[DISCUSSION] Patch WMC to run on Windows 10 final & possible alternatives

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by ricktendo64, May 8, 2015.

  1. T-S

    T-S MDL Guru

    Dec 14, 2012
    In this version I had to do the first setup as administrator.

    BTW I'm unable to download the listings using the official way.

    Not that bad for me given I was already used to mc2xml to get the few ones provided by MS + EPG Grabber to get the EIT data and inject both of them in WMC's db.
  2. DavidinCT

    DavidinCT MDL Addicted

    May 9, 2015

    Yes, The files are still in 10130. Now that Microsoft has said it's no longer going to support WMC, now I wonder why the files are still there.

    The easiest way to find out if WMC is still in a new build is go to the Windows\Winsxs folder and do a search for "ehome" If a bunch of files come up, it's still in there.

    As for Digital Cable, I have not tested it at this point. Would LOVE to see if someone does. I am after the same thing as you, I don't want to have to dual boot to use WMC on my office machine (not my dedicated system), I share tuners from my HTPC/Dedicated WMC machine, so I can share cablecard tuners, so on other machines in my home, I can watch LIVE tv on all computers, even my tablet over Wi-Fi sitting on the back deck. It's pretty awesome. My Dedicated machine has an InfityTV, with over 8tb of storage (not including the 120gb SSD for the OS)with over 300 movies and 90% of them have DTS/DD Master HD audio tracks. The system is also running in 4K (2160p @ 60hz), yea I am into it a little :)

    I still want to see if it's possible to RIP WMC out of one these builds and install it in a newer build and by pass the security check like the OP did in MCE 2005. This so I can play games (DirectX12) and still watch TV when I want/have to work.
  3. JakeStockton

    JakeStockton MDL Novice

    Sep 4, 2013
    In addition to DX12, the thing I am really wanting from Windows 10 are the new improved apps! The apps Microsoft released for Windows 8/8.1 are a joke! Now my Lumia phone has better and more functional apps than my PC does.
    I can understand MS abandoning Media Center, but it is very UN-Microsoft like to not prepare their customers with a year or more advanced notice. Also, the Gates/Balmer Microsoft would have clearly laid out an upgrade path for its users.
    This "new" Microsoft is doing a lot of great things, but communication is not one of them.
  4. jiminheimer

    jiminheimer MDL Novice

    Oct 27, 2009
  5. jiminheimer

    jiminheimer MDL Novice

    Oct 27, 2009
    #85 jiminheimer, Jun 2, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2015
    From Microsoft today :

    "If you have Windows 7 Home Premium, Windows 7 Professional, Windows 7 Ultimate, Windows 8 Pro with Media Center, or Windows 8.1 Pro with Media Center and you install Windows 10, Windows Media Center will be removed".

    This is obviously for the Win 10 upgrade path....I see how passionate some of you are about this, hope it works for you.
  6. T-S

    T-S MDL Guru

    Dec 14, 2012
    Even build 10130 during the upgrade of a win 8.1 wmc machine asked me to confirm the wmc removal.

    Obviously there wasn't anything to remove, given I was going to upgrade with a wmc enabled win 10....

    P.S. for the record I was going crazy with server WMC not working, after a while I discovered that the fix was very stupid

    Just change the lines in .config files like serverWMC.config


    <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion=""/>


    <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion=""/>

    The same "trick" worked for my channel logos (that didn't worked properly even on win 8.1)
  7. Shenj

    Shenj MDL Expert

    Aug 12, 2010
    You will run W10 in an unlicensed state anyway once RTM hits, but... it's also possible that Microsoft will disable WMC licenses from being valid and thus you wouldn't be able to get WMC running without cracking it and honestly i doubt anyone would invest their time trying to do that. Microsoft just doesn't want to provide support for a software that has been literally unsupported for years anyway, it's just now that they are finally making the cut, WMC was already planned for removal in Windows 8 so it's no surprise that they are making the cut in W10 where they have started a "continues update" path, they just had to remove WMC with this release. WMC may be dead, but the Xbox One has pretty much a alternative in active development so it's posible that Microsoft will make the One Guide etc a Universal App sometime in the future, certainly not soon if at all.
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  8. T-S

    T-S MDL Guru

    Dec 14, 2012
    That's a problem already solved for now.

    Who cares about supported or unsupported? It works and does what I need. It's more than enough for me.

