Thanks for the techincal walktrough, really well written Anyway, as I said I never faced the problem because my "spider sense" told me to put the script in C:\wmc10 I think that dejong and abbodi would be more practically interested because they published the installer and may want to refine it for the next releases
This worked Using WindowsMediaCenter_6.3.9600.0_x64_v3 and changing the last line in the installer to your corrections - bin\runassystem.exe ^"bin\runfromtoken.exe trustedinstaller.exe 1 ^""%~dp0bin\Install.bat"^"^" Windows Media Center is working and the Guide is Working, this is the first time I was able to get everything to work. Thank you so much!
The fonts should be a simple issue of registering them. Try copying all of the .TTF and .TTC files from the C:\Windows\eHome folder into a new folder on your desktop. Highlight them all, rt-click and then hit "Install" and see if that helps. Another possibility may be that you are using display scaling under your display properties in Windows...
PAUL1965 wrote: "My default browser is Firefox, and that shows nothing but a blank page when I click the link." Blank page at MEGA is caused by javascript being turned off. Turn on javascript and it will show.
I still cannot get guide data to load on my fresh Windows 10 install. I have tried modifying the HOSTS file and flushing the DNS cache as suggested back in #1027, Adding the Win10 Telemetry firewall rule, running as WMC as Admin, deleting the ProgramData\Microsoft\eHome folder, rebooting, uninstalling EVERYTHING including my HD Homerun drivers and then installing everything again starting with WMC as Admin. Using the WMC Windows 8.1 x64 installer v3. Channels work, just no guide - I keep getting "Download Failure"
Thank you wk-952, I've incorporated your fix in V4, now available to download! No need to install if you're on V2 or V3.
Yea, that is what I thought... they were working before when I installed other versions, now they show an error of "The requested file ... is not a valid font file" Wtf ? It's always something with Windows 10, lots of little bugs all over the place, stable problems, time to Nuke again and reinstall everything....AGAIN (3rd time) Going to try to pull the fonts directly from a Windows 10 machine (that WMC was hacked into) and see if that helps...or I will have to nuke it.. Edit: Opened each font one by one on my VM, worked fine, took them over to my desktop install, it does the same error, not a font problem a windows problem...WTF ? Edit2: This is no question a WTF thing on Windows 10, I disabled the Windows Firewall, then disabled the service, This is what caused this problem, after enabling the service. The fonts installed perfectly. WTF does a firewall have to do with fonts ? WOW...
I'm about ready to throw in the towel. Not one to leave well enough alone, I uninstalled V3 and installed V4, now I'm back to no Guide d/l even when using my VPN. The first couple times I used an IP in Denmark and it worked fine. Now I've tried Canada, Belgium, Denmark, Australia, Israel and a few others, still get the same error message. I've tried with and without the host file add-on, flushed the DNS, released and renewed my IP and every other thing I can think of. finally worked for me with no glitches. Thanks much dejong12
Interesting, it did not work for me at all, It would just give missing files and access denied even though the test script worked fine and this is only the 10 time installing one of these builds... I went back to v2 and it installed perfectly.
I have tried several surrounding ZIP Codes to no effect. My actual ZIP code worked fine (after a couple of tries) on my Win8.1 system last week.