Actually it's 13 on the HTPC and 8 on my other PC. When you go to add a new recording and search for your show, MC tells you how many days of listings there are. I should also note that if I manually update the Guide it says it was successful, if I have it set for automatic it says there were errors (nettv invalid package name).
It does say 13. It also says 13 on my Win 7 machine. Is this of any significance compared to it saying 14 days?
Honestly I don't know, I'm just going off what I've seen that it should be 14. I'm going to give it a few days and try the update process again to see what happens. If it stays at 13 days I'm sure there's nothing to worry about, at least not on that PC anyway.
"In most markets you really shouldn’t see much of a change. Rovi gets most of the same channel line-ups that Zap2It does. There may be some outliers though. The amount of data you receive shouldn’t change either. The goal is to continue to provide about two weeks of guide data."
It's not the content of the Guide I'm concerned about, but rather the process of it downloading correctly.
What does that mean? If the content of the guide is no cause for your concern, then it must have downloaded correctly. If the guide data applies to you, and you can record programs successfully, then all is well. I am seeing guide info for all my channels, and recording of programs is working perfectly. With that there is no longer a need to visit this thread as my problem has been solved. Take care!
If I only have 8 days of Guide to view, then it did not download correctly (especially when compared to my HTPC that has almost twice the number of days). That is what that means. And thanks for coming by. Glad everyone's hard work here paid off for you and you could stick around to return the favor.
has anyone managed to get the 'Extender' functionality of WMC working with this hack on Windows 10 so you can stream from PC to Xbox etc?
@abbodi1406 @dejong12 @T-S Is it possible to include the msmpeg2vdec.dll (official Microsoft DTV-DVD video decoder) in the next builds ? I think we need the exact version from the build your creating these builds from and correctly registered. This might be the KEY to playing back video, including DRM as it might be expecting the matching version of the file to meet DRM requirements. I am assuming as we are running WindowsMediaCenter_6.3.9600.16384_x64_v6 that this is from WIndows 8.1 v 6.3.9600.16384 So we would need that exact file and registered correctly.
Simple fix or not? I came across this forum after looking to see if anyone has tried this "simple" fix below, get-windows-media-center-running-on-windows-10-in-a-few-easy-steps from lifehacker Is it really as complicated as this 148 page thread makes it out to be? I have win 8.1 and I really really love WMC, but I also want to go to Win 10. Is the link above not true?
NextPVR and the rest Do Not play with CableCard tech. CableCard tech will block the tuning. If you want the raw ts stream you can use a QAM tuner but only clear QAM can be played. The tuner/cablecard combination doesn't allow a non-cablelabs certified app or device to tune a channel that's not flagged Copy-Freel In other words NextPVR/KODI is not a replacement for WMC. Only TIVO and WMC paid for the right to bypass the encryption. I have 137 clients, 47 have WMC. Those machine will stay on Win7 & Win 8.1, because they want the functionality of WMC NOT offered elsewhere. But then who cares, Windows is just an operating system.
msmpeg2vdec.dll manifest is exactly the same in both the only addition in W10 one is this key: Code: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ADOVMPPackage\Final] "ActivationEnabled"=dword:00000000 so the registration part won't be needed if you want to replace it with Win8.1, just copy it to system32 folder and overwrite it and possibly make a backup for the original one of course you will need TI token to replace the file without changing permissions example using the cmd opened by _TestRights.cmd: Code: ren C:\Windows\System32\msmpeg2vdec.dll msmpeg2vdec.dll.orig copy PathToDownloaded\msmpeg2vdec.dll C:\Windows\System32