[DISCUSSION] Patch WMC to run on Windows 10 final & possible alternatives

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by ricktendo64, May 8, 2015.

  1. yukiki99

    yukiki99 MDL Novice

    Nov 10, 2013
    #1301 yukiki99, Sep 14, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    thank you, abbodi1406.

    attrib +h %ProgramData%
    attrib -a -i +r "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories"
    attrib -a -i +r "%SystemDrive%\Users\Public\Recorded TV\Sample Media"
    attrib -a -i +r "%SystemDrive%\Users\Public\Recorded TV"
    attrib -a -i +r "%SystemDrive%\Users\Public\Desktop"
    robocopy "%SystemDrive%\Users\Public\Desktop" "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories" "Windows Media Center.lnk" /COPYALL >nul 2>&1
    attrib -h -a -i +r "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories"
    for /d %%G in %_mui% do (
    if not exist "%SystemRoot%\%%G\explorer.exe.mui" (
    rmdir /s /q "%SystemRoot%\ehome\%%G" >nul 2>&1

    Problem resolved!!
  2. Brainsuck

    Brainsuck MDL Addicted

    Oct 9, 2009
    Just did a clean install of 10 install the pack v.6 did sfc /scannow no bugs setup my hdhomerun and got my listing tune to Hbo and it work with my drm channel
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  3. Klownicle

    Klownicle MDL Member

    Jul 27, 2009
    #1303 Klownicle, Sep 14, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2015
    Which 10 did you install. Pro or Home?

    I haven't been able to replicate this.

    Also what order, Did you install Windows 10, Did you Update anything? Did you do SFC after windows 10 installation or after installing WMC? Did you install WMC then run the live TV setup, then run SFC?

    I've been doing clean installs with Windows 10 Pro, I cannot get decoder to work without installing a codec period so far. Wonder if the SFC is doing something when it detects WMC?
  4. dhjohns

    dhjohns MDL Guru

    Sep 5, 2013
    That is totally awesome!:clap::clap::clap:
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  5. mwpeterson

    mwpeterson MDL Member

    Sep 7, 2015
    I hate to say it, but are you sure your HBO channel is DRM, because most of my HBO HD channels are not. Most of the SD HBO channels are, go figure. If you go to my.hdhomerun.com and click on the lineup link just below the firmware version you can see which channels have DRM.
  6. DavidinCT

    DavidinCT MDL Addicted

    May 9, 2015
    #1306 DavidinCT, Sep 14, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2015
    Did anyone with a CABLECARD have any luck by running "sfc /scannow" on playing back a DRMed channel ?

    In my case, I can tune to the channel and video sometimes will play for 5-30 seconds, then it breaks up and goes to no Signal. There is No problem with signal so it's something else.

    If your getting past the DRM and channels are playing 100% fine, Post what version of the download did you use (I am using WindowsMediaCenter_6.3.9600.16384_x64_v5 ). Maybe one release is better than another in this aspect.

    Thanks all ! I hope we can find a option for this to make it work, and I can finally be done here (I have 1000 channels in my guide but, I only get 60 of them, but, I wont edit the channels till we are all fixed, as it seems I am re-installing every other day !)

    The best way to find out, is to record a show on HBO, even a movie but, like a 5 min window. Then when you go into recorded shows and see the properties of the show, on the very bottom of the page it will say "Copy protected"

    Keep in mind, some channels are not 100% copy protected, like HBO, it will be per show, if your playing a 1979 movie, no one cares but, if your playing a 2015 movie, it's different story. I have seen this before.

    It's also by carrier too, AMC in my area (Walking Dead !!!!!) was never DRMed, and about 2 months ago, they are now 24 hour DRM, WMC shows me when I have a driver that is not HDCP compliant :( Other areas this channel is not DRMed from what I have heard.

    Also, if your running analog video, it could play back fine because it does not deal with the DHCP issues.
  7. Graznok

    Graznok MDL Member

    Jan 29, 2013
    This should be removed from Workarounds.txt.
  8. mwpeterson

    mwpeterson MDL Member

    Sep 7, 2015
    I ran sfc /scannow and it completed with "Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations." and nothing changed.

