Hello and thanks for bringing this app to windows 10 users, is there a way to make this wmc hack to use system language. Now I have rest of my system in Finnish but wmc is in English, is there any mui packs for this? Or how could it be extracted from Finnish 8.1 wmc.
Has anyone else tried to setup speakers? Mine goes right to Troubleshoot Your Speakers. I am unable to change anything. Just wondering if it is just my setup? Thanks!
Amazing work, thanks @abbodi1406, @dejong12, @Graznok, @SuperBubble, @T-S and everyone involved in this. I want to report a problem , if the path contains spaces the script will fail, for example if i renamed the folder from Code: WindowsMediaCenter_6.3.9600.0_x64_v3 to Code: Windows Media Center 6.3.9600.0 x64 v3 so the full path is Code: E:\Windows Media Center 6.3.9600.0 x64 v3 the "TestRights" script will succeed but the install/uninstall scripts won't, they open the first CMD window but the second one (where the actual copying of files and registry manipulations happen) won't start, other than that it's working perfectly, i was able to run WMC on 8.1 Enterprise . Thanks again very much .
Decoder Update; Took the MPEG2 DTV/DVD Decoder files from win8.1, and replaced the Win10 files (after installing Win10 DVD Player App). The decoder then fails to work saying decoder error. Attempted to register the files, but no change even after reboot. Take the original *.dll files and rename them back with no registration attempted. Decoder then works. Obviously still CopyFree only. Edit; Got the Files to work with a Codec Filter Tweak Utility "fix" and disable/enable. But still reports System Files modified, so something else is being checked.
I'm so used to Win habits that I would never launch this kind of scripts form a very long path (say a folder on the desktop) or from a folder with a very long name containing spaces. Likely that's less obvious for other people and should be pointed out on the readme.
With that said, we won't be able to get 5.1 or 7.1 to work just yet, correct? I can hear the difference when I play tv through my XB1 media player app as compared to WMC on Win10.
Just download it through your browser. Open rar, and extract. No decryption key is required or needed.
TBH i never had a proper multichannel system in my house, so I can't do real tests on that scenario. Anyway just think that less than a week is past since the first successful attempt on my PC. A lot is already happened and be sure that there is a lot to discovery as well. I think that after 10 year we can wait some more days.
My default browser is Firefox, and that shows nothing but a blank page when I click the link. When I try with IE I at least get to Mega, but it pops up a box saying it cannot decrypt the metadata without key. So I see nothing on the page to download except for links to install Mega.
I just tried with IE, and it works fine. Edge works great, too! Make sure you click the download through your browser link.
I'm using 10134 x64 v2.1. I notice a problem using MCE remote. I can't volume up\down or mute. I can only change channel. Any advice?
@T-S, @abbodi1406 and @dejong12 I have a solution (with a little bit of explanation) but this is going to be long so please bear with me, the problem in this case is the combination of calls between "runassystem.exe" and "runfromtoken.exe" not the CMD itself, in the line: Code: bin\runassystem.exe "bin\runfromtoken.exe trustedinstaller.exe 1 %~dp0bin\Install.bat" 1- runassystem.exe takes the whole string between the double-quotes as one argument then parse it before processing anything. 2- runfromtoken.exe is started as "system" then the rest of the string is considered the arguments: arg1: trustedinstaller.exe arg2: 1 arg3: %~dp0bin\Install.bat (where the problem occurs) the 3rd argument (in case of paths with spaces) will be interpreted as many arguments not just one argument since runfromtoken.exe accepts space-separated arguments, so what you want to do is: arg3: "%~dp0bin\Install.bat" (just surround it with quotes) now comes the tricky part, runassystem.exe invokes the AutoIt parser on the whole string before processing it, which is the problem since this Code: runassystem.exe "bin\runfromtoken.exe trustedinstaller.exe 1 "%~dp0bin\Install.bat"" will be treated as 2 arguments like so: arg1: "bin\runfromtoken.exe trustedinstaller.exe 1 " arg2: %~dp0bin\Install.bat"" so what you want is literal double-quotes (non-effective in the parsing session and treated as normal character), in AutoIt literal double-quotes is 2 double-quotes "" (similar to ^" in CMD) so our target becomes: Code: runassystem.exe "bin\runfromtoken.exe trustedinstaller.exe 1 ""%~dp0bin\Install.bat""" so now when this is parsed by runassystem.exe first, this part ""%~dp0bin\Install.bat"" will be treated as a complete literal, non-effective string the last challenge is now the parsing session of the CMD itself (i know you hate me by now ) not to say much about it, we just want to make the double-quotes effective (non-literal) around the path itself ONLY,so let's just escape every other double-quotes like so: - The solution: Code: bin\runassystem.exe ^"bin\runfromtoken.exe trustedinstaller.exe 1 ^""%~dp0bin\Install.bat"^"^" the same goes for the uninstall script: Code: bin\runassystem.exe ^"bin\runfromtoken.exe trustedinstaller.exe 1 ^""%~dp0bin\Uninstall.bat"^"^" Very sorry if this annoyed you and i'm sure my explation is very weak/flawed, but i tried to make it short and clear as possible. Have a nice day:flowers2:. EDIT: even after this workaround, paths containing the ampersand character '&' won't be accepted and will cause the script to crash, this is a CMD-related issue and has nothing to do with the scripts.