Apologies if this has been posted before, but I figured it would be quicker and less cumbersome just to post my query rather than search through this mammoth thread. I am trying to install Windows Media Center following the instructions at the following link: https :// www. howtogeek. com /258695/how-to-install-windows-media-center-on-windows-10/ However, I get the following error message in the Command Prompt when trying to install WMC (open the link minus the space): imgur .com/j2Pk5z3 Now the article is fairly old (July 4 2017) and I would imagine subsequent changes have been made to Windows 10 which make this current method of installation impossible. However, going by recent posts it seems it is still possible to install WMC on Windows 10, so does this method still work with some modification, or do I have to do something entirely different?
Didn't work again, sorry. I followed your steps 1-4 but came up with the same error message in the command prompt, after running the Installer command (I can't find a file with a name InstallerBLUE.cmd anywhere in the WMC folder). The files are stored in a folder called WMC64 on the C drive. Here's what it looks like when you open it (this is only my second post and I can't do images): [Subfolder] bin [Files] _ReadMe.txt _TestRights.cmd BackupRestoreSettings.cmd Installer.cmd Uninstaller.cmd Workarounds.txt I'd suggest you look at the link I posted upthread (minus the spaces) and for comparison, post a link to whatever page you used to successfully install WMC, thanks.
I'm afraid I've got stuck at step 6 as I can't find the fix_MSSQLLite.cmd file and I have set Windows 10 to show all hidden files and folders. This is what the WMC-V8.8.4 folder looks like my end on opening: [Subfolder] bin [Files] _ReadMe.txt _TestRights.cmd 8.7-8.8-QuickFix.reg BackupRestoreSettings.cmd InstallerBLUE.cmd InstallerGREEN.cmd ResetSettings.cmd Uninstaller.cmd Workarounds.txt
Awesome plplplpl, I have just successfully installed WMC after I was on the verge of giving up yesterday morning! I can't think why Microsoft discontinued it, I'm sure Windows DVD Player isn't the same thing. It was the WMC Wikipedia article that led me to this site (what was that nonsense of "This claim needs references to better sources" about? It was this source that led me to finally install this software!). Thanks very much!
I think it is because they link to a very old installer. 8.8.4 is hard to find unless you know where to look.
I just had 2004 hoisted on me before I am ready, losing WMC. First will you tell me how to find V8.8.4. I have one zipped one which is 88,220kb.Is that it? I unzipped it into C:\\WMC8.8.4. Uninstalled. Rebooted. It doesn't open after installing. Rebooted. I have <restore_mssqllite.zip> which is 825 kb. I unzipped it into C:\\WMC8.8.4. Ran it It doesn't open after installing.It doesn't open after installing. What should I be doing?
bin WMC-V8.8.4 restore mssqllite readme.txt restore_MSSQLLite.cmd bin MSSqllite.regrestore_MSSQLLite.bat sqlcecompact40.dll sqlceoledb40.dll sqlceqp40.dll sqlcese40.dll WMC-V8.8.4 bin _ReadMe.txt _TestRights.cmd 8.7-8.8-QuickFix.reg BackupRestoreSettings.cmd InstallerBLUE.cmd InstallerGREEN.cmd ResetSettings.cmd Uninstaller.cmd Workarounds.txt bin ehres etc
your directory listing has got rather mangled but basically, you need to put the files in the first list into wmc-v8.8.4 and the files in the second list into wmc-v8.4.4\bin, as per the readme. all the cmd files should be in the same folder and all the bat files should be in the bin folder below.
Code: Volume in drive C has no label. Volume Serial Number is 16FC-89C0 Directory of C:\temp\wmc-v8.8.4 28/08/2020 14:33 <DIR> . 28/08/2020 14:33 <DIR> .. 12/08/2016 01:32 950 8.7-8.8-QuickFix.reg 07/08/2016 02:42 1,932 BackupRestoreSettings.cmd 28/08/2020 15:50 <DIR> bin 10/08/2016 20:23 1,299 InstallerBLUE.cmd 10/08/2016 20:22 1,302 InstallerGREEN.cmd 07/08/2016 02:39 740 ResetSettings.cmd 28/08/2020 14:34 428 restore_MSSQLLite.cmd 06/07/2016 08:54 1,341 Uninstaller.cmd 07/08/2016 02:59 4,957 Workarounds.txt 11/04/2019 18:26 7,760 _ReadMe.txt 07/08/2016 02:43 855 _TestRights.cmd 10 File(s) 21,564 bytes Directory of C:\temp\wmc-v8.8.4\bin 28/08/2020 15:50 <DIR> . 28/08/2020 15:50 <DIR> .. 20/09/2015 03:54 93,523 Acl 13/09/2015 07:17 134,535 AclClass 16/09/2015 09:26 18,908 AclSoft 13/09/2015 07:21 2,906 AclSoftWow 12/09/2015 00:08 448 AclSys 12/07/2016 15:41 8,628 AclTaskCache 15/08/2020 20:34 <DIR> ehres 11/08/2016 20:43 247,316 Install.reg 10/08/2016 23:48 21,866 InstallBLUE.bat 10/08/2016 23:49 21,866 InstallGREEN.bat 15/08/2020 20:34 <DIR> MediaCenter 18/09/2019 08:15 659 MSSqllite.reg 14/12/2015 21:39 18,432 NSudoC.exe 12/07/2016 12:48 32,256 ntrights.exe 28/08/2020 14:35 628 restore_MSSQLLite.bat 10/09/2012 21:23 559,528 SetACL.exe 19/03/2019 12:41 139,776 sqlcecompact40.dll 19/03/2019 12:41 205,312 sqlceoledb40.dll 19/03/2019 12:41 920,064 sqlceqp40.dll 19/03/2019 12:41 524,800 sqlcese40.dll 15/08/2020 20:36 <DIR> Tasks 24/07/2019 17:13 21,024 Uninstall.bat 11/09/2015 20:02 71,758 Uninstall.reg 13/11/2015 00:04 9,568,256 windows10.0-kb3106246-x64.msi 21 File(s) 12,612,489 bytes
bin WMC-V8.8.4 restore mssqllite readme.txt restore_MSSQLLite.cmd bin MSSqllite.regrestore_MSSQLLite.bat sqlcecompact40.dll sqlceoledb40.dll sqlceqp40.dll sqlcese40.dll WMC-V8.8.4 bin _ReadMe.txt _TestRights.cmd 8.7-8.8-QuickFix.reg BackupRestoreSettings.cmd InstallerBLUE.cmd InstallerGREEN.cmd ResetSettings.cmd Uninstaller.cmd Workarounds.txt bin ehres etc
bin WMC-V8.8.4 restore mssqllite readme.txt restore_MSSQLLite.cmd bin MSSqllite.regrestore_MSSQLLite.bat sqlcecompact40.dll sqlceoledb40.dll sqlceqp40.dll sqlcese40.dll WMC-V8.8.4 bin _ReadMe.txt _TestRights.cmd 8.7-8.8-QuickFix.reg BackupRestoreSettings.cmd InstallerBLUE.cmd InstallerGREEN.cmd ResetSettings.cmd Uninstaller.cmd Workarounds.txt bin ehres etc