tuner - DNTV dual Hybrid 7164 PCIe I'm based in Australia I've had it a while ... so if anyone is still having problems getting 8.8.4 going try technodevotee's fix dropbox.com/s/6y5h6a9zwo8yq2t/roll_back_dlls.zip?dl=1 ... the roll_back_dlls.zip link it worked for me !
yeah, never seen one of those. I wonder why it didn't work - maybe something to do with the missing registry entries for encdec? Anyway, glad it works now.
Hi Technodevotee This weekend I will be trying 1903 with DVBLink and I'l be using Acronis True Image to go back and easly try again and again with all these different options to find what works. I will let you know! One quick question Is 1903 officially being supplied by Microsoft now Or are you getting some preview release? Was Spratz a DVBLink user? Best Regards Gareth North
Thanks Gareth. 1903 has been out quite a long time and all my PCs except the one I blocked updated themselves automatically. I don't think Spratz uses DVBLink so that is interesting in its own right. Poor old Kevin - seems his work is never done.
Hahaha If replacing the MSVidCtl/EncDec/CPFilters DLLs is enough to make DVBLink work again, then chances are extremely high the same approach I've used for WMC (i.e adding assembly manifests and local copies of working DLL versions) would work with DVBLink. If anyone is interested in trying: - You should be able to reuse the 3 assembly manifests (Microsoft.Windows.CPFilters.manifest/Microsoft.Windows.TVEncDec.manifest/Microsoft.Windows.Video.TVVideoControl.manifest) and the DLLs from the WMC 8.8.4 package. - You'll need to locate the DVBLink executable that uses MSVidCtl/EncDec/CPFilters and update its application manifest to reference the 3 assembly manifests. It's usually either a separate .manifest file with the same name as the executable or embedded into the executable itself. You can use Resource Hacker to extract it (and remove it if you prefer a separate file).
I was actually referring to the problem that @Spratz was having. He said he'd been unable to get 8.8.4 working on 1903 until he used my new utility (which does exactly the same as the old addons).
Yep, I saw his message: Without being able to reproduce that on my side or knowing the root cause, I won't be able to include any fix or workaround in a future 8.8.5 patch. I've tried with a bunch of DVB-T PCI-E and USB tuners and no luck so far.
I suspect that whatever the cause is, it is the same with DVBLink (which is obviously outside the scope of your project) because people are saying that it works after using my add-ons or new utility. I'd love to have a go but I don't use it myself and I don't know if there is a trial version available. @Gareth North has said he will try different versions of WMC over the weekend to if he can figure it out. I think that might help pin down where the problem is.
why didn't I look at their website? too many things going on I guess! Like you only I'm a lot older and dumber.
In my experience of WMC (on Win 1903) and DVBLink - The 8.2 and 8.3 installers with the built in file and reg fixes worked for allowing WMC to work, show the DVBLink virtual tuners, scan for channels, show previous recorded thumbs in wmc and display the tv guide. All so far so good. But then if you went to the guide and chose a program that was on nothing happened. The channel would not load, there's no spinning circle to show it's trying to do something and absolutely nothing happens. The same happens if you try recording or hit the 'live tv' button from the main WMC menu - nothing instigates the channel stream. The only version i could get channels to play and record is 8.8.1 and doing all the manual fixes (i haven't tried 8.1 and the fixer apps from the other versions). At the moment I am unable to test the newest installer as my setup is currently running the longest it's ever run without any issues, so i'm nervous about things going wrong, and i don't have enough free time to spare sorting it out at the moment if things go tits up! If my setup goes down at any point i will try the latest installer to give any feedback. I'm in the UK and PlayReady isn't used at all as none of the channels here have DRM or Copy protection etc.. The only time the update/install playready message shows (whether it's installed or not) is if a channel stream can't load (usually because the DVBLink service hasn't started yet or has stopped for some reason). Hope this information helps. And DVBLink is great piece of software - I love the ease of scanning for channels (DVBT, DVBS and IPTV) and then being able to easily rename, order and manage them however i want. It's no longer officially supported, but it is available to purchase and when i've needed it the help through their email address has been amazing. All of the products have a 20 day trial period so you can check out what it does and how it works. Please let me know if you need any tips etc. Anthony
@aquadextrous, thanks for the informative post. I have downloaded and installed the server as a trial and setup up a client using V8.8.1 and my add-ons. As you say, the client, viewer, web based player and WMC all work. I'll try the other versions tomorrow to see if I can figure out what the difference is. Update: Uninstalled, rebooted, installed another version, installed my fixes, installed DVBLink client, rebooted, setup tv, scanned for channels and tried to watch live tv. repeat for next version. V13 and V8.8.1 work fine in all respects whereas .2, .3 & .4 work but there's no live TV in Media Center, no spinning circle - nothing. This confirms what others have said: Something changed in WMC 8.8.2 breaks DVBLink and it s still there.
I have just built a vanilla Windows 10 Enterprise 1903 x64 machine. I let Windows update do its thing and then attempted to install WMC using the 'WMC-V8.8.4.zip' package. The '_TestRights.cmd' works fine and opens the 2nd command prompt window however when I attempt to run the 'Installer.cmd' file (as administrator) I get this: What did I do wrong or will this not work on Enterprise?
before unzipping the files, did you remove the security by right clicking, properties, tick the unblock security box