Yup, I've deleted the C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\ehome folder and all it's contents every time, even just now went so far as to do a disk cleanup on C and remove the windows.old folder, as I found I could launch MC from there. But still no use, tried installing V3 again and still no Guide download.
Even with it disabled, nothing. I've done absolutely everything I can think of, I just can't for the life of me figure out how I went from a working Guide last night to nothing tonight.
I think tomorrow I'll pull my Hauppauge out and throw it in my torrent box. That machine has the first version of MC installed where the files had to be copied, etc. What is the best way to remove those old files so I can install the latest version? I just checked and don't see an uninstaller.
Uninstaller.cmd is in the folder containing everything else. It is right with installer.cmd. Run as admin.
Guide problems for me. This is what fixed it. 1.Open up notepad (right click> run as administrator) 2. Open host file ( File>open> c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts) 3.Add this to the end of the file- x.x.x.x data.tvdownload.microsoft.com cdn.epg.tvdownload.microsoft.com Place one of the below ip addresses in place of the "x"' s above depending on your location in the US west coast or east coast central or southern us ex. If you lived on the east coast you would add this to the bottom of the file: data.tvdownload.microsoft.com cdn.epg.tvdownload.microsoft.com 4.Save the file (file>save) 5.Open CMD command prompt (file>search for cmd>right click>run as administrator) 6.Type: ipconfig /flushdns If you type it correctly it should say: "successfully flushed the dns resolver cache." 7.Close Windows Media Center if it is open 8.Start>type "c:\ProgramData\Microsoft\ehome" 9.Delete file "mcepg2-0" and folder "mcepg2-0" this will force you to set up live tv from scratch in WMC (or delete anything named m***.db and the corresponding folder) 10.Open windows media center and go through the Live TV setup and you should now be able to download guide data!
I'm on V2, haven't caught up in the last day, as I'd mentioned, I was able to finally get guide data working. I set a series that begins at 8 PM to record, the recording did not start until 9:12 PM, so I missed an hour and 12 minutes of a 2 hour program. The ending time was 10:30. Now THAT, was correct, because I had set it to record until 30 minutes after the program. Is this a known bug in V2? I haven't tried V3 yet and don't know the difference. I also have had this weird error where the menus would scroll extremely fast, and it'd be almost impossible to navigate. I would end up using my arrow keys on the keyboard along with the <Enter> key.
Score, this worked for me to get my Guide working! I have not been able to get my guide to work on any version, but working now! yay This is pretty much the steps I ran, just used a different 2nd IP address, but seems to work. Also, I heard its always good to restart once editing hosts file, but not sure if necessary.
Check to see if MCUpdate is running and consuming lots of processing cycles. If MCUpdate is updating the database with guide data or filtering/setting up future recordings, my system also does not start or stop on time. If my system is slow to respond after creating a new recording, I go into TaskManager and change the mcupdate.exe to high priority.
@Paul1965, Please check if you didn't disable M$ telemetry servers, that's why it didn't work in my case (connexion blocked so no DL). It was not caused by Firewall rules, just by Tweaks applied. Edit your hosts file too with the 2 adresses upper, flush your dns as explained. and run Media center at first run as admin (and run mcupdate.exe as admin at the first step of TV settings in case of).
Decoder Did any of you check this: Adding those registry keys fixed my "Decoder Error" without installing LAV Filters (post #634).
Actually this tweak adds a firewall rule: Code: netsh.exe advfirewall firewall add rule name="Block Microsoft Telemetry IP" dir=out action=block localip=any remoteip=",,,,,," description="Rule created by shewolf on 08/24/2015 04:07:56. Do not edit rule by hand" enable=yes We must test on a fresh Windows 10 if guide is downloaded with and without that specific rule. Anyway, during my patching, guide could be downloaded without HOST modification and without any tweaks applied.
Tried all these steps and still won't d/l the Guide. Pulled the tuner out and threw it in my torrent box. Just updated the drivers and will install V3 next. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
I finally got my WMC to wake up for recordings by making "NETWORK SERVICE" a member of the administrator group. What happens is that the WMC scheduling service sets a trigger start time on "Start Recording" task about 6 minutes before the recording is due. The Start recording task then creates ehRec waketimers which start the recording and stop the computer from sleeping until the recording is complete. Ideally, NETWORK Service should not be a member of administrators, but rather the scheduling service logon identity should have the correct permissions to schedule tasks.
Okay, what the heck is the deal. Installed V3 on a PC that had a previous patched install of MC on it but never went thru the tuner or Guide setup process, and still won't d/l a Guide.
This was already present. I believe this "registry key" was resolved with new packages (see changelog). WTV files won't play inside WMP or WMC (CopyFree) previous recordings. Again this is a barebones clean installation. Even without this WMC package, WTV files will still not play naively. That needs to be resolved and I think this problem will go away with it. Native playback in WMP for WTV was removed in Windows 10. Installing LAV is the only thing that resolves that at this point. But because LAV is not the certified WTV decoder, that's why we can't play CopyOnce content.