    I haven't noticed the copy protection being by show on HBO, I'll have to keep an eye out on that, but none of my Game of Thrones episodes were copy protected.

    Right now I have just 2 DRM channels (Western Feeds) and those have duplicates (Eastern Feeds), but that could change at anytime.
  9. Klownicle

    Klownicle MDL Member

    Jul 27, 2009
    #1309 Klownicle, Sep 14, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2015
    I was finally able to replicate it. I got the WeakSignal error on FXXHD (saw a picture for a short bit). Can't say what changed as I got a message that says SFC didn't find anything to fix. I also DID NOT need to install the c0dec this time. I keep getting an Update PlayReady message when trying to play DRM messages now.

    Also, I attempted to record without viewing a DRM channel. The recording took, and WMC didn't complain that it couldn't be played. in WMP it just displayed a back picture and in WMC is said weak signal.
  10. Noctophrenia

    Noctophrenia MDL Novice

    Oct 10, 2013
    I'm just east of St. Louis in IL, so yeah, I think this is gonna help me! Thanks!


    Nov 10, 2011
    #1311 WIKIMACK, Sep 14, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2015
    Wmc french

    I read in this thread that there was a French language pack but I find more.

    can someone help me please

  12. T-S

    T-S MDL Guru

    Dec 14, 2012
    Download v6, all languages are included as clearly stated.
  13. Klownicle

    Klownicle MDL Member

    Jul 27, 2009
    #1313 Klownicle, Sep 14, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2015
    Tried running through a PlayReady DRM reset to see if that made a difference, no difference still Weak TV Signal. Mines fairly instance, but it could be due to a slower VM. Turns out somehow the Windows DVD Player reinstalled itself. So I don't know, but I'm done for the evening, bad enough I'm going to get 3hrs of sleep. Lol

    I read up that Microsoft Integrated PlayReady 3.0 directly into windows. The playready WMC needs, just may not be combatable with Windows 10. If that's the case, do we know if there was a functioning DRM cable ISO of windows 10 that took PlayReady and WMC and worked? In the builds, etc.

    I uninstalled all my PlayReady software and I still get the Weak TV Signal errors on DRM channels. Black seen recordings.
  14. atomi

    atomi MDL Novice

    Sep 11, 2015
    how to i activate this language pack, i put that fi-FI folder in to \windows\ehome\ folder but there was no effect, wmc just stays in English.
  15. T-S

    T-S MDL Guru

    Dec 14, 2012

    Likely you downloaded the version made for W10 instead of the one made for w8.1 (or viceversa, depending on what WMC version you have)
  16. cdavisdeco

    cdavisdeco MDL Senior Member

    Jul 8, 2015
    As you guys think, why M$ removed WMC from Windows 10? Because it's a failed product? If it's a failure, why people keep try to add WMC to Windows 10 even if there are good updated alternatives like Kodi/XMBC/itunes etc. with much more features. What does WMC has that other alternatives don't have?
  17. phrunt

    phrunt MDL Addicted

    May 1, 2007
    #1317 phrunt, Sep 14, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2015
    ability to play protected content?

    I noticed under mce extras now the digital cable adviser is there and seems to work fine now on v6. I tried it on v2 I think it was and it didn't work, now on v6 it went through all the steps and downloaded it and said my PC is now digital cable ready.
  18. hpmoon

    hpmoon MDL Novice

    Sep 10, 2015
    Can anyone advise please on what the problem usually is, if I successfully installed the x64 version and can see the program when searching in the start menu, but clicking on it (as Administrator) simply doesn't do anything?
  19. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    #1319 abbodi1406, Sep 14, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    I noticed after installing latest pack that WU automatically offered and installed WindowsDVDPlayer (update kb3081704)
    although the system is clean install x64
    i went to other system x86 (also clean install) to verify, and also WU installs the DVD player update

    so this registry key does have an effect
  20. phrunt

    phrunt MDL Addicted

    May 1, 2007
    so you're saying anyone who puts that in their registry will get the free dvd player on any windows 10 pc?