Looks like there's a WMC bug where manual recordings are incorrectly set to start an hour earlier after Daylight Saving Time ends.
Mine made the changeover seamlessly. I've been using manual recordings (Channel and Time) extensively.
Weird, I'm running it on Windows 10 1909, I believe 8.8.4, but, anyway, whatever caused this, I can't imagine it would be something that could be fixed at this point. Just thought I'd mention it since it might've happened to others and they didn't realize it.
Sorry, j.c.f., I just saw this. So, when did you do this? What cable box model did you use, and what cable company? What HDHomeRun product? Are you saying that just a few months ago you connected your cable box to your HDHomeRun using a coaxial cable, found that it tuned multiple channels, and verified that some of these were digital channels at HD resolution?
Hello I am looking for the WMC Multi tool but all the links I find are dead. Can anyone assist? Thank you!
Sorry to be a bother, but I'm just starting to read this extensive thread and try to go over to WMC on Win 10. I've had it running for years on 8.1 dedicated NUC, but something finally slipped past that no longer lets it see the HDHRPrime tuners (I've about exhausted trying to fix it), but still working on it---while going ahead and setting it up on another (win 10) machine. Anyway, I saw where you offered to email the tools to a user and would please ask that you also send to me. Thank you for your consideration. Cinn
It was several years ago now, LA Spectrum TV, no idea what cable box it was as it was just the bog standard box they provided, tuners were two HDHomeRun Duals with a splitter to connect both of them and it was definitely HD video and the usual ~150 or so channels for that area (not all of them are HD I might add but the major ones are). Guess it's conceivable I wasn't using the splitter at the time and only used one HDHomeRun Dual.
Guys, thank you SO much for making WMC possible again.... Yesterday I received a big update on W10 from -that- company and after that my WMC didn't work anymore. First tried to do a re-install with my current 884 version but that didn't work, read this forum, got the 885 version and...GREAT, it's alive again. Thanks a lot!!
JGMack, my sincere apologies....I got so deep in trying to get my original media center NUC on win 8 working, I didn't get back to this post thread. I finally got it working just like normal with cable card and DRM channels working and now am just trying to keep it safe from breaking again. But I fear that the end is coming I'm also playing around with setting up WMC on another win10 machine to play around with---Version 10.0.19042 Build 19042 and 8.8.5 and have everything going EXCEPT finding the tuners. Hung for now, but still trying to find an answer.
I don't think the tools you refer to will help in your situation. The first problem is that Silicon Dust seem to have removed support for WMC in their later drivers and you may need to go back to a version from 2015. The next part of the problem is that Windows 10 hasn't supported the DRM mechanism required by Cable Cards since version 1511. Some people have everything working with a combination of those things but what you end up with is an ancient operating system that can't be updated so you are hardly any better off than using Windows 8.1.
Just to say I'm successfully working with WMC 8.8.5 with Windows Version 10.0.19042 and dvblink 3.2 for satellite channels.No special installation procedure. I selected not to install playready. But dvblink 6.0 didn't do the job due the lack of playready update. I wonder if it is because the way the virtual dvblink bda drivers are defined
Hello I am looking for a premium version of WMC for windows 7 familly. If you could help me. I would be really grateful. Kind regards