    The last console I bought was Pong, I don't mind do buy a second one. :D
  9. Shenj

    Shenj MDL Expert

    Aug 12, 2010
    Who cares? Well Microsoft cares, they don't want to support it, and thus it's being removed :)

    I don't see how you solved licensing, to use WMC you need to use the WMC licensing which will overwrite your existing licensing files for Pro and thus your Pro activation will not work and thus.. you run in a unlicensed state, simple as that. It may not matter if all you get is a watermark with no penalities but that won't change the fact :biggrin:
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  10. T-S

    T-S MDL Guru

    Dec 14, 2012

    Sometimes is better to read more and write less...;)
  11. ZaForD

    ZaForD MDL Expert

    Jan 26, 2008
    Disclaimer: I don't really know how this app works, so I could be talking crap. :p

    I had an idea earlier, the 'Xdelta' app that has been used to convert ISO's between different versions.
    Could that be used to create a WMC patch from the Pro and ProWMC images on the TP ISO's that could then be used to patch the RTM Pro image/ISO when its released. :confused:
  12. lobo11

    lobo11 TOMAHAWK CHOP

    Feb 16, 2012
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  13. Whiznot

    Whiznot MDL Member

    Nov 5, 2009
    Microsoft acts like WMC is only a DVD player so there should be no concern about lost functionality.

    WMC is only useful for DVR functionality and handling protected content. In spite of posts to the contrary, there is no current substitute for WMC but Silicon Dust is developing a better alternative.
  14. wladw

    wladw MDL Member

    May 7, 2015
    Maybe it'll be a better HARDWARE alternative,but we are talking about Windows Media Center app here...
  15. DavidinCT

    DavidinCT MDL Addicted

    May 9, 2015
    I'm not sure about that.

    I've watched their Preview video over 10 times now to see how it looks and how it's used. It seems like a DVR ONLY that is designed for a keyboard and mouse. If it can be used with a remote, it looks like it will be a flaky experience. I use WMC with a remote and never have to touch a keyboard or mouse unless I need to update drivers or tweak the PC. Even when I add new movies, it's all automatic, so drop in and it pops right up (YAMM).

    I use WMC as a Home theater PC with extenders all over the home (don't want a PC at each tv, a $50-75 used Xbox 360 works fine for it) with the full Tweaked DVR with more tuners than any cablebox or satellite tuners can offer. This also handles about 300+ movies with full 1080p and DTS/DD HD master audio, never mind music, streaming content, pictures and more.

    Unless this new Silicon Dust app can be completely changed (interface wise) and allows plugins for like a Movie, Music, picture library that can use Windows networks for the content that is seamless all in one program, it wont even be close to being able to replace Windows Media Center... At this point it does not even look like it will fit the bill for a lot of people.

    I have a Ceton cablecard tuner, so it's worthless with their application anyway.

    Still want to see if WMC can be ported in some way over to Windows 10, at this point most of us know, WMC can run under Windows 10 with a modification of the ISO before installing, this just proves that WMC CAN RUN UNDER Windows 10.

    What we are leaning to is files need to be patched for WMC to run.

    I'm wondering if I should keep capturing the WMC files from each Windows 10 build, then when we get RTM, re-bring this up to find someone who can patch it to get it running. We need it all to be running, if it cant use Playready for secure content, then it's a fail.

    The quest goes on as the HDR option does not look like it will fit the bill for a lot of people
  16. skapigmdl

    skapigmdl MDL Novice

    Jun 11, 2015
    Hope we get a reasonably clean WMC to Win10 solution. Probably best that it not get publicized at this point though anyway. Wouldn't want to give MS time to break the workaround prior to GA. Recall what they stubbornly did with the Win8 workaround such as for booting to desktop. Guessing the biggest risks with getting up and running are probably guide data retrieval and extender breakage.

    The closest alternative to WMC that we have at the moment is Silicondust's addon for Kodi. They have viewing out there already. Now they are aiming to deliver the integration with their DVR solution. Haven't played around with it, but looks ok and is certainly a step in the right direction from what I've seen. Not a big fan of their guide as I prefer the traditional grid. They've designed for watching now, but it doesn't help you look ahead to see what's coming up. Seems to assume you know what you want to watch and will thus use search. Beyond that, you'll get whatever other features you're after from the Kodi ecosystem.

    A good client hardware solution is the missing piece. We ideally want something cheap that can handle heavy weight media content and for many of us offer mpeg2 decoding. Not a lot of options that fit the bill until you start going higher end. Makes you need to debate the cost of replacing existing hardware that works a bit more.
  17. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    No, sorry. That's not how delta patches work. They require the same source file, bit for bit.
  18. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    Gabe Aul said that WMC was getting removed for Win10.
    Any version that works on it will likely be an end-user modded win8.x version.