, I now plan to update my HTPC soon to Windows 10 WMC!
It's the only problem I still have and we haven't found a fix yet. Waking up on my 8.1 system still works and it works in 10 b10036 so we are probably missing a setting or something somewhere.
Guys is it possible that someone here could make a more 'polished' universal installer with a GUI to help solve some of the problems some people seem to be experiencing? Surely an 'ideal' installer would firstly delete any previous remnants of a 'ehome' folder in the C:\windows and C:\programdata\microsoft directories for those users that had 8.1 WMC edt previously installed. Other useful things would be to check all required windows services are started and running post installation and the automatic creation of a desktop icon shortcut for WMC to launch the program. If any errors are encountered during installation maybe an on-screen prompt telling the user what's failed in laymans terms rather than just the generic windows error code numbers etc? Just a thought as I'm sure someone in here has the skills to make this kind of installer possible?
Resolved my issue, I guess you can't do Live TV Setup from RDP. However now have a new error during "Live TV Setup". For the "Downloading TV Setup Data", I get "Download Failure\nThe New TV Setup Data could not be downloaded. The existing data if available, will be used as you continue through TV Signal Setup."
My Channel Logos Hi , thanks to everyone who got this working, my only problem now is My Channel Logos doesn't work. Has anyone else managed to get this program working or is there any other way to get logos into Media Center, Thanks.
Hi , thanks to everyone who got this working, my only problem now is My Channel Logos doesn't work. Has anyone else managed to get this program working or is there any other way to get logos into Media Center, Thanks.
Although I had a clean installation, I put the hosts data in after the installation as the guide didn't work. I then tried again through many different restarts and methods. Still no guide. What appears to finally have done it, was to delete the ehome folder in programdata after the hosts file was updated. Which then caused my tuner not to be detected, so I rebooted. Then re-ran setup. The guide finally downloaded. Things I learned in the process; 1. You can't setup Live TV while in RDP session. 2. Your windows must be activated before your cablecard can activate / drm etc. I haven't tuned to any channels yet, as this is a VM machine and I'm connected remotely, but I'll play more tonight. PlayReady Installed without any issues so I don't suspect any problems.
Can someone double check the scheduled tasks and compare them to Windows 7 or 8 ? When a show is scheduled to record, it creates a scheduled task, if the original task does not have "Wake this computer to run this task" checked, it could be the problem your having.... Been running Windows 7 for years with a tuner in my PC, was always able to start WMC in a window with out that "Display driver" error. In fact, even on my cablecard dedicated machine, I have done the same thing (start WMC in a window and run live TV). and I am dual booting (tested on BOTH of them) 7 and 8.1 both do not show this issue. I have also set WMC up for tons of other people, in the 100's of installs I have seen, I have never seen this issue besides unless there was a driver related issue (video card driver issues). This is a DRM issue but, WMC is still broken because Copy Protected channels will not play back when trying to watch live tv. If you try to play back a protected channel you will get a "Copy Prohibited" message, if we can resolve this (and I hope we can,) it should be able to resolve this message. Did you try compatibly mode ? I have XL here, I will try to see if I can get it working (someone quoted how about 10 or so pages back, about modifying a file) You can edit channels and such over a RDP session but, running live TV setup or watching live TV, no. And yes, No cablecard if your not activated but, a normal analog or QAM tuner does work as I understand. WMC has always worked this way, not a 10 thing...
Still get the access denied Error 5 after deleting all ehome folders. Any help with this error is appreciated. Tested with WindowsMediaCenter_6.3.9600.0_x64_